Friday, June 21, 2024

Dress & Physiology


James 5:20 – “Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error if his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.”

“Perilous times are before us...the enemy is on our track we must be wide awake, on our guard against him...we must follow the directions given through the spirit of prophecy. We must love and obey the truth for this time. This will save us from accepting strong delusions. God has spoken to us through his word. He has spoken to us through the testimonies to the church and through the books that have helped to make plain our present duty and the position that we should now occupy. The warnings that have been given, line upon line, precept upon precept, should be heeded. If we disregard them, what excuse can we offer?”  {8T 298.1}

“...I have been shown that unbelief in the testimonies of warning, encouragement, and reproof is shutting away the light from God's people. Unbelief is closing their eyes so that they are ignorant of their true condition. The true witness thus describes their blindness...” {3T 255.3}

“Very many feel impatient and jealous because they are frequently disturbed with warnings and reproofs ...those who are reproved by the spirit of God should not rise up against...” {3T 256.3 - 257.1}

 “...The testimony of the true witness is not a smooth message...”  {3T 257.2}

God leads his people on step by step. He brings them up to different points calculated to manifest what is in the heart. Some endure one point, but fall off at the nextAt every advanced point the heart is tested and tried a little closer... If the professed people of God find their hearts opposed to this straight work, it should convince them that they have a work to do to overcome, if they would not be spewed out of the mouth of the lord. Said the angel: God will bring his work closer and closer to test and prove every one of his people.” Some are willing to receive one point, but when God brings them to another testing point, they shrink from it and stand back, because they find that it strikes directly some cherished idol. Here they have opportunity to see what is in their hearts that shuts out Jesus...individuals are tested and proved a length of time to see if they will sacrifice their idols and heed the counsel of the true witness...if any will not be purified through obeying the truth...the angels of God have the charge: “they are joined to their idols, let them alone,” and they pass on to their work, leaving these with their sinful traits unsubdued, to the control of evil angels. Those who come up to every point, and stand every test, and overcome, be the price what it may, have heeded the counsel of the true witness, and they will receive the latter rain, and thus be fitted for translation.”  (1T 187.1)

“...Elevate the standard of truth and urge the people to come up to is this pointed testimony that will bring them up to decideA peaceful testimony will not do this....”  {1T 248.2}

“...God's servants must bear a pointed testimony, which will cut the natural heart and develop character...”  (1T 249.1-.2)

If those who have been in the church for weeks and months have not learned the straightness of the way, and what it is to be Christians, and cannot hear all the straight truths of the word of God, it were better they were cut off from Israel. IT IS TOO LATE IN THE DAY TO FEED WITH MILK. If souls a month or two old in the truth, who are about to enter the time of trouble such as never was, cannot hear all the straight truth, or endure the strong meat of the straightness of the way, how will they stand in the day of battle? Truths we have been years learning must be learned in a few months by those who now embrace the third angel's message…”  (1MR 33.3)

Today we will be discussing the subject of dress and how dress and physiology are connected, but before we do, I would like to share some very important quotes:

Fashion is deteriorating the intellect and eating out the spirituality of our people. Obedience to fashion is pervading our Seventh-day Adventist churches and is doing more than any other power to separate our people from god. I have been shown that our church rules are very deficient. All exhibitions of pride in dress, which is forbidden in the word of God, should be sufficient reason for church discipline...”  {4T 647.2}

God has been testing his people. He allowed the testimony concerning dress to become silent, that our sisters might follow their own inclination and thus develop the real pride existing in their hearts....”  (4T 639.3)

We judge of a person's character by the style of dress...a refined taste, a cultivated mind, will be revealed in the choice of simple and appropriate attire.”  {CH 601.2}

“...DRESS...reveal that which is most treasured by those who claim to be pilgrims and strangers on the earth...”  (5T 188.4)

“Perhaps NO question has ever come up among us which has caused such development of character as has the dress reform.” {4T 636.3}

“...He who is converted from errors in eating, drinking, and DRESSING is being prepared to hear and receive the truth into a good and willing heart...” (CH 221.4)

Self-denial and self-sacrifice will mark the Christian's life. Evidence that the taste is really converted will be seen in the dress of all who walk the narrow path...” {6MR 160.4}

Christians should not neglect to search the scriptures on these points. They need to understand that which the Lord of heaven appreciates even in dressing of the body...even the style of the apparel will express the truth of the gospelTheir dress bears its testimony...” {6MR 161.1}.

