Wednesday, January 1, 2025

NEWSTART + 6 (Dress) – Cosmetics

1 John 4:8; Psalms 84:11; 1 Timothy 2:9

3 John 2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

“…Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of healthIn case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits corrected. Then nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to re-establish right conditions in the system...”  {MH 127.1-.2}

“We should educate ourselves, not only to live in harmony with the laws of health, but to teach others the better way…”  (CG 361.2)

EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE....IN THE DRESS...”  {TSA 87.2} (Testimonies to Southern Africa)

The words of scripture in regard to dress should be carefully consideredWe need to understand that which the Lord of heaven appreciates even the dressing of the body…”  (6T 96.3)

“…The working of the Spirit of God inwardly will show a change outwardly…” (3SM 254.6)

Fashion is deteriorating the intellect and eating out the spirituality of our peopleObedience to fashion is pervading our Seventh-day Adventist churches and is doing more than any other power to separate our people from God...” {4T 647.2}

There is a terrible sin upon us as a people, that we have permitted our members to dress in a manner inconsistent with their faith.  We must arise at once and close the door against allurements of fashion.  Unless we do this, our churches will become demoralized.”  {4T 648.1}

God has been testing his peopleHe allowed the testimony concerning dress to become silent, that our sisters might follow their own inclination and thus develop the real pride existing in their heartsthe Lord has permitted them to prove that pride was cherished in their hearts, and that this was just what they would do. It is now shown that they needed the restriction which the reform dress imposed.”  {4T 639.3}

“And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and shepainted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.” (2 Kings 9:30)

“And furthermore, that ye have sent for men to come from far, unto whom a messenger was sent; and, lo, they came: for whom thou didst wash thyself, paintedst thy eyes, and deckedst thyself with ornaments.”  (Ezekiel 23:40)

The cruelties the tyrant of fashion inflicts upon her slaves--WILLING THOUGH THEY BE--ARE INDEED APPALLING. Just to think of ladies upon whom nature has lavished her charms, submitting to the enameling process only to become subject to paralysis or drop dead from its effectsOthers, again, seeking to be fairer than the fairest, ARE ALLURED BY THE GLARING WORDS, 'LAIRD'S BLOOM OF YOUTH,' AND SIMILAR POETIC PHRASES,and eagerly seize upon the poisonous compounds, only to suffer the excruciating pains of neuralgia or breathe out a painful and lingering existence from the effects of slow poison introduced into the system by their use.”  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 17}

The majority of pleasure lovers attend the fashionable night gatherings, and spend in exciting amusements the hours God has given them for quiet rest and sleep in order to invigorate the body.Hours are spent in dancing. The blood becomes heated; the system is exhausted…”  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 18}

MANY ARE IGNORANTLY INJURING THEIR HEALTH AND ENDANGERING THEIR LIFE BY USING COSMETICSThey are robbing the cheeks of the glow of health, and then to supply the deficiency use cosmetics. When they become heated in the dance the poison is absorbed by the pores of the skin, and is thrown into the bloodMany lives have been sacrificed by this means alone.” {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 20}

No one can ride or walk through the fashionable portion of New York City, attend any place of amusement, or go to any evening party, without becoming aware of the horrible fact that many women of whom better things might be expected, have fallen into the pernicious habit of applying to their skins the enamels which, under various attractive names, are advertised and sold in all parts of the land.” {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 22}

Not only faded faces, but countenances so young, plump and pretty in outline that they must in their natural condition be attractive, are lacquered over with an unnatural polish of fine porcelain, which produces an effect such as one might imagine if a china doll were afflicted with the consumption.”  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 23}

This practice is as pernicious as it is disgusting--the seeds of death or paralysis being hidden in every pot and jar of those mixtures, which are supposed to be not only innocent, but also to possess the virtues of the undiscovered fountain of perpetual youth.” {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 24}

Some who use them will suddenly have a severe illnessand receiving a private warning from the family physician, will cease the use of the cause of their disorder, and recovering, go through life with an extremely bad complexion, as a reminder of their folly.”{HR, October 1, 1871 par. 25}

