Monday, January 13, 2025

NEWSTART + 6 - Nutrition The Health Hazards of Condiments


3 John 2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

“…Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health{MH 127.1-.2}


“…Educate people in regard to the laws of life…” {GCDB, January 30, 1893 par. 2}


“…Educate people in the laws of life so that they may know how to preserve health…” {MM 259.3)

True religion and the laws of health go hand in hand.”  (7T 137.1)


“…It is the duty of every person, for his own sake, and for the sake of humanity, to inform himself in regard to the laws of life and conscientiously to obey them…” (MH 128.1)

“We should educate ourselves, not only to live in harmony with the laws of health, but to teach others the better way…” (CG 361.2)

Too little attention is generally given to the preservation of healthIt is far better to prevent disease than to know how to treat it when contracted...”  {MH 128.1)

Proverbs 26:2 – ...the curse causeless shall not come.”
***Remember in Deuteronomy 28, some of the curses have to do with sickness and disease.

Job 29:16 – “...the cause which I knew not I searched out.”
***Note: Find out which law of health has been violated, remove the violation, offer a prayer of faith and then sit back and see the glory of God.

When the abuse of health is carried so far that sickness results, the sufferer can often do for himself what no one else can do for him. The first thing to be done is to ascertain the true character of the sickness and then go to work intelligently to remove the cause.”  (MH 235.1)

Be sure that as a rational Christian sentinel you guard the door of your stomachallowing nothing to pass your lips that will be an enemy to your health and life...” {CD 102.1}

Our food should be plain and free from all objectionable elements, but let us be careful that it is always palatable and good.”  {LLM 545.3}

We bear positive testimony againstall exciting substances used as articles of food…”  (CD 468.3)

Abstinence from all hurtful food and drink is the fruit of true religion.” (9T 113.1)(CD 457.1)

The idea should never be given that it is of but little consequence what we eat...”  (CD 198.4)(CH 151.1)

It is as truly a sin to violate the laws of our being as it is to break the Ten CommandmentsTo do either is to break God's laws.  (CTBH 53.1)
“Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Revelation 14:6-7
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

National Geographic, November 2005 edition, The Secrets of Living Longer, page 22 says that SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS DO NOT CONSUME CONDIMENTS...How many of God's present truth SDA people follow this rule?

There are but few as yet who are aroused sufficiently to understand how much their habits of diet have to do with their health, their characters, their usefulness in this world, and their eternal destiny...sabbathkeepers who are looking for the soon appearing of their Savior should be the last to manifest a lack of interest in this great work of reformMen and women must be instructed, and ministers and people should feel that the burden of the work rests upon them to agitate the subject and urge it home upon others.”  --Testimonies, Vol. 1, pp. 488, 489.  {CME 32.2}

URGE, v.t.
  1. To press; to push; to drive; to impel; to apply force to in almost any manner.
  2. To press the mind or will; to press by motives, arguments, persuasion or importunity.
  3. To provoke; to exasperate.
  4. To follow close; to impel.
  5. To labor vehemently; to press with eagerness.
  6. To press; as to urge an argument; to urge a petition; to urge the necessity of a case.
  7. To importune; to solicit earnestly.
  8. To apply forcibly;

Educate, educate, educate,” is the message that has been impressed upon me...we must rise higher and still higher upon the question of health reform and Christian temperance...”  (CD 451.3-.4)

“...EDUCATE, EDUCATE, EDUCATEby pen and voice, all who have the responsibility of preparing food for the table.” {CD 256.2}

“...Be awake to the evils RESULTING FROM THE USE OF UNWHOLESOME FOOD, CONDIMENTS, tea, and coffee.”  (CD 429.1)

***Fear God and give glory to Him (Rev 14:7); The Fear of the Lord is to hate evil. (Prov. 8:13)
***According to the SOP, there are evils resulting from the use of condiments.

CONDIMENT is an edible substance, (such as a simple sauce) which is used to be added to some foods to impart a particular flavor, enhance its flavor[1] or in some cultures, to complement the dish. The term originally described pickled or preserved foods, but has shifted meaning over time. [2]...Condiments are usually applied by the diner. Condiments are sometimes added prior to serving, for example a sandwich made with ketchup or mustard. Some condiments are used during cooking to add flavor or texture to the food; barbecue sauceteriyaki saucesoy saucemarmite are examples.

