Monday, November 18, 2024


Every milk-producing species that God created has something special. When a newborn baby is born he does not have an immune system, technically speaking, it's not mature. The immune system actually comes from the mother when she breastfeeds her child. However, here's what happens when that little baby drinks the milk and that milk gets down into the intestines and it's being absorbed. There's something special that is reabsorbed in the intestines. Do you know what that is? It's called antibodies. When they're reabsorbed guess what they do they become the defense mechanism in that baby's body? They will be looking around inside for anything foreign to a human being. So, guess what happens every milk-producing species that God creates? Their milk does the same thing!  like a baby calf is breastfeeding, the baby calf drinks some milk and the antibodies are in the baby system and it looks for anything foreign to a COW and destroys it.

Now human beings are the smartest created species on the face of the Earth that God created. Let's take the dumb goat or sheep or any dumb animal - they never drink the milk from another species - but the smart ones that God created, the humans they drink another species milk and here's what happens. Human frontal lobes are larger than the dumb created creatures and humans drink the cow's milk.

it has the antibodies of the cow and gets absorbed into the human intestine and the antibodies of the cow now start looking around for anything foreign to a cow so of course human bodies and a cow are different…so the human body is going to be foreign to the antibodies of a cow.  

They start to attack and destroy - and this is where the autoimmune diseases come in. If you know anyone suffering from autoimmune disease make sure they're off the milk the dairy.  The antibodies of the cow begin to destroy something called the beta cells that's why the question is for Type 1 Diabetes – “Who killed the beta cells?”  It's the antibodies - that's why when we say to get off a dairy product is not to deprive you of anything, it’s just trying to preserve you! This information saves lives – and people think there's nothing wrong with cow’s milk. It's very horrible stuff! It wasn't as bad years ago as it is today, but it is no longer safe to drink today.

If you're getting antibodies from a cow their white blood cells are their defense mechanism. If you get a bad infection or cut and it gets infected the white blood cells start to clean it up. They’re like the soldiers for your body – they’re the defense mechanism.

When we see white blood cells on the outside, that is an infection and we call that puss. When it's infected and you're drinking milk, you're drinking puss!!!  That's why it's a mucus building!!!  

Now here's the other thing there are grades of pus…
  • Grade A can have up to a million white blood cells per milliliter or cubic centimeter.
  • Grade B is what they use to make the cheese and ice cream out of.

Now where does ice cream come from?
Milk! It is just frozen pus with sugar.

You can substitute milk with rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk, walnut milk, sesame seed milk, etc. And all you have to do nowadays is go on YouTube and you can find how to make it. You can even make delicious homemade yogurt that is not cultured.


You don't need cultured stuff and you don't need fermented things. Your body makes its own bacteria. If you use flaxseed daily it's going to produce all the intestinal Flora that your body needs. It actually reactivates  and makes its own intestinal flora. If you go to Encyclopedia of Foods and Their Healing Power, Volume One, page 354, it says Flax seeds are rich in soluble fiber ….and regulates the Flora. So, flaxseed actually regulates the floor of the intestinal tract!!! However, you need to grind it first and put it on your food and then eat it.

“…Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of milk or butter. Tell them that THE TIME WILL SOON COME WHEN THERE WILL BE NO SAFETY IN USING eggs, MILK, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among men. The time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen race, the whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth. {CD 356.2} 

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Got info from MMT classes.

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