Others will drop suddenly, with their features twisted on one side, and perhaps deprived of the use of their limbsOthers will die outright, no one guessing whyThe effect on any particular person cannot be calculated. What one suffers paralysis from, may kill another outright. The only safety is in having nothing to do with any of these baneful preparations.”  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 26}  

The slaves to fashion take these burdens upon themselves, and make their own life very wearisome with needless care, in their anxiety to keep pace with fashionThey lay upon the altar of fashion, health, happiness, life and heaven.  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 27}
Christians cannot afford to make this great sacrificeThey cannot afford to sow to the flesh and reap corruption. That which ye sow ye shall also reap. Now is the sowing time. The reaping time hasteth. What will the harvest be? The inspired apostle addresses us, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service…”  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 28}

The fashionable style of woman's dress is one of the greatest causes of all these terrible diseases.”  {HL 64.2}



Curls and cosmetics are all in requisition to enhance the beauty of 'the human face divine;' but what is the resultYouth's roses only flee the faster--old age will creep on apacerouge cannot hide its wrinkles, nor can it make any face beautiful. We are decided believers in the old adage'handsome is that handsome does.' no face has true beauty in it that does not mirror the deeds of a noble soulThere is not a thought, word, or deed, that does not leave its autograph written on the human countenance; and we care not whether kind nature has given her child an ugly face or a handsome one, if the heart that beats underneath all is warm and lovingAnd if the soul that looks out from the eyes be true and pure, the face will be beautiful always, for it has found the true fountain of youth; and though time may fold the hair in silver, and furrow the brow, yet there will ever be a beauty lighting it up that years cannot dim, for the heart and soul never grow old.”  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 15}

Another writer says under the caption,  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 16}

“After completing the foregoing, I found the following. I HAVE HAD SOME EXPERIENCE IN USING Mrs. S.A. Allen's world's hair restorative, also hall's vegetable sicilian hair restorativeI have made applications of these preparations upon the head of my husbandto prevent the falling off of the hairI observed that when using these preparations, he frequently complained of giddiness of the head, and weakness and pain of the eyes.  {HR, October 1, 1871 par. 29}

In applying these preparations, my eyes, that were naturally strong, grew weak, and twice seemed to be greatly inflamed.Eruptions appeared upon the lids, and continued for weeksI was convinced that i was poisoned by applying these preparations to the head of my husbandWe discontinued the use of these altogether, and I have had no weakness of the eyes sinceMy husband has been free from the peculiar sensations he experienced while using these preparations, and my experience has been for twenty years, that pure soft water is best for my head and hair.”     E. G. W.

***Read from the Book pg. 51***



Some have wondered how the use of cosmetics alone could prove fatal. In today's world, with government testing and consumer safety guidelines, adverse reactions to cosmetics are essentially limited to skin irritation and allergies. But this was not the case in the 19th century, as noted in this consumer bulletin issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: “The European cosmetic known as ceruse was used faithfully--and fatally, because it was mainly white lead--by wealthy women from the second century until well into the 19th century to make their faces look fashionably pale” (Dori Stehlin, FDA Consumer, November 1991; revised May 1995).

DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS: Protecting Yourself from the Hidden Dangers of Cosmetics
Exposes the truth behind the cosmetic industry.

Each day, we are exposed to some 200 synthetic chemicals--without our knowledge. Skin, hair, body, and beauty products are loaded with potential irritants, carcinogens, neurotoxins, and hormone disrupters. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified many ingredients found in modern cosmetics as hazardous. Worse still, such product ingredients are easily absorbed through the skin. The potential health problems associated with brand-name cosmetics are many and varied.

As consumers of mainstream cosmetic products, we make up the single largest class of involuntary and avoidable carcinogenic exposures. Yet, the FDA is virtually powerless to protect us. Drop-Dead Gorgeous was designed to empower you. This timely, much-needed resource uncovers the dangers of these products and lists the nine most hazardous ingredients. The book guides you on how to read and interpret misleading product labels. A variety of natural alternatives and recipes for creating safe cosmetics at home are also included.


