Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It's Mostly In The Mind (Part 4) As He Thinketh In His Heart) Dealing With a Person's Thought Processes

We last talked about Elijah's Depression.

God allows people to go through things because their experience can make them stronger with the help of Christ. We all must go through trials.

Ask the people “What is it you think you can learn from this particular situation”...Satan wants us to focus on the negatives of what is happening, but if we can see the positives, there can and will be a blessing in it..

“You have to talk faith, you have to live faith, you have to act faith that you may have an increase of faith.” {Faith and Works 78.2} 

***Talk It; Live It; Act It; Then you can have an increase.

When we ask for patience, we don't expect to learn it in the way it comes to us.

***What you think, you become 

Q:  What is the Bible text that comes to your mind when you say that?
A:  “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7

Psychologists are just starting to realize that we need to now look at how people think.  There's an area of Psychology called “COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY” And now, research is showing, that when people change their thoughts, it actually changes the Neuro Chemistry in their brain.  And so they are starting to work on helping people to change thoughts.

Most of our feelings come from what we tell ourselves...we don't feel bad because of what happened.  We feel bad because of what we tell ourselves.

Example: A church member does not speak to you. You say to yourself, what is wrong with her? I know she saw me” why is she ignoring me? And then you feel bad. It's not because your church member didn't speak to you that you feel bad, it's because of what you tell yourself about what the church member does that you feel bad.

Another Example: Your spouse does something you say, “He or she doesn't care for me or respect me”... How do you now feel?  You feel down, low, depressed, you feel sad.

**What can you say to yourself instead that might not lead to those kind of feelings when something does something you don't like?

Ask yourself this question: Do I have any hard evidence that supports what I am thinking? Telling yourself the truth...we get into problems because we tell ourselves lies, and we follow it, believe it and act on it.

Tell your spouse “My arm hurts” and he doesn't say anything...then you think he doesn't care for you etc...Now gentlemen, a special attention is nice, so be mindful of what your spouse is going through.

When you are worried, find scripture to counteract the thought.

For those who worry about financial matters (Matthew 6:33)...when you repeat that, it counteracts thoughts of will I get the mortgage paid, etc.

Looking for scripture before the situation comes about is very important to counteract that thought.

Q:  What are some other bible verses that you think can counteract that kind of thinking...? 
       (Deuteronomy 33:25b)
A:  “As thy day, so shall thy strength be”...have people quote that who deal with a lot of stress...have them repeat it to themselves...

This lady went through so much stress, and she was not a Christian, and she said this helped her more than anything.

Thoughts affect feelings and they also affect our behavior.

We can respond in an angry way and shut down when we think we have been mistreated...remember, it's how we think that determines how we respond.


Every time you have an angry thought, an unkind thought, a sad thought, your brain releases chemicals that make your body feel bad...the reverse is true as well. These are endorphins in the body.

***Studies show that if you are angry for 5 minutes, this can suppress your immune system for 5 hours.

***One bitter thought changes the blood chemistry from alkali to acidic.

A lot of people are hospitalized because they're so sensitive to how other people think and how they react.
It's called distorted self-image...not really seeing what's in the mirror and you need the Holy Spirit to show you that.

Christian's beware of secular would be amazed, according to Dr. Parks said we would be amazed at how we used are acting out secular psychology principles in our own lives, in our homes, and in the church, etc.

Another Dr. at NIMH; (National Institute of Mental Health) studied the activity of the brain in 10 normal women under three conditions:

1.When they were thinking happy thoughts
2. When they were thinking neutral thoughts
3. When they were thinking sad thoughts

During the happy thoughts, the limbic system was just kind of cooled down, not doing much activity.  During the sad thoughts, the limbic system was working up.  What is the limbic system responsible for? EMOTIONS. This Dr. was actually able to see on whatever medical device he used, that when they had sad thoughts, the limbic system was actually heating up...acting up, so there's actually a physiological response that goes on in our bodies with these types of thoughts.

And that's the problem with secular Psychology regarding “TALK THERAPY”  it does nothing to the frontal lobe...all it effects is the limbic system...people say “I feel so much better”, but then next week they are at square one.

What part of the brain do we really need to impact to make changes?
The frontal lobe...if we just talk about the problems, you will only feel better, but not get better. Depressed people have very little activity in the frontal lobe...Happy people have very active frontal lobes...

Q:  What does this tell you about frontal lobe and depression? 
A:  That depression suppresses frontal lobe activity...Or, the other way around might be, suppressed frontal lobe activity leads to depression.

And what studies show is that virtually all depressed people do not have enough activity in their frontal lobe...that's why we need to stay away from terrible programs, etc...and things that will affect the frontal lobe because that's an underlying factor and Dr. Magna parks says that she did not learn this in the school that taught her psychology.. She learned this after studying the health message.

According to Dr. Parks, in 2 to 8 sessions, people would be COMPLETELY CURED OF DEPRESSION by applying all these things we have discussed previously.


Q:  Do you know that Jesus often addressed people's thoughts...He did this mainly when he was dealing with what group of people.  
A:  Pharisees...He said to them “Why think ye evil in your hearts?”

So Jesus, even in the Bible, confirms that people need to get a hold of their thoughts. And then when you look at the flood, before the flood came. 

Q: What did Genesis 6:5 say? 
A: Their THOUGHTS WERE EVIL CONTINUALLY...You see, and if you read in Patriarchs and Prophets about some of the things they were doing, it was the thoughts that led them to do engage in many of those behaviors.  So the Bible confirms THE IMPORTANCE OF US GETTING A HOLD OF OUR THOUGHTS.
Read 2 Corinthians 10:5
***As you practice counteracting the thought, they will decrease in frequency.
WARNING: Dr. Magna Parks said when she would counsel sexual predators, in school, she and all the other Psychologists were taught that these men cannot change...We know this is false...However, one of the main things they would teach these men who would have certain thoughts was to  CHANGE THEIR THOUGHTS...So even in the World, they are recognizing the importance of changing the thought process.

Even with pornography cause you can sit there looking at the pictures with no one seeing you and your thoughts can get going.

Masturbation is continued by the process of thoughts...The thought process has to be addressed. There are things you can do on a human level to deal with these issues..

Thoughts can contribute to:
a. Physical Problems
b. Spiritual Problems
c. Mental Problems
d. Anxiety Issues

***Science is showing that if you can help people deal better with their thoughts, you can help depression and anxiety, but we know THE MAIN KEY IS CHRIST.

Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them (Psalms 119:165)...Have these people read Exodus 20:3-17 and a Psalm every day if possible.

Have those having anxiety to change their thoughts that they won't die ....tell them to pray and speak positive things to themselves...Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me.” (Psalms 50:15)

At a workshop, a psychologist said “what we think is killing us.” 
It’s not what's happening in life is killing us, it's what we think that is killing us.

***envy & jealousy made King Solomon into a mad man.

Thoughts & feelings make up the the thoughts that we have and the feelings that we have make up the character.

Did you know that our “thoughts' are written in the books of heaven?  If we keep that in our minds, our thoughts would be different.

When dealing with your spouse and other people, recognize the impact of how you think.  Remember she says thoughts and feelings are strengthened by utterance.

Each thought you have, is almost making grooves in the brain, and it's like footprints in the sandThe more you walk in that particular groove, the more it's deeper. The less you do, the groove will go away.

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Got info from MMT classes.

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