Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Benefits of Black Strap Molasses

3 John 2  “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in healtheven as thy soul prospereth.”

“...would it not be wiser for all to educate themselves in the use of simple remedies, than to venture to use drugs that are given a long name to hide their real qualities. Why need anyone be ignorant of God's remedies...All should understand what to do {for} themselves. They may call upon someone who understands nursing, but everyone should have an intelligent knowledge of the house he lives in. All should understand what to do in case of sickness.” {2SM 289.4}

One of the most valuable foods we have today – Molasses comes from the Latin word “melaceres” which, by definition, means honey like. Molasses was the sweetener of choice during colonial times as it was less costly. Some historians believe that the Molasses Act of 1733 passed by England was the catalyst to colonial unrest and dissatisfaction. England by placing a tariff hoped to discourage trade with the West Indies. In the mid-twentieth century it became a popular item with the health food movement. Blackstrap molasses is made by boiling down the sugar cane. This process is repeated three times to crystallize and remove the crystals (refined sugar that is completely void of any minerals and is a toxic substance). The third cooking process results in this black goop that is full of minerals. Most people only associate it with the mineral iron. It has gems of minerals waiting to be easily assimilated into the body.

Molasses contains an excellent supply of (B Vitamins). It is an alkali-forming food, BENEFICIAL FOR MAINTAINING A PROPER ACID-ALKALI BALANCE IN THE BODY.


CHROMIUM – 1 tablespoon will supply 100% of the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of Chromium. Chromium is needed to metabolize sugar. A deficiency of chromium has been shown to lead to weight gain and diabetes, which is interesting since SUGAR DEPLETES YOUR BODY OF CHROMIUM.

CALCIUM – Which IS ESSENTIAL TO HEALTH, IS HIGH IN BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES. Just 2 teaspoons contains 11.8% of the RDA of Calcium. One tablespoon of Molasses contains more calcium than a glass of milk (+/- 100milligrams). Calcium is important to healthy bones, teeth formation, and prevention of bone loss. Calcium assists in many bodily functions such as the contracting of muscles and heart, blood clotting, and nerve function. Calcium binds with toxins in the colon and helps in their elimination. This improves colon health and reduces risks of colon cancer.

COPPER – IS ANOTHER MINERAL THAT IS IN HIGH QUANTITIES IN THIS POT OF WEALTH. You get 14% of the RDA in just 2 t. blackstrap molasses. an inadequate intake of copper in our diet can lead to numerous health issues such as elevation of 2 LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowering HDL (good cholesterol), early graying of hair, osteoporosis, deficiency iron anemia, impaired brain function, joint problems and sporadic heartbeat.

MANGANESE – Is very important for a healthy nervous system. Aren't we all stressed at times? It helps in the production of protein and carbohydrates. It is also an important part of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) which protects us against free radicals. Just 2 teaspoons provides 18% of RDA.
(MAGNESIUM) is responsible for the calcium intake to the nerve cells. It is critical in bone and cell energy production. It also helps in the regulation of calcium levels. You get 7.3% in just two teaspoons of blackstrap molasses.

ZINC – is an essential mineral. It is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrate, energy, protein synthesis, carbon dioxide transport.

1. Essential in the healing of wound
2. Anti-stress
3. For normal skeletal growth
4. Helps in improvement of brain function (including memory).
5. Helps alleviate benign prostatic hypertrophy.
6. Aid in the synthesis of insulin (most diabetic have low level of zinc).

CHOLINE – is used by the brain to make acetycholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in MEMORY FUNCTION. It helps build cell membranes and move fats and nutrients between cells. Choline aids in reproduction, fetal and infant development, a health liver, gallbladder, and heart. Choline increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol.

PHOSPHORIC ACID – Molasses is also rich in this. If this and potassium are deficient, a general breakdown of the cells, especially of the nerves and brain, can occur. BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES IS THE HIGHEST FOOD SOURCE OF (POTASSIUM).

1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses has 340 mg. of potassium.
1 tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses has 720 mg. of potassium.

Potassium helps in the regulation of high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. It helps in electrolyte balance and it aids in the smooth functioning of the muscular and nervous system. Low potassium levels have been linked to cancer. A mere two teaspoons give 9.7% of RDA.

IRON – The crowning jewel that most associate with blackstrap molasses is iron. Blackstrap molasses provides more iron than red meat, which is commonly used for iron, and has less calories and no fat. Another commonly used way to increase iron levels are pharmaceuticals. These iron supplements tend to be very constipating, while blackstrap molasses helps in regulating bowels.

Iron assists in hemoglobin production, transporting oxygen to the cells. It is also an essential part of energy systems for energy production and metabolism. Blackstrap molasses boosts iron reserves, energizing the body.

This is a great benefit during menstruation cycle, pregnancy, lactation, and for growing children when iron levels are taxed. Excellent results have even shown in blood tests in as little as three weeks taking just one tablespoon per day. 2 teaspoons have 13.3% of RDA.

SELENIUM – Last but not least in our mineral treasure chest is selenium. It is 3.5% of the RDA, and B6 at 5% RDA in only two teaspoons of black strap molasses. Selenium helps in protection of the elasticity of tissues. It is an antioxidant. It boosts the immune system and protects against cancer. It also plays a role in blood pressure levels.

B6 (Pyridoxine) is critical in the development of the nervous system. It aids the body in utilizing amino acids. B6 aids in the production of serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine.

Word of caution - use only UNSULPHURED blackstrap molasses! Organic is best, but for sure use unsulphured. We don't want toxins with our food. A DEFINITE SUPER FOOD!

Acne, Acid Reflux, Anemia, Angina Pectoris (chest pain), Arthritic Pain, Anxiety, Bruises, Cold Sores, Constipation, Colitis, Cyst Reduction, Dermatitis, Edema, Eczema, Gray Hair (restoring), Hair Damage, Heart Palpitations, Joint Pain, Menstrual Flow (regulation), Nails (brittle), Osteoporosis, Psoriasis, Tooth Decay, Tumor Reduction, Ulcers, Varicose Veins,  and Warts.


***Blackstrap Molasses can be mixed in Juice, Water, Hot Cereal, Hot Herbal Tea, etc.
***For children, give no more than 1 teaspoon 3 times per day.

 ***Some of the information provided has been taken from a paper written by Yvonne Salcido.

SISTER WHITE APPROVED OF MOLASSES: “I know no reason why you cannot set just as good a table as we do. We have nothing but the simplest articles prepared in a variety of ways, all strictly hygienic. We have cracked wheat; for a change, cracked corn. We then take sorghum MOLASSES, put water with it and boil it thoroughly, stir in a little thickening of flour, and this we eat on our puddings, graham or cracked wheat, or cracked corn.” {2BIO 303.2}

WHEN NOT TO EAT MOLASSES: “I hope you will not eat much sweet. Your skin is in a bad condition. You must tell Anna to get fruit instead of molasses. . . . Don't stint yourself on fruit. Apples at one dollar a bushel are not high, and are more beneficial to health.” --Letter 7, 1866, p. 1. (To Edson White, December 13, 1866.) {3MR 183.1}

2BIO = Biographical Books, Volume 2
3MR = Manuscript Releases, Volume 3

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Got info from MMT classes.

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