There is need of putting more of the bible precept into the dress, as well as the inward adorning into the character.” {DG 158.2}

“...In conversation and in dress, we must represent the truth. A decided guard must be placed upon the human agents in regard to...dress...” {DG 158.1} (Written in 1894)

Our dress should be in strict accordance with the character of our holy faith...” {DG 158.2}

The idolatry of dress is a moral most cases, submission to the gospel requirements will demand a decided change in the dress.”   {6T 96.1} 

Should not the people of God, who are his peculiar treasure, seek even in their dress to glorify God...” (HR, February 1, 1872 par. 4)

True dress reform regulates every article of clothing worn upon the person.” {PH022 2.1)

“...In the preparation of their clothing, are they careful not to dishonor their profession of faith? Can they seek the Lord's blessing....? ” {RH, December 6, 1881 par. 8}

God in his wisdom has established natural laws for the proper control of our dress, our appetites, and our passions, and he requires of us obedience in every particular.”  -- 1883 {HL 17.3}

The transgression of physical law is the transgression of God's law...and the human being who is careless and reckless of the habits and practices that concern his physical life and health, SINS AGAINST GOD...” {CD 43.3}

“In all respects the dress should be healthful.” Above all things, God desires us to “be in Health”--health of body and soul. And we are to be workers together with him for the health of both soul and body. Both are promoted by healthful dress.” (MH 288.3)

“...There is a growing disposition to sacrifice health and the favor of God upon the altar of ever-changing, never satisfying fashion.” {4T 638.2)

(In a little while, we will be discussing some of these “fashions” that are sacrificing our health).

“Satan knows that women have a power of influence for good or for evil; therefore he seeks to enlist them in his cause. He invents multitudinous fashions, and tempts the women of present day, as he did eve to pluck and eat, to adopt these ever-changing, never-satisfying modes.” {WM 161.1}

“It is manifest that most women do not think and act in reference to dress from reason and reflection. They accept, without questioningthat which society and fashion imposes upon them....” {HR, May 1, 1872 par. 2} (Acts 9:6)

I would ask...of today who profess to believe present truth...when they really desire an article of dress, or some ornament of convenience, do they lay the matter before the Lord in prayer to know if His Spirit would sanction this expenditure of means?” -- {RH, December 6, 1881 par. 8} (Acts 9:6)

 “...In the preparation of their clothing...can they seek the Lord's blessing...? It is one thing to join the church, and quite another thing to be united to Christ. Unconsecrated, world-loving professors of religion are one of the most serious causes of weakness in the church of Christ.” {RH, December 6, 1881 par. 8}

1MR = Manuscript Releases, Volume 1
1T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 1
3T = 258.2-.3
3T 324.1-.2
3T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 3
4T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 4
5T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5
6MR = Manuscript Releases, Volume 6
6T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 6
8T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 8
CD = Counsels on Diet & Foods
CG = 432.3
CG = Child Guidance
CH = 91.2-.3
CH = Counsels on Health
CTBH = 77.1
CTBH = Christian Temperance & Bible Hygiene
DG = Sons and Daughters of God
HL = Healthful Living
HR = Health Reformer Articles
MH = Ministry of Healing
PH022 = Pamphlet022
RH = Review & Herald Articles
WM = Welfare Ministry

(9-14-13) Dressing for Health

Educate, educate, the dress...”  {TSA 87.2} (Testimonies to Southern Africa)

