Thursday, January 16, 2025

NEWSTART + 6 (Nutrition) Myths about Protein

(Genesis 1:29; 3:18; Isaiah 55:2; Psalms 103:4-5)

“…Education should be given on proper diet…” (CD 406.4)

3 John 2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
“…Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health.”  {MH 127.1}
“…Become more intelligent in regard to the laws of life. . . .”  {11MR 187.3}
“…Educate people in regard to the laws of life…” {GCDB, January 30, 1893 par. 2}
“…Educate people in the laws of life so that they may know how to preserve health…” {MM 259.3)
True religion and the laws of health go hand in hand.” (7T 137.1)
“…In violating the laws of health, even in doing the service of God, you misrepresent your maker…” {KC 20.4}
“…It is the duty of every person, for his own sake, and for the sake of humanityto inform himself in regard to the laws of life and conscientiously to obey them…” (MH 128.1)
We should educate ourselves, not only to live in harmony with the laws of health, but to teach others the better way…”  (CG 361.2)

Too little attention is generally given to the preservation of healthIt is far better to prevent disease than to know how to treat it when contracted…” (MH 128.1)


  • Protein is one of the nutrients along with carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water.
  • Protein is an essential nutrient.
  • It is contained in every part of your body, the skin, muscles, hair, blood, body organs, eyes, even fingernails and bone.

    • Proteins are composed of small units.
    • These units are the amino acids which are called the building blocks of protein.
    • There are about 21 different amino acids which are commonly known.
    • There are 13 non-essential Amino acids, and 8 essential, meaning you have to get them from the food you eat.
    • Each different protein is composed of various amino acids put together in varying order with just about limitless combinations.
    • Most proteins are large molecules that may contain several hundred amino acids arranged in branches and chain
    • If you were to ask your average child whether they would rather grow bigger faster or live longer, chances are they would choose the growing as fast as possible.
    • As early as the 1930's, research on animals began to show evidence that high-protein diets accelerated growth rate in maturity, but shortened the life span.
    • In the past, many people believed that when it came to protein, one could never get too much.TODAY, scientific evidence shows otherwise.

    • Back in 1880, a famous German Scientist named Dr. Justus von Liebig, pronounced Lee-big, determined the thought that muscles were made of protein.
    • From this discovery, he concluded that muscular strength was dependent upon eating large amounts of protein foods.
    • Later, his protoge' Dr. Carl Voit, from watching coal miners, calculated that these strong, muscular meat eaters need about 120 grams of protein a day.
    • From this observation, he concluded in his mind that this must be the amount necessary for the body each day.
    • Although the beliefs of these great men were later proven to be wrong, their beliefs caused a world-wide concern over getting enough protein: a concern that exists even today.

    • Over the years, estimates of experts have often been revised, and most are now recommending less and even less protein.
    • THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES has set the U.S. recommended daily allowance, AKA the RDA for protein of 60 grams for the average man and 45 grams for most women.
    • THE WORLD HEALTH'S ORGANIZATION (WHO) say 50 grams for the average adult is sufficient.
    • But, most recent research is showing that people only need 1 gram of protein for every 5 pounds of weight.

    • And that is the weight they should be, not the weight they may be with excess pounds.

    • For example, if a person weighs 300 lbs., but should only weigh about 180, you would go by the 180#.
    • Then you would take that weight and divide it by 5. So 180 divided by 5 = 36
    • So this person would eat 36 grams of protein minimum, not exceeding the 50 recommended by the WHO.
    • The Average American in 2014, in just 3 meals, is consuming an average of 180 grams of protein a day.
    • So, according to the experts of what is a healthy amount to consume, Americans are eating 3 to 4 x that amount.
    • In addition to our already high protein consumption, various diets have received much attention in recent years, encouraging the use of even greater amounts of protein foods.
    • These high protein diets have been promoted to enhance weight loss and athletic performance, but the long-term effects, according to scientific research show the following problems to be related to this. As a matter of fact, have you ever heard of the Atkins Diet? This is the diet that recommends you eat very little carbohydrates, and lots of protein and fat. The founder of this very diet happened to die of heart disease. Why? Because this is one of the side effects of a high-protein diet. Remember, Jesus gave 5 loaves of bread (carbs) and only 2 fish (protein)

    And following are many more complications related to too much protein in the diet:


    1. Elevates Blood Pressure

    2. Elevates Triglycerides and LDL (The majority of the protein eaten in America comes from animal sources, like meat, eggs, and dairy products. These are all high in cholesterol, fat, and saturated fats, which are known to promote narrowed and hardened arteries, accelerated aging, and a shortened life span)