“Right habits of eating and drinking must be insisted upon. Wrong habits render the youth less susceptible to Bible instructionThe children are to be guarded against the indulgence of appetite...the tables of Christian parents should not be loaded down with food containing condiments and spices.”  {CG 364.1} 

Food prepared with condiments and spices inflames the stomach, corrupts the blood, and paves the way to stronger stimulants.”  {Te 57.3} 

Condiments and spices used in the preparation of food for the table aid in digestion the same way that tea, coffee, and liquor are supposed to help the laboring man perform his tasks...

  •  Weakened
  • The blood is contaminated, and
  •  Inflammation is the sure result.  {CD 339.4}

Tea and coffeeCONDIMENTS, confectionery, and pastries are all causes of indigestion.” (ED 203.1)

The appetite for liquor is encouraged by the preparation of food with CONDIMENTS and spices.”   {HL 92.4} 

These Cause A…
  • Feverish state of the system
  • The effect of such food is to cause nervousness.”  {HL 200.4}
Tea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, coarse vegetables, candies, CONDIMENTS, and pastries FAIL OF SUPPLYING PROPER NUTRIMENT. Many a student has broken down as the result of using such foods...”  (ED 205.1)

“In this fast age, the less exciting the food, the better. CONDIMENTS ARE INJURIOUS IN NATURE.  Mustard, pepper, spices, pickles, and other things of a like character,

  • irritate the stomach and
  • make the blood feverish and impure
  • The inflamed condition of the drunkard's stomach is often pictured as illustrating the effect of alcoholic liquors. A similarly inflamed condition is produced by the use of irritating condiments...” {CD 339.3}  

“Some have so indulged their taste, that unless they have the very article of food it calls for, they find no pleasure in eating. If CONDIMENTS and spiced foods are placed before them, they make the stomach work by applying this fiery whipfor it has been so treated that it will not acknowledge unstimulating food.”
{CD 340.1} 

We are living in an age of gluttony, and the habits to which the young are educated, even by Seventh-Day Adventists are in direct opposition to the laws of nature.”  {CD 242.3} 

Children are allowed to eat flesh meats, spices, butter, cheese, pork, rich pastry, and condiments...exciting the nerves to unnatural action, and enfeebling the intellectParents do not realize that they are sowing the seed which will bring forth disease and death.”  (CD 350.3)

 “It is IMPOSSIBLE for those who give the reins to appetite to attain TO CHRISTIAN PERFECTIONThe moral sensibilities of your children cannot be easily aroused, unless you are careful in the selection of their their work in
  • deranging the stomach,
  • exciting the nerves, and
  • enfeebling the intellect.
  • The blood-making organs cannot convert such things into good blood...”  (CTBH 47.1)

“Our laborers could do more by their example to advance health reform than by preaching it. HOW? When elaborate preparations are made for them by well-meaning friends, they are strongly tempted to disregard principleBUT by refusing the dainty dishes, the rich CONDIMENTS, the tea and coffee, they may prove themselves to be practical health reformers...” (CD 141.1)

The table should be abundantly supplied with food of the best quality. IF ANY HAVE A PERVERTED TASTE THAT CRAVES tea, coffee, CONDIMENTS, and unhealthful dishes, ENLIGHTEN THEM…SEEK TO AROUSE THE CONSCIENCE. Set before them the principles of the Bible...” (CTBH 117.3)

Some have sneered at health reform, and have said it was all unnecessary, that it was an excitement which tended to divert minds from present truth They have said that matters were carried to extremes. Such do not know what they are talking about…” {CTBH 153.5}

“...the idea should never be given that it is of little consequence what we eat...” (CD 196.4)

“With all the precious light that has continually been given to us in the health publications, we cannot afford to live careless, heedless lives, eating and drinking as we please, and indulging in the use of...CONDIMENTS.  Let us take into consideration the fact that we have souls to save or to lose, and that it is of vital consequence how we relate ourselves to the question of temperance.  It is of great importance that individually we act well our part, and have an intelligent understanding of what we should eat and drink, and how we should live to preserve health. All are being proved to see whether we will accept the principles of health reform or follow a course of self-indulgence.  (CD 341.4)

What we eat and drink has an important bearing upon our lives and charactersand Christians should bring their habits of eating and drinking into conformity to the laws of natureWe must sense our obligations to God in these mattersObedience to the laws of health should be made a matter of earnest study, for willing ignorance on this subject is sin. Each one should feel a personal obligation to carry out the laws of healthful living.” {14MR 300.1} 

