Monday, January 6, 2025

NEWSTART + 6 (DRESS) The Feet, Shoes & High Heels

3 John 2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

“…Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of healthIn case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits correctedThen nature is to be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and to re-establish right conditions in the system...”  {MH 127.1-.2}
We should educate ourselvesnot only to live in harmony with the laws of health, but to teach others the better way…”  (CG 361.2)
EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATE....IN THE DRESS...” {TSA 87.2} (Testimonies to Southern Africa)
The words of scripture in regard to dress should be carefully considered.  We need to understand that which the lord of heaven appreciates even the dressing of the body…”  (6T 96.3)

God calls upon us to stand upon the broad platform of temperance inDRESSING…”  (CG 409.4)
“…If you should be entrusted with public work in our religious gatheringswith your lax ideas as to proper dressyou would not have the best influence over those whom you were trying to help.”  {RY 71.2}
Those who venture to disobey the plainest statements of inspiration will not hear and receive and act upon all the human efforts made to bring these idolaters to a plain, unadorned, simple, neat, proper dress…”  {3SM 254.6}
“…The working of the spirit of god inwardly will show a change outwardly…”  (3SM 254.6)
As those who claim to believe the truth give expression in appropriate dress and in their words and conductthey are living epistles for God, known and read by all who behold them. Their chaste conversation is a sign of the inward adorning…”  (6MR 161.3)
Fashion is deteriorating the intellect and eating out the spirituality of our peopleObedience to fashion is pervading our Seventh-Day Adventist churches and is doing more than any other power to separate our people from God...”  {4T 647.2}
There is a terrible sin upon us as a people, that we have permitted our members to dress in a manner inconsistent with their faith.  We must arise at once and close the door against allurements of fashionUnless we do this, our churches will become demoralized.”  {4T 648.1)
God has been testing his peopleHe allowed the testimony concerning dress to become silent, that our sisters might follow their own inclination and thus develop the real pride existing in their heartsIt was to prevent the present state of worldliness that the reform dress was recommendedMany scorned the idea that this dress was necessary to preserve them from following the fashionsbut the Lord has permitted them to prove that pride was cherished in their hearts, and that this was just what they would do. It is now shown that they needed the restriction which the reform dress imposed.”  {4T 639.3}
The foot may look simple but it is a complex structure with 26 bones, 33 joints, numerous muscles, nerves and different ligaments.
The feet hold important physiological and pathological relationsA wiser maxim for the preservation of health was never given than that which enjoins upon persons the necessity of keeping the head cool and the feet warmThe latter is quite as important as the formerIndeed the circulation of the brain cannot be healthful, and perfectly carried on, unless the feet are kept warm. It may be truly said that if the feet are kept entirely healthy, no organ in the body can be unhealthy. For so intimate is the sympathy between all parts of the body that no organ can be deranged without disturbing the circulation in the feetIf there is indigestion after a hearty dinner the feet sufferif the liver is disturbed the feet sufferif there is pressure upon the lungs, or if the bowels are inactive, or if the kidneys do not perform their office properly, the feet are sure to feel the reactionary influence unhealthfullySo if one will be sure to keep his feet in an entire state of health, he may be certain that he cannot be sick in any department of his system.”   {1865 JW, HHTL 315.2}
But THE FEET of almost every grown person in this country SUFFER FROM ABUSE put directly upon themHealth reformers generally, give no such care to the feet as they deserve.  They should be kept cleanThey perspire more readily and freely than most other portions of the body, and the excreted matter ought to be removed by frequent washingThe stockings should be often changedEverybody knows how much warmer clean stockings are than those which have been worn for some daysWhere the feet perspire considerably, persons should have two pairs of stockings in wearing all the time, changing at midday, and allowing those which have been worn in the morning to become dryAll persons on removing their stockings at night, if they are to be resumed by the next morning, should hang them up where they may become perfectly dry, and the perspired matters lodged in them, may be, partially at least, removed by the air circulating through themCotton is the best material for stockings, worn next the feet, except it be in very warm weather, when linen may be more comfortableIn cool or cold weather, thick warm woolen stockings should be worn, but there should be between them and the skin, thin cotton onesPeople of sedentary habits particularly, do not take half the pains enough to dress the feet. The practice of sitting, either in sewing, knitting, writing, reading or studying, with the feet cold, is a fruitful cause of ill healthThe more efficient means of producing cold feet could scarcely be contrived than that of wearing shoes made after the common fashion, and especially those worn by womenNot one woman in a hundred, wears shoes large enough for her feet, and not one person in a thousand wears shows the shape of which is at all fitted to a naturally shaped footNobody in this country has ever attempted to make shoes to fit human feetShoemakers cannot be induced to make shoes which will allow the foot to take its natural form and positionThe use of the shoe is simply to protect the foot against unpleasant or injurious contact with the ground or other substances, and to retain its heat, preventing its passing off too rapidlyIt is not at all to give shape to THE FOOT. The shape of the foot in the shoe should be precisely what it would be if no shoe were worn.