Teach the people how to prevent disease. Tell them to CEASE REBELLING against nature's laws...”  (13MR 178.2)

“...An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  {20MR 1.5}

In all respects, the dress should be healthful...”  (MH 288.3)

Disease never comes without a cause the way is prepared, and DISEASE INVITED, by disregard of the laws of health...they disregard the principles of health by their habits of eating, drinking, DRESSING, and working...” {MH 234.1-2}

The fashionable style of woman's dress is one of the greatest causes of all these terrible diseases…”
{HL 64.2}

More (women) die as the result of following fashion than from all other causes.”  --H. R. {HL 64.3}

“Women especially are the victims of various maladies which might be lessened, if not entirely prevented, by right habits of life. Half (50%) their sufferings may be attributed to their manner of dress, and the insane desire to conform to the fashions of the world…” {HL 64.4}

Health cannot be enjoyed where there is not an equal circulation of the blood; therefore....we advocate that the limbs of women should not be exposed, but sensibly, neatly, and comfortably clad...”  {HR, May 1, 1872 par. 3}

“...To secure a good circulation of the current of human life, all parts of the body must be suitably clad....” {HR, August 1, 1868 par. 15}

There is but one in a thousand who clothes her limbs as she should...”  (HL 124.2)

Sister White mentions covering the extremities/limbs of the body many, many times.

The limbs were not formed by our creator to endure exposure, as was the face...” (2T 531.3) Genesis 3:7, 21

ANOTHER EVIL which custom fosters is the unequal distribution of clothing... the FEET and LIMBS, being remote from the vital organs, should be especially from cold by abundant clothing...” (CH 92.3)

“Many say they have no objections to the length of the dress, but they could never put on the pants.” {HR, May 1, 1872 par. 3}

“...The limbs thoroughly dressed with warm pants shock their modestySuch opposition to the pants, which are positively modest, and which PROTECT THE LIMBS from exposure and chilliness, should be supported by sensible reason...”  {HR, May 1, 1872 par. 4}

True dress reform regulates EVERY ARTICLE OF DRESS worn upon the person...” {HR, January 1, 1877 par. 7}

The physiology of dress reform – Go to Proverbs 31:21

1. “...It is impossible to have health when the extremities are habitually coldfor if there is too little blood in them there will be too much in other portions of the body. PERFECT HEALTH REQUIRES A PERFECT CIRCULATION; but this cannot be had while three or four times as much clothing is worn upon the upon the feet and limbs.” {CH 92.3}

Fashion clothes woman's chest ...”  {HR, August 1, 1868 par. 15}

  • Arteries are the vessels that take blood from the heart and carry it to all parts of your body.
  • They tend to be high pressure vessels.
  • They tend to run deep in the tissue.

  • These are vessels that return the blood to the heart so it can by oxygenated by the lungs.
  • They are low pressure vessels.
  • They tend to run on the surface of the body....the vessels that you tend to see bulge on the body.

Basically, we have one artery for every two veins...One going out for every two coming back.

2. “The limbs and feet have large veins, to receive a large amount of blood, that warmth, nutrition, elasticity, and strength, may be imparted to them. But when the blood is chilled from these extremities, their blood-vessels contract, which makes the circulation of the necessary amount of blood in them still more difficult...” {HR, August 1, 1868 par. 16}

3. “Our Creator has formed the limbs with large veins and vessels to contain a large proportion of blood, that the limbs may be sufficiently nourished and proportionately warm with other portions of the body. But fashion robs the limbs of coverings, and the life current is chilled from its natural channel and thrown back upon its internal organs...” {HR, January 1, 1877 par. 7}

Special attention should be given to the extremities, that they may be as thoroughly clothed as the chest and region over the heart, where is the greatest amount of heat...”  (2T 531.2)

5. “THE LIMBS, which SHOULD HAVE EVEN MORE COVERING THAN ANY OTHER PORTION OF THE BODY, because farthest from the center of circulation, are often not suitably protected; while over the vital organs, where there is naturally more warmth than in other portions of the body, there is an undue proportion of covering...” (CTBH 89.1)