They may be reluctant to leave home without it, but make-up is putting women at risk of deadly diseases, say experts.

According to a new book, cosmetics and beauty products often contain toxic ingredients that can cause cancer and other fatal illnesses.

Loopholes in Government regulations are being exploited by manufacturers to allow banned chemicals into over-the-counter products, it claims.

Authors Kim Erickson and Samuel Epstein say many ingredients in make-up have been shown to cause cancer in animals and should never be used as part of a beauty routine.

Coal tar colours, phenylenediamine, benzene and even formaldehyde are some of the toxins commonly found in shampoos, skin creams and blushers, they say.

Hormone-disrupting chemicals, which could lower immunity to disease and cause neurological and reproductive damage, may also lurk in everyday cosmetics.

In their book, Drop Dead Gorgeous: Protecting Yourself from the Hidden Dangers of Cosmetics, to be published next month, they claim the adverse effects of cosmetics build up over years of use.

Miss Erickson said: 'Modern cosmetics contain a host of dubious ingredients which would be more at home in a test tube than on our faces.

'These synthetic ingredients are inexpensive, stable and have a long shelf-life. Manufacturers love them, but the results from long-term use could be deadly.'

She said the same poisons that pollute the environment, from dioxins to petrochemicals, can be found in the average bathroom cabinet.

'Many of the same ingredients have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals,' she added.

The UK cosmetics industry is worth £4.5billion a year and employs more than 20,000 people. It is controlled by the Department of Trade and Industry's 1996 Cosmetic Products (Safety) Regulations. The regulations approve about 3,000 ingredients for cosmetic use, but many more find their way into the finished products.

One loophole in the regulations allows cosmetics to contain banned substances if they cannot 'reasonably' be removed.

The authors say chemicals get into the bloodstream in a number of ways. Hair sprays, perfumes and powders are inhaled; lipstick is swallowed; eye make-up absorbed by sensitive mucous membranes and others taken in through the skin.

Allergy specialist Dr Jean Munro, medical director of the Breakspear Hospital in Hertfordshire, supports the claims.

In the last 20 years she has treated 8,000 women, nearly all of whom were found to have a sensitivity to beauty products.

Dr Munro said: 'There is no question that people are being damaged by their cosmetics.

'So many things are put into cosmetics now that are carcinogenic,and it is allowed because cosmetics are not considered to be as serious as drugs or food.

'One of the most extreme cases I have seen was a woman whose bone marrow was affected by chemicals used in hair dye.

'The situation as it is is plainly dangerous - unacceptably so.'


Nov. 28
By Ephrat Livni
The next time you buy nail polish or antiperspirant, read the ingredients.

Manufacturers are putting a toxic chemical in shampoos, conditioners, antiperspirants, cosmetics and especially nail polishes, that causes severe birth defects in animals according to a report released today by the Environmental Working Group.

Alarmed by the discovery that dibutyl phthalate, or DBP, was present in every single person tested for the compound by the Centers for Disease Control this fall — with the highest levels found in reproductive-age women — the environmental group decided to study the compound’s prevalence in consumer products.

“Government researchers speculate the elevated levels of DBP among women of childbearing age come from cosmetics and beauty products, but no one has done the studies to test this hypothesis,” writes the report’s lead author, Jane Houlihan.

Concerned that “the most critical population” appeared to receive the highest exposures to DBP, members of the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit group scoured both real and virtual drugstores, as well as U.S. Patent records, to find the toxin in widely used products.

“We wanted to know what products containing DBP were readily available to the average consumer, and whether or not you could actually read the list of ingredients on the label,” says Houlihan.

Many Popular Brands Contain DBP

The group says it discovered DBP in many popular brands, including nail polishes, top coats and hardeners made by L’Oreal, Maybelline, Oil of Olay and Cover Girl. In an analysis of more than 100 patents, the environmental group found Procter & Gamble, which owns both Oil of Olay and Cover Girl, held the most, with 37, followed by L’Oreal, with 10 patents containing DBP.

“Major loopholes in federal law allow cosmetics manufacturers to put unlimited amounts of industrial chemicals like DBP into personal care products without any testing for adverse health effects,” the reports says.