That is the shape in which God made it and it is infinitely more desirable, so far as beauty or use is concerned, than the form into which it is crowded by “civilized” shoes. The time will come when some man or woman will invent a shoe which will be fitted to the shape of the foot (that time has come), and it will be very much better looking than the shoes which are now worn. Till then Health reformers should insist, in giving their orders for boots or shoes, upon having them made so wide in the sole, as well as in the upper leather, as to give the foot ample room. Have a sole so wide that the entire foot will rest upon it, even if you have to carry back half a dozen pairs before you can get one to suit - and most shoemakers will have to try at least half a dozen times before they can believe that you mean what you sayA tight shoe cannot be warmWomen are greatly at fault in this directionEven in our institution we find it exceedingly difficult to induce our feeble ladies to dress their feet at all properlyIn the cool, chilly autumn days they will persist in wearing thin cotton stockings, and thin cloth shoes, so tight as to materially interfere with capillary circulation – so falsely educated in regard to physical life are women everywhere.” {1865 JW, HHTL 315.3}
Garters do not come precisely under the head of clothing for the feet, but they are frequently so much concerned in the poor circulation of the feet, that they should be introduced hereBy their pressure upon the blood vessels, particularly the veins as they pass up the leg, they intercept the free and natural flow of the blood, and so are in a very large degree productive of coldness of THE FEETTHE RETURN OF BLOOD FROM THE FEET TO THE HEART has to be performed in opposition to the law of gravitation, which makes all substances tend downwardBlood flows downhill as naturally as water; hence there is a special contrivance to carry it from the feet back into the trunk of the bodyThere are valves in nearly all of the veins of the body, but an unusual number in the veins of the legs, which open upward, or toward the heart, allowing the blood to pass freely in that direction, but shutting, if it sets backward, and thus preventing its returnBut these valves are exceedingly delicate, and can be broken down. Many a woman has worn her garters so tight as to retard the movement of the blood upward through the veins of the legs, to that degree that it has set back and overcome the resistance of the valves, thus destroying them, and causing that troublesome and painful difficulty, varicose veinsBut where the extreme effect is not produced, almost universally the circulation is retarded so far as to disturb materially the healthful CONDITION OF THE FEET.”   {1865 JW, HHTL 317.1}
"Let the student, the professional man, the seamstress, the teacher, see that their feet are kept in healthful conditions, and above all let the mother see to it that the feet of her children are kept warm, and they will have very greatly added securities for the preservation of their general health." {1865 JW, HHTL 318.1}
FOR THE COLDEST WEATHER, there should be worn next to the body a garment, comprising drawers, waist, and sleeves reaching to the wrist, of cotton flannel. Over this a similar garment of woolen flannel, and over this, a waist with sleeves, to which are buttoned firmly the trowsers. At least a child needs as much clothing as this, in the severest weather in our latitude. The stockings and shoes should correspond in warmthThen the little girl should have a good pair of leather boots, sufficiently large to admit of an extra pair of stockings being worn, without interfering in the least with the circulation of the blood in the feet…”  (865 JW, HHTL 320.2}
The shoes should be thick-soled, and perfectly comfortable. With this style of dress your girls will be no more in danger in the open air than your boysAnd their health would be much better, were they to live more out of doors, even in winter, than to be confined to the close air of a room heated by a stove.”  {2SM 471.2}
BOOTS FOR WOMEN. The Princess Royal of England had as a part of her out-fit twelve pairs of Boots. Some of these intended for rough walking were provided with treble soles.” {1865 JW, HHTL 321.1}
English women dress their feet much more healthfully than American womenOne great cause of ill-health and in fact of premature death of the women in the United States, is the imperfect and improper way in which women clothe their lower limbsOne has but to go into our schools to see how early, parents begin to murder their daughtersLittle girls with light skirts descending two-thirds of the way from the knees to the feet, while the legs are cased in thin stockings and THE FEET in thin boot-ees, thus contriving the most efficient way to disturb and derange the circulation, and produce congestion of the lungsIn the autumn, the winter, and the spring, all persons who have to be out of doors should wear boots, made with long legs and thick soles...”  {1865 JW, HHTL 321.2}