In order to equalize the circulation of the blood, the clothing should be equally distributed upon the person, that equal warmth may be preserved in all parts of the body.”  (HR, January 1, 1877 par. 7)

“...Bare arms and legs and with low-necked dresses...”  {HR, January 1, 1872 par. 2}

 “...We think this mode of dressing must be reckoned as one of the most prominent causes of summer complaints, so called. In colder weather, congestion and inflammation of the lungs, congestion and inflammation of the brain, convulsions, etc., will result. At all seasons, congestion, more or less is caused...”  {HR, January 1, 1872 par. 3}

Many have become life-long invalids through their compliance with the demands of fashion...” (CTBH 87.2)
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Endometriosis
  •  Painful Cycles
  •  PMS
  •  Etc.

9. The extremities are chilled, and the heart has thrown upon it double labor, to force the blood into these chilled extremities; and when the blood has performed its circuit through the body, and returned to the heart, it is not the same vigorous, warm current which left it. It has been chilled in its passage through the limbs. The heart, weakened by too great labor and poor circulation of poor blood, is then compelled to still greater exertion, to throw the blood to the extremities which are never as healthfully warm as other parts of the body. The heart fails in its efforts...” (HL 124.4)

  • Shortness of Breath
  • Headaches; nosebleeds; fullness in chest; palpitations of the heart
  • Irritation and Restlessness

10. IF the dress of the child combines warmth, protection, and comfort, one of the chief causes of irritation and restlessness will be removed. The little one will have better health, and the mother will not find the care of the child so heavy a tax upon her strength and time.” (CG 425.4)

The limbs of our children SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY and sensibly clad...” {HR, January 1, 1877 par. 8}

Parents who dress their children with the extremities naked, or nearly so, are sacrificing the health and lives of their children to fashion...”   (CG 426.2/2T 531.2)

“...Children are killed by the manner in which they are dressed...left with bare arms and legs and with low-necked dresses...”  {HR, January 1, 1872 par. 2}

It is a sin in the sight of heaven for parents to dress their children as they do...” (2SM 471.3)

  • Cancer
  • Catarrh
  • Congestion
  • Congestion of the Head/brain
  • Congestion of the lungs
  • Constant Cold
  • Constipation
  • Croup
  • Diarrhea
  • Displacements
  • Double labor on the heart
  • Edema (dropsy)
  • Increased cholesterol levels
  • Indigestion
  • Influenza
  • Life-long invalids
  • Miscarriages
  • Nerves and veins become contracted, causing bad circulation
  • Paleness, weakness, dwarfed limbs, small muscles
  • Post Nasal Drip
  • Premature death
  • Swellings in the Neck (swollen glands, mumps) and Face
  • Thyroid problems
  • Weakened heart

Animals or humans given cold treatment by placing them in cold water or a refrigerated room to check out the physiological effect of cold:

  • Adrenal Glands
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Blood Cells
  • Blood Forming Organs
  • Blood Pressure
  • Brain & Nervous System
  • Endocrine Glands
  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Liver
  • Sodium & Chloride
  • Spleen
  • Stomach
  • Thyroid

11. Satan invented the fashions which leave the limbs exposed...” {2T 531.3}

12. It is Satan's design so to pervert every function of our being that life may be made miserable, and God may be dishonored in the creatures he has made.” (CTBH 88.1)

How many are miserable because they are not dressing properly? It is a solemn statement; one that should take us to our knees, possibly before our wardrobe and make some decisions…  (Acts 9:6)

“When they really desire an article of they lay the matter before the Lord in prayer to know if his spirit would sanction this expenditure of meansIn the preparation of their clothing, are they careful not to dishonor their profession of faith…?”  {RH, December 6, 1881 par. 8}

ANOTHER EVIL which custom fosters is the unequal distribution of clothing...the FEET AND LIMBS, being remote from the vital organs, should be especially from cold by abundant clothing...”   (CH 92.3)