Because the government conducts chemical safety testing on compounds only if they are directly added to food, even chemicals that are tightly regulated as environmental pollutants can still find their way into personal care products, it says.

Procter & Gamble representatives declined to comment on the report, saying it was an industry issue and not company-specific.

In a statement, the Washington D.C.-based Cosmetic, Toilet and Fragrance Association, which represents the personal care products industry in regulatory matters, says: “Nail polishes and cosmetics are safe … The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires that cosmetics and their individual ingredients must be safe and that labeling must be truthful and not misleading … The Food and Drug Administration can take immediate action to stop the sale of any product that does not meet the standards.”

An FDA representative says the agency is aware of both the earlier CDC study and today’s Environmental Working Group report and is looking into the matter.

DBP is used to help nail polish form an even film as it dries, to keep products blended and evenly consistent, and as an ingredient to help cosmetics penetrate the skin. The compound is also found in patents for shampoos, conditioners, lotions, hair growth formulations, antiperspirants, sunscreen and even gum and candy.

Beauty Secrets?

They may be reluctant to leave home without it, but make-up is putting women at risk of deadly diseases, say experts.According to a new book, cosmetics and beauty products often contain toxic ingredients that can cause cancer and other fatal illnesses.

Loopholes in Government regulations are being exploited by manufacturers to allow banned chemicals into over-the-counter products, it claims.

Authors Kim Erickson and Samuel Epstein say many ingredients in make-up have been shown to cause cancer in animals and should never be used as part of a beauty routine.

Coal tar colours, phenylenediamine, benzene and even formaldehyde are some of the toxins commonly found in shampoos, skin creams and blushers, they say.

Hormone-disrupting chemicals, which could lower immunity to disease and cause neurological and reproductive damage, may also lurk in everyday cosmetics.

In their book, Drop Dead Gorgeous: Protecting Yourself from the Hidden Dangers of Cosmetics, they claim the adverse effects of cosmetics build up over years of use.

Miss Erickson said: 'Modern cosmetics contain a host of dubious ingredients which would be more at home in a test tube than on our faces.

'Many of the same ingredients have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals,' she added. One loophole in the regulations allows cosmetics to contain banned substances if they cannot 'reasonably' be removed.

  • Shampoo……Make your own natural shampoo found on YouTube (use Castile Soap)
  • Conditioner…..Make your own natural conditioner found on YouTube
  • Face Creams…..Use Honey, Blackstrap Molasses, Avocado, Cucumbers, Lemon, and other items
  • Lotions…..Coconut oil(this does not dry the skin out), Olive oil (this tends to dry the skin out)
  • Massage Oils…..Coconut Oil + an essential oil like Lavender or others
  • Hair Dyes….Henna (be sure it’s natural) + Indigo
  • Smell Good stuff like Body Sprays, Perfume, etc. …. Mix an oil like Olive or mild Coconut + Lavender
  • Citrus, and other things that smell well
  • Soap and Body Washes…..Use natural soap like castile without harmful ingredients……KISS-MY-FACE is a good brand, but check to see if they have added harmful ingredients (Use Kirk’s Pure Castile Soap)
  • Deodorant…….Limes are excellent…cut in half and rub on underarms
  • Hair Gels…I use a little olive oil + perhaps Aloe Vera Gel
  • Hair Rinse…..Vinegar….it gets out all of the goop in your hair; gives it a shine and a bounce
  • Hot Oil Treatment….Use Olive or Avocado Oil rub all in hair put a shower cap on, and then blow dry
  • Hair streaking Products to make Your Hair Blonde……Lemon Juice
  • Toothpaste……Mix olive or coconut oil with turmeric to make a thick paste.

We have counsel regarding cosmetics, which is anything to beautify the body, including the skin and nails.

Here is a link about the dangers of nail polish, and then I will post a couple of quotes about the dangers of “cosmetics”

“Many are ignorantly injuring their health and endangering their lives by using cosmetics...”  (HL 189.2}

Cosmetic = TO ORNAMENT the body


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Got info from MMT classes.

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