  • Fungal and bacterial conditions
  • Dry Skin
  • Corns and calluses
  • Warts
  • Bunions
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Hammertoe
  • Spurs


The small, high heels cramp the movement, injure the carriage of the person, and often deform the feetThe bend given to the body by the extreme fullness of the skirt behind is very ungraceful…”  (HR, May 1, 1872 par. 7}

Eroticism: (Sexual Perversion) - Marquis Desaud
  • Lived during the French Revolution.
  • He was known as the "Prophet of Pornography.  In his time, they used "Political Pornography"...
  • He taught "Anything Goes"(Do What thou Wilt as Aleister Crowley later on taught…which Jay-Z is now teaching)
  • He taught Anything Breathing or Moving is Fair Game for Sexual Activity
  • (child molestation, homosexuality, incest, beastiality, etc.)
  •    ***Out of this, Darwin Had a Theory of "Sexual Selection"...
  • Darwin's theory of Music & Dance according to Sexual Selection...
  • Darwin said Music was to Prepare One for the "Act of sex"
  • Darwin considered Music to Be the Single Best Example of Mate Choice Having Shaped a Behavioral Trait   ***January 14, 2006 - "Sexual Selection: Darwin Does Jamaica"
  • Dress & High Heels (Fashion) came out of the French Revolution...
  • Provocative Dressing was encouraged the exposure of skin; cleavage, busting of breasts, buttocks protruding out and extension of calves, which was produced from the wearing of high heels)


Here’s how high heels affect different parts of your body.
Well, you wear your heels down there over your feet, so let’s start from feet. What are those high heels doing with your feet? Normally, your feet act like weight-distributing shock absorbers that cushion your skeleton from jumping, running and poundingWhen you pack your feet in high heels, you actually shift much of your weight on the balls of your feet and your tiny, delicate toe bones.
The higher the heel, the bigger and dangerous the impact is. According to a study, they have found that four-inch heel can put pressure on the front of the foot by 30 percent or more.
Keeping your feet curved from heel-to-toe, the transition becomes abrupt, forcing you to keep your feet in slanting position. Staying like this all the time will damage your bone and not to forget blisters and ingrown toenails.
After feet comes Calves and legs, wearing heels forces your ankles to bend forward, a position that could restrict circulation of blood in your lower limbs. If you wear high heel every day for long hours, you might end up damaging spell spider veins.
Walking with high heels all day long everyday can also stiffen your Achilles tendons. Achilles tendons anchor your calf muscles up to your heels, causing your calves to bunch up. You might have been getting trouble walking in flats or bare feet after getting out of your heels, that’s because your heels are troubling your Achilles tendons.
Now comes knees, don’t get shocked - your heels do impact and damage all your body. Knees also work as shock absorbers just like those springs. When you jump you bend your knees a bit while coming down, right? The knee is the largest joint in your body, but the frequent use of high-heels by your feet puts extra stress on the inner sides of the knees. In the long run you might be damaging your knees that won’t be even repairable.
To keep from keeling over in stacked shoes, you have to thrust your hips forward, arch your back, and push out your chest. That familiar sexy stance works the outer hip muscles and tendons hard (and not in a good way).
Do you wear heels? You must be having sore lower back. Yes, that pain is a gift of your high heels. In order to keep your feet in high heels and to help you move easily, your spine needs to sway unnaturally. And when for a long period of time your spine sways unnaturally, it stresses your lumbar erector spine muscle.
Apart from these, wearing high heels can be very risky. You cannot run, there are more chances that you twist your feet while walking in heels and do harm to your muscle tissue or even break your bone.
Like the vital parts of your body, your limbs and bones too need comfort and rest. Your heels give unnatural height to you and impact the comfort of your bone structureAs a result, you have stiffness, pain and in the worst cases you can dislocate your bone. Give some rest to your body parts, if you cannot avoid wearing heels, try to wear short heels, try wedges or platforms. Lets your feet relax whenever you can remove your heels. Do not stay on heels every day for longer hours, you might be feeling good today, but you are spoiling the tomorrow of your body. 
High heels cramp the movementinjure the carriage of the personand often deform the feet. The bend given to the body by the extreme fullness of the skirt behind is very ungraceful.” (HR May 1, 1872 Par. 7)
‘What High Heels Reveal’


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Got info from MMT classes.

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