No teacher of truth should feel that his education is completed till he has studied the laws of health and knows the bearing of right practices on the spiritual life. He should be qualified to speak to the people intelligently in regard to these things... who load their tables with unnecessary and hurtful dishes, rich cakes, pastry, and CONDIMENTS...present the diet that is essential for health and conducive to spirituality. {Ev 439.2}

“...DISHES, FREE FROM CONDIMENTSand spices, would be much more healthful, and would soon be enjoyed with a keener relish.” (RH, February 24, 1885 par. 5}  

“...Take their meals at a restaurant where they can get purewholesome foodFREE FROM grease, CONDIMENTS, and stimulants...”  {RH, February 16, 1905 par. 3} 

“..INDIGESTIBLE CONDIMENTS cannot be eaten without injuring the tender coats of the stomach.
{PH123 44.2} 

You should never allow your children to find fault with their food, to murmur because spice, pepper, pickles, and CONDIMENTS are not placed before them...” (PH096 18.1...ALSO SEE CG 391.2-.3)
(SEE 8MR 382.2-383.1)(6T 370.2-371.1) 

But so long as the useis favored by some connected with the institutethere will be a demand for these articles…” {8MR 382.2}

 “…If those who occupy positions of trustare not true to principlethey will be the ones to lower the standard of reform…” {8MR 382.3} 

***The above quote is referring to tea and coffee, but the same could be said about the use of condiments.

The subject of health reform has been presented in the churches; but the light has not been heartily received. The selfish, health-destroying indulgences of men and women have counteracted the influence of the message that is to prepare a people for the great day of God. If the churches expect strengthTHEY MUST LIVE THE TRUTH WHICH GOD HAS GIVEN THEM. If the members of our churches disregard the light on this subject, they will reap the sure result in both spiritual and physical degeneracyAnd the influence of these older church members will leaven those newly come to the faith.The Lord does not now work to bring many souls into the truth, because of the church members who have never been converted and those who were once converted but who have backslidden. What influence would these unconsecrated members have on new convertsWould they not make of no effect the God-given message which His people are to bear?” {6T 370.3} 

“…We must be satisfied with puresimple food, prepared in a simple mannerThis should be the diet of high and low.” adulterated substances are to be avoidedWe are preparing for the future, immortal life in the kingdom of heaven. We expect to do our work in the light and in the power of the great, mighty Healer. all are to act the self-sacrificing-part.”  {CD 85.1}

I have just read your letterYou seem to have an earnest desire to work out your salvation with fear and tremblingI encourage you to do thisI counsel you to discard everything that would cause you to do halfway work in seeking the kingdom of GOD and his righteousnessPut away every indulgence that would hinder you in the work of overcomingAsk for the prayers of those who can comprehend your need of help.  {CD 484.3}

There was a time when I was in a situation similar in some respects to yoursI had indulged the desire for vinegar. But I resolved with the help of God to overcome this appetiteI fought the temptation, determined not to be mastered by this habit.”  {CD 485.1}

For weeks I was very sickbut I kept saying over and over, the Lord knows all about itif I die, I diebut I will not yield to this desireThe struggle continued, and I was sorely afflicted for many weeksAll thought that it was impossible for me to liveYou may be sure we sought the Lord very earnestlyThe most fervent prayers were offered for my recoveryI continued to resist the desire for vinegar, and at last I conqueredNow I have no inclination to taste anything of the kindThis experience has been of great value to me in many waysI obtained a complete victory.”  {CD 485.2}

I relate this experience to you for your help and encouragementI have faith, my sister, that you can come through this trial, and reveal that God is the helper of his children in every time of need. If you determine to conquer this habit, and will fight it perseveringly, you can obtain an experience of the highest valueWhen you set your will resolutely to break off this indulgence, you will have the help you need from GodTry it, my sister.”  {CD 485.3}

(This is only for temporary transition….mainly for those who are addicted to condiments.)
God’s people should not remain on these things because they are combined with many ingredients.

1 ⅓ c. tomato paste (1-12 oz. can)
½ c. tomato puree
2-4 T. honey
2 T. lemon juice (fresh)
2 T. olive oil
¼ t. oregano
2 t. onion powder 
¼ t. garlic powder
1 t. salt

Put all ingredients in a bowl and stir together well.  Keep refrigerated.  Yield: 2½ cups. 

