Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Importance of Exercise

3 John 1:2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

The health reform is an important part of the third angel's message; and as a people professing this reform, we should not retrograde, but make continual advancement. It is a great thing to ensure health by placing ourselves in right relations to the laws of life.” {ML 128.2}

“Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, EXERCISE, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. EVERY PERSON should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them...”  {MH 127)

Proper exercise is one of God's physicians.” (CH 261.2)

Education should be given on proper diet, dress, and EXERCISE…our own people be educated... according to God's order...”  {CD 406.4}

***Note: According to Lee Wellard @ Wildwood Lifestyle Center, when a person exercises TOO VIGOROUSLY, the body can produce blood clots, and it will affect fibrinolysin, which is an enzyme that has a role in blood clotting - so when this gets effected, it can lead to heart attacks.... (Remember 1 Corinthians 9:25… “…Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things...this INCLUDES EXERCISE.

“There is no exercise that can take the place of walking. By it the circulation of the blood is greatly improved.” -- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 78 (1871).

WALKING, in all cases where it is possible, IS THE BEST REMEDY for diseased bodies, because in this exercise all the organs of the body are brought into use.” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, p. 78 (1871)).

Jesus says, “...I must walk today, and tomorrow, and the day following...”

MORNING exercise, in walking in the free, invigorating air of heaven, or cultivating flowers, small fruits, and vegetables, is necessary to a healthful circulation of the blood. It is the surest safeguard against colds, coughs, congestion of brain and lungs, inflammation of the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs, and a hundred other diseases.” {ML 136.5}

A short walk after a meal, with the head erect and the shoulders back, exercising moderately, is a great benefit...”  {CD 103.3}

Exercise will aid the work of digestion. To walk out after a meal, hold the head erect, put back the shoulders, and exercise moderately, will be a great benefit...” {2T 530.1}

“...Should practice exercising out of doors in walking...”  {3T 78.1}

“Those who accustom themselves to proper exercise in the open air will generally have a good and vigorous circulation.”  {ML 136.4}

Go out and exercise in the open air every day, even though some things indoors have to be neglected.”  {ML 136.6}

“Rooms that are not freely ventilated daily... are not fit for use...not admitting pure air and the rays of the sun. It is dangerous to health and life...until the outside air shall have circulated through them for several hours... Every room...should be thoroughly ventilated every day, Every room...should be daily thrown open to the healthful rays of the sun, and the purifying air should be invited in. This will be a preventive of disease...The confined air of unventilated rooms meets us with sickening odors of mildew and the impurities exhaled by its inmates...are poisonous to the system.”  H. R. {HL 142.2}

***Note: Studies show that exercise outdoors in the sunshine can strengthen the heart 100 x more than working out in a gym...According to the studies, exercising outdoors has a more positive effect on the heart.

“…taking a BRISK WALK in the open air...”  {HR, November 1, 1880 par. 19}

Brisk, yet not violent exercise in the open air, with cheerfulness of spirits, will promote the circulation, giving a healthful glow to the skin, and sending the blood, vitalized by the pure air, to the extremities. The diseased stomach will find relief by exercise...”  {2T 530.2}

A short walk after a meal, with the head erect and the shoulders back, exercising moderately, is a great benefit...”  {CD 103.3}

“To engage in deep study or VIOLENT EXERCISE immediately after eating, hinders the digestive process...”  (CD 103.3)

Hours should be spent EACH DAY in walking or in working in the open air when the weather will permit...”  {HR, April 1, 1872 par. 5}

(If a person walks at least 2-3 miles a day, plus walk about 10-15 minutes after each meal and do some outdoor work, they will get a minimum of 2 hours of outdoor exercise) 10,000 Steps per day.

“It is the inaction of the human machinery that brings suffering and disease.”   {ML 136.3}

“More people die for want of exercise than through overfatigue; very many more rust out than wear out...” {ML 136.4}

Without physical exercise no one can have...vigorous health...”  {CT 307.2}

“In some cases, want of exercise causes the bowels and muscles to become enfeebled and shrunken, and these organs that have become enfeebled for want of use will be strengthened by exercise...”  (3T 78.2)

Those who are feeble and indolent should not yield to their inclination to be inactive, thus depriving themselves of air and sunlight, but should practice exercising out of doors in walking or working in the garden. They will become very much fatigued, but this will not injure them. . . . It is not good policy to give up the use of certain muscles because pain is felt when they are exercised. The pain is frequently caused by the effort of nature to give life and vigor to those parts that have become partially lifeless through inaction. The motion of these long-disused muscles will cause pain, because nature is awakening them to life.” {CH 200.1}

If invalids would recover health, they should not discontinue physical exercise.”  {2T 528.1}

Many sick people can NEVER get well without exercise.”  (3T 76)

  • Health requires regular exercise. (CD 444)
  • Mental health requires exercise. (2T 413)
  • Exercise is a powerful agent in the recovery of health. (ML 136)

  • Beneficial in treating colds (2T 530)
  • Blood circulation equalized (MH 238)
  • Blood circulation quickened (CH 199-200)
  • Blood sent to extremities (2T 530)
  • Body organs strengthened (MH 239)
  • Bowels strengthened (3T 78)
  • Brain relieved of weariness (3T 152)
  • Digestion aided (2T 413)
  • Digestive organs given healthy tone (CD 103)
  • Disease prevented (MM 81)
  • Diseased persons helped (CG 343)
  • Diseased stomach relieved (2T 530)
  • Entire human system invigorated (MM 107)
  • Expels impurities (2T 529)
  • Girls improved in mind and body (1T 686-687)
  • Gives life and strength to invalids (2T 530-531)
  • Kidneys strengthened (2T 533)
  • Liver strengthened (2T 533)
  • Lungs kept in good condition (MH 238)
  • Lungs strengthened (2T 533)
  • Mind healthfully influenced (1T 394)
  • Muscles given tone (1T 448)
  • Muscles strengthened (CH 199-200)
  • Nerves of sick people benefited by (MM 296)
  • Recovery from sickness (MH 240)
  • Skin given healthful glow (2T 530)
  • To regain body heat (HL 1901.1)
  • Waste matter accumulating in system is worked off (3T 310)
  • Youth protected from secret vice (2T 348 - 349)

  • Brain Workers (MH 238)
  • Children (CG 390)
  • Doctors (MM 292)
  • Indoor Workers (1T 515)
  • Invalids (4T 94; 2T 530)
  • Ministers (4T 408; CH 564; 3T 235)
  • People Employed Within doors (1T 515; CH 196)
  • Persons of Sedentary Habits (MH 240)
  • School Children (FE 60-61)
  • Sick people (MM 297)
  • Speakers (MH 309)
  • Students (CG 339-44; Ed 210)
  • Teachers (CT 281)
  • Those whose bodies are normally cold (HL 190.1)
  • Young Women (3T 150)
  • Youth (FE 114; CG 390)

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Got info from MMT classes.

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