    3. Causes a Depletion of Vitamins and Minerals

    4. Responsible In The Formation Of Gout

    5. Heart Disease (Clogs Arteries)

    6. Increase in Liver Enzymes

    7. Dehydration which can lead to a host of many other problems.

    8. Loss of Calcium, which happens during urination.

    9. Intestinal Irritation, this can exacerbate problems like IBS and others.

    10. Nutritional Deficiencies

    11. Osteoporosis - It's interesting to know that around the world, the countries where people eat less animal protein experience much less osteoporosis and hip fractures

    12. Kidney Stones

    13. Kidney Problems

    14. Cancer (A high intake of animal protein has been shown to promote the growth of several cancers)

    15: Sexual Maturity development at a much younger age than the past.
    • Due to high fat, high protein diet, today's boys and girls grow bigger and develop a lot faster.
    • From 1850-1995, the average age of sexual maturity for teenage girls in America went down from 16.3 to 11.9 years of age, and some as young as 9 or 10.
    • An early age of sexual maturity is associated with earlier sexual activity and a rise in teenage pregnancy.
    • In Puerto Rico, there have been found many children, especially girls, at the age of 5 yrs old to already be going through puberty.
    • In addition, young women who experience sexual maturity at an earlier age have been shown to have a greater risk of breast cancer and heart disease.
    • Another large myth in the U.S. used to be that protein can only be found in animal products, but over the last several decades, it has been shown that Protein is available from both animal and plant sources.
    • The typical U.S. diet is a mixture of protein sources.
    • A variety in choices will provide an adequate diet.

    • Another large myth in the U.S. used to be that protein can only be found in animal products, but over the last several decades, it has been shown that Protein is available from both animal and plant sources.
    • The typical U.S. diet is a mixture of protein sources.
    • A variety of choices will provide an adequate diet.
    The following shows the protein content in some typical foods.

    ***The following are some examples of how easy it is to get protein.

    • 3 Egg Ham and Cheese Omelet - 46 grams
    • Big Mac - 26 grams
    • Fried Chicken(basket) like from Popeye’s or KFC - 48 grams
    • Chicken 3 oz. - 20 grams
    • 3 oz. of meat is just the palm of your hand, yet at one meal, most Americans eat 3-4 x that much. Experts say that no more than 3 oz. total of meat should be consumed in a day because the other grams can be found in the grains, fruit, vegetables, beans, etc. which they recommend being consumed daily.
    • Ground beef 3 oz. - 21 grams
    • Pork chop, lean 2 oz. - 15 grams
    • Egg 1 - 6 grams
    • Cheddar cheese 1 oz. - 7 grams

    ***All excess protein leeches out through the urine, thus causing a loss of protein, causing bone problems.

    • Beans ¾ cup - 11 grams
    • Peanut Butter 2 Tbsp. - 8 grams
    • Bread 1 slice - 2 grams
    • Cooked Cereal ½ cup - 2 grams
    • Dry Cereal 1 oz. - 4 grams
    • Rice ½ cup - 5 grams
    • Nuts 2 Tbsp. - 5 grams
    • Soybeans ½ cup - 10 grams
    • Cooked vegetables ½ cup - 2 grams

    ***All plant foods have some source of protein.

    ***Science is now showing that you do not have to mix a grain and a legume at one meal to get your complete protein.

    IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CONSUMING TOO MUCH PROTEIN, YOU CAN DO A GOOGLE SEARCH. What I did was type in 'the harmful effects of eating too much protein' and a host of information came up. There is a lot of information out there regarding this subject



    And Dr. T. Colin Campbell, who was a Professor at Cornell University who authored the book called THE CHINA STUDY.

    ***This is a documentary that all people in the U.S. should see.

    Note: Casein is an animal protein. All animal protein has been shown to turn on the cancer genes.

    ***Always read your labels because casein is found in many food items.

    • Breath mints
    • Cereals
    • Cheese
    • Cottage Cheese
    • Glaze for baked goods
    • Ice cream
    • Infant formulas
    • Meats that are processed
    • Nutrition bars
    • Pizza
    • Protein Powders
    • Salad dressings
    • Any foods with whipped toppings

     “Thousands need and would gladly receive instruction concerning the simple methods of treating the sick--methods that are taking the place of the use of poisonous drugs. There is great need of instruction in regard to dietetic reformWrong habits of eating and the use of unhealthful food are in no small degree responsible for the intemperance and crime and wretchedness that curse the world.”  {MH 146.3} 

    11MR = Manuscript Releases, Volume 11
    7T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 7
    CD = Counsels on Diet & Foods
    CG = Child Guidance
    GCDB = General Conference Daily Bulletin
    MH = Ministry of Healing
    MM = Medical Ministry

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    Got info from MMT classes.

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