1 c. tomato puree (fresh or canned)
1 T. honey or raw sugar
1 T. olive oil
1 T. fresh lemon juice
½ t. onion powder
½ t. salt
¼ t. garlic powder
¼ t. oregano leaves

Blend until smooth in blender.  This is good to spread on top of nut loaves or on eggplant, stuffed peppers, etc.

8 oz. tomato sauce
½ t. salt
1 t. lemon juice
2 t. honey or pure maple syrup
½ t. onion powder

Mix ingredients well and add 2-4 T. tomato paste to make consistency like ketchup.  Refrigerate.

1 cup + 2 T. mild tasting olive oil
6 T. non-dairy milk
Juice of ½ lemon (don't squeeze all of the juice from the ½ lemon...only some juice squeezed from it)
Pinch of salt
1 garlic clove

Put ingredients in this order into a blender.  Start from the lowest speed working your way up to the highest speed.  This works best in a cold blender.  If you just washed the blender, or your house is hot and the blender has been sitting out, the heat will keep the mayo from becoming gelatinous.

This tastes identical to mayonnaise. You may want to add a pinch of honey to give it a slight sweet taste.

1-12.5 oz. pkg. tofu
¼ c. soy milk powder
2 T. lemon juice, fresh
½ t. onion powder
1 t. salt
2 T. olive oil
¼ t. garlic powder
2 T. raw sugar

Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.  Chill.  You can keep it in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks.  Makes 2 cups. 

½ c. lemon juice, fresh
½ c. water
¼ c. unbleached white flour w/germ
1 t. turmeric
½ t. salt
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. olive oil

Place all ingredients in blender EXCEPT OLIVE OIL and blend well. Pour into pot and cook until thick. Add olive oil and mix well. Place in container and refrigerate.  Freezes well!

1-28 oz. can tomato puree
2 T. molasses
2 t. garlic powder
1 ½ t. parsley
1 t. onion powder
½ c. raw sugar or honey
2 t. salt

Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Cook sauce slowly for an hour. Use as needed. 

3-4 cucumbers (English cucumbers work best)
2 ½ t. salt
¼ cup lemon juice, fresh
2 t. honey or raw sugar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 t. dill weed
1 qt. size canning jar

Boil a big pot of water or teakettle. Slice cucumbers into ½” rings. Put salt, lemon juice, honey, garlic, and dill weed bottom of the canning jar. Pack cucumbers in. Pour boiling water over cucumbers and place lid on immediately and let cool on counter. Place in refrigerator and keep refrigerated after opening. They are ready to eat after 24 hours.

⅓ c. raw cashews (rinsed)
½ c. water
¾ t. salt
½ t. onion salt
¼ t. onion powder
¼ t. garlic powder
½ t. garlic salt
Dash of honey

Blend in a blender until creamy.
(You can make onion salt & garlic salt by doing 3 T. either powder mixed with 1 T. salt. Shake well. Put in jar.)

1- 12.3 oz. pkg. firm tofu
2 ½ T. fresh lemon juice

Blend till creamy. Store in refrigerator.            

8 oz. soft tofu
1 T. honey
1 T. fresh lemon juice
½ t. real salt
1/8 c. olive oil (optional)

Blend till creamy.  Stir in 1 T. dried or 2 T. fresh chives for delicious potato topping or a dip.

Make 1 recipe of the Sour Cream

½ t. onion powder
¼ d. dried onions
½ t. dried garlic granules
½ t. dried dill
1 T. plus ½ t. relish (make your own pickle recipe and dice a couple slices very finely until you have 3½ t. worth)

1 1/4 c. coconut oil ( I use organic, first cold pressed)
¾ c. olive oil (I use organic, first cold pressed)
2 T. liquid lecithin or 4 T. lecithin granules (Now brand at is non GMO)
1 T. plus 1 t. salt
1 cup hot water

Put the first 3 ingredients in a blender, but do not blend as of yet. In the meantime, get a 2 cup measuring cup and fill to the 1 cup line with water.  Then add salt...Whisk well together.  

Now, turn on your blender, blend for 1 minute, then add the salt water and blend an additional 1 minute.  To make margarine, put in round margarine container and refrigerate.  To make butter, put in small rectangular Gerber baby food plastic containers, then freeze.

Just be very sparing with this recipe. You can spread on corn-on-the-cob, use in place of any butter or margarine recipe when making anything, including cookies. It pops popcorn, melts on steamed vegetables, melts on toast, etc.  (Recipe from Jim Hornung)

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Got info from MMT classes.

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