“Some say we do not think it is modest to expose the feet and the limbs as they must be exposed in wearing the short dress. This is the very thing we seek to guard against in adopting the reform dress. It is true that this style of dress exposes the feet. And why should woman be ashamed of her well-clad feet any more than men are of theirs? It is of no use for her to try to conceal the fact that she has feet. This was a settled fact long before the use of trailing skirts.”  {HR, May 1, 1872 par. 17}

“We cannot, if we would, conceal the fact that women have feet and limbs that were made for use. But in regard to the exposure, this is on the other side of the question. We have traveled extensively the past twenty-five years, and have been eye-witnesses to many indecent exposures of the limbs. But the most common exposure is seen upon the streets in light snow, or wet and mud. Both hands are required to elevate the dress, that it may clear the wet and filth. It is a common thing to see the dress raised one-half of a yard, EXPOSING AN ALMOST UNCLAD ANKLE to the sight of gentlemen, but no one seems to blush at this IMMODEST EXPOSURE. No one's sensitive modesty seems shocked for the reason that this is customary. It is fashion, and for this reason it is endured. No outcry of immodesty is heard, although it is so in the fullest sense...” {HR, May 1, 1872 par. 18}

But does the popular style of woman's dress always hide her feet from the public gaze? See that lady passing over the muddy street, holding her skirts nearly twice as far from the ground as ours, exposing, not only her feet, but her nearly-naked limbs. Similar exposures are frequent as she ascends and descends the stairs, as she is helped into, and out of carriages. These exposures are disagreeable, if not shameful; and a style of dress which makes their frequent occurrence almost certain, we must regard as a poor safeguard of modesty and virtue.

“Warm boots with thick soles should cover the feet...” (HR, January 1, 1877 par. 8)

“If the feet are clothed with good-sized, thick-soled, warm boots or shoes, for comfort rather than fashion, the blood will be induced to circulate freely in the limbs and feet, as well as other portions of the body...”  (HL 124.1)

The small HIGH HEELS CRAMP THE MOVEMENT, injure the carriage of the person, and often deform the feet...” (HR, May 1, 1872 par. 7)

Women are too often tempters...If women would only elevate their lives...there would be less danger through their influence...” (5T 596.2}

Many men have foot fetishes.

Artificial hair and pads covering the base of the brain, heat and excite the nerves centering in the brain. . . . The heat caused by these artificial coverings induces the blood to the brain, producing congestion. In consequence of the brain's being congested its nerves lose their healthy action.”  (HL 198.6)

Fashion loads the heads of women with artificial braids and pads, which do not add to their beauty, but give an unnatural shape to the head. The hair is strained and forced into unnatural positions, and it is not possible for the heads of these fashionable ladies to be comfortable. The artificial hair and pads covering the base of the brain, heat and excite the spinal nerves centering in the brain. The head should ever be kept cool. The heat caused by these artificials induces the blood to the brain. The action of the blood upon the lower or animal organs of the brain, causes unnatural activity, tends to recklessness in morals, and the mind and heart is in danger of being corrupted. As the animal organs are excited and strengthened, the moral are enfeebled. The moral and intellectual powers of the mind become servants to the animal.”  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 9}

Even the real Indian Hair carries many diseases that is being transferred to the wearer.

Unless using a natural herbal hair coloring, dying hair can cause leukemia. The dye penetrates through the scalp into the brain and then down into the bones.

MEDICAL SCIENCE has shown that this dye does something to the marrow of the bone. Those who perform autopsies are able to distinguish who has and has not gotten their hair dyed.

“They may ask for a dress that is cut low in the neck because it is the fashion to wear them so. Who has supposed such a fashion? It is not a right fashion, and we should not allow ourselves to consider it right...” (7MR 23.3)

Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation...”  (2T 531.2)

“Because it is the fashion, many females place over their breasts paddings, to give the form the appearance of well-developed breasts. These appendages attract blood to the chest, and produce a dry, irritating heat. The veins, because of unnatural heat, become contracted, and the natural circulation is obstructed. These appendages, in connection with other bad habits of dressing and eating, result in obstructing the process of nature, making a healthy development of the breasts impossible. And if these become mothers, there cannot be a natural secretion of the fluids, to have a sufficient supply of nourishment for their offspring.”  {HR, September 1, 1871 par. 4}

“You need comfortable underclothing, which you must have in order to have health...”  (DG 158.4)

“It is essential to health that the chest should have room to expand fully, so that the lungs may be enabled to take full inspirations of air. Many who have died of consumption might have lived their allotted term of life had they dressed in accordance with the laws of their being.” (HL 176.1)

“...The dress should fit easily, obstructing neither the circulation of the blood, nor a free, full, natural respiration...” (CTBH 89.1)

“The dangers resulting from a compression of the waist are not realized by the majority of women...the corsets and dresses of most women are worn too tight for the proper action of the vital organs. The lungs, heart, and liver are burdened in their work. Every article of clothing upon the person should be worn so loose that, in raising the arms, the clothing will be correspondingly lifted by the action.” {HR, February 1, 1877 par. 6}

God's loyal people are the light of the world, and the salt of the earth. And they should ever remember that their influence is of value. Were they to exchange the extreme long, for the extreme short dress, they would, to a great extent, destroy their influence. Unbelievers, whom it is their duty to benefit, and seek to bring to the Lamb of God, would be disgusted. Many improvements can be made in the dress of females in reference to health, without making so great a change as to disgust the beholder.”  {2SM 478.2}

“My views were calculated to correct the present fashion, the extreme long dress, trailing upon the ground, and also to correct the extreme short dress, reaching about to the knees, which is worn by a certain class. was shown that we should shun both extremes. By wearing the dress reaching about to the top of a woman's gaiter boot we shall escape the evils of the extreme long dress, and shall also shun the evils and notoriety of the extreme short dress.”  {1T 464.1}

“We have adopted the uniform length of about NINE INCHES from the floor...I would earnestly recommend uniformity in length, and would say that NINE INCHES as nearly accords with my views of the matter as I am able to express it in inches.” {1T 521.1}

“And when the subject of inches came up in order to secure uniformity as to length everywhere, a rule was brought and it was found that the length of our dresses ranged from eight to ten inches from the floor.  --The Review and Herald, Oct. 8, 1867.” {3SM 279.1}

“The extreme long dress, trailing upon the ground, and also to correct the extreme short dress, reaching about to the knees, which is worn by a certain class. I was shown that we should shun both extremes. By wearing the dress reaching about to the top of a woman's gaiter boot we shall escape the evils of the extreme long dress, and shall also shun the evils and notoriety of the extreme short dress.”  {1T 464.1}

Don't wear clothing that makes you sweat, but instead, helps cool you down.” (Ezekiel 44:18)

The Bible condemns all extremes in dress and the following of the fashions of this degenerate age...” {RH, December 19, 1893 par. 8}

“...Fashion is deteriorating the intellect and eating out the spirituality of our people. Obedience to FASHION is pervading our Seventh-Day Adventist Churches and is doing more than any other power to separate our people from God...”  {4T 647.2}

God will have a people SEPARATE from the world. And as soon as any have a desire to imitate the fashions of the world, that they do not immediately subdue, just so soon God ceases to acknowledge them as his children. They are the children of the world...”  (1T 136.1-137)

I have been shown that our CHURCH RULES are VERY DEFICIENT.”  {4T 647.2}

“There is a terrible sin upon us as a people, that we have permitted our church members to dress in a manner inconsistent with their faith. We must arise at once and close the door against the allurements of fashionUnless we do this, our churches will become demoralized.”  (4T 648.1)



1T 456-465; 521-525
3T 258.4-260.1
4T 624-628
DG 153-157
MH 287-294
TDG 278.2-3

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