Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The #1 BEST Medical Book Ever Written

If you go to a bookstore today, you will find tons of books for just about every subject under the sun. One of these subjects is Health. Today we are going to talk about the #1 Medical Book ever written. THIS BOOK IS THE BIBLE. In this little time this evening and through these next 10 days, we will see how the Bible was thousands of years ahead of Medical Science, and how Medical Science is now saying that the Bible has the answers for so many medical and sanitary conditions.

The Medical knowledge of man was very superficial until the beginning of the 20th century (we are now in the 21st century).  Even the existence of germs was unknown until around A.D. 1900. YET THE FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE, RECORDED BY MOSES APPROXIMATELY 1500 BC, reveal surprisingly advanced scientific principles.  In addition, the Bible contains advanced medical and scientific knowledge about hygiene and sanitation.

This advanced information in the Biblewritten over 3 ½ millennia ago, is strong proof that a divine Creator inspired it. What other rational explanation is there for this precious Medical Knowledge in the five books of the Law recorded while Moses led the Israelites through the wilderness of Sinai? God inspired Moses to record these medical commandments to protect the health of His chosen people. The Book of Exodus reveals ONE OF THE MOST ASTONISHING PROMISES GOD EVER MADE TO MANKIND.

According to the modern pathologists, scientists who have gone into the tombs of ancient Egyptians and their pharaohs, and done autopsies on these mummies, they have discovered that these Egyptians suffered the same diseases that you and I suffer from today in the 21st century.  Diabetes, Gout, Cancer, Arthritis...this has been well documentedThose first five books of the Bible were written something like 3,500 years ago...these diseases that we suffer from in the 21st century are nothing new...they have been here for over 3.5 millennium.

Boils, Leprosy, Inflammation, Foot Disease, Hemorrhoids, Sunstroke, Tumors, Depression, Etc.

We find colored pictographs of the Egyptians...From lowly slaves, to the Pharaoh on his throne In Numeral mummies have been preserved for thousands of years.  Some have been examined in autopsies from 1880’s to 1900’s, since then, many more have been examined or x-rayed. From these sources and from the Bible, we gather considerable insight into the lifestyle of the Egyptians, and know much about maladies of Ancient Egypt.  According to these same Pathologists, Degenerative Arthritis was common. Ramses II in the 19th Dynasty had severe dental diseases with abscesses in the jaw, and severe degenerative arthritis of the hip joints.  THIS IS SCIENTIFIC PROOF.  HE HAD EXTENSIVE ATHEROSCLEROSIS (hardening of the arteries) OF THE MAJOR ARTERIES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES.  His son who is believed to be Pharaoh of Egypt, was partially balled, an obese old man, who had severe degenerative arthritis of the cervical spine.  And evidence of atherosclerosis. THIS IS WELL DOCUMENTED. SAME DISEASES WE ARE SUFFERING WITH TODAY.

WE FIND the Medical Book, a famous medical book was written in Egypt, called PAPYRUS EBERS, This book lists scores of remedies or “cures” for a host of diseases, infections and accidents.  Although Egypt was the educational center and cultural center of the world during the time of Moses, its medical knowledge and remedies were extremely primitive and dangerous.


Remember: Egypt was the center of education.  

For healing an infected splinter wound, the prescription involved an application of an ointment mixed with blood, a worm, mixed with the dung of a donkey. THIS IS A FACT. The various germs, including tetanus, contained in donkey dung, must have assured the patient would quickly forget the pain of his splinter, as he died from assortment of other diseases produced by his doctor's contaminated medicine. THIS IS A FACT.  This is documented. This is just one example of several hundreds of prescriptions as quoted from the pages of the Papyrus Ebers Manuscript, as translated in S.E. Massengil. This is a fact. They used fly, they used horse, and pig blood for their remedies.

According to documentation, medical scientists did not know of the existence of germs and their methods of transmission of infection until the end of the 1900’s. Before this was discovered, before the 1900s, Doctors were not even washing their hands before performing surgeries. Doctors believed infections were from simple chance or bad luck.  People had no idea that invisible and deadly microscopic germs would exist on eating and cooking utensils.

***Now we are dealing with infectious and degenerative diseases that are coming back. WHOOPING COUGH, TUBERCULOSIS, etc.  We have built our whole medical system on a man's theory. Louis Pasteur.  Pasteurization.  The Germ Theory.  Before he died, he said he was wrong, yet our whole medical system is based on the whole germ theory.  He said it's not the germ, it's the environment. Germs need an environment to thrive on...THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD (Leviticus 17:11).  In order to have good health, we must have good blood, as the bible said over 3.5 thousand years ago.  What do doctors check to see what's wrong with you?

In Leviticus 6:28, it was commanded to discard broken pottery because the cracks contain harmful germs...this was a means of transmitting germs.

A metal pot was to be disinfected in scouring pots.  Over 3,000 years ago, it was written that you need to disinfect your cooking pots and utensilsHow could Moses have known of the dangers of diseases in cooking and eating utensils unless he was inspired...remember, Moses was brought up in Egypt.  The Egyptians used donkey dung and pig blood. Someone had to inspire Moses in hygiene and sanitation. And it sure was not Pharaoh. This advanced and accurate knowledge reveals a profound understanding of germs, infectious transmission routes, human sanitation needs, dietary principles, and many other medical advances unknown outside the Bible during the last 35 centuries. Moses abandoned the medical ignorance of the Egyptians when he left the palace in Egypt and spent the next 80 years of his life in the wilderness. When those millions of Israelites came out of Egypt into the wilderness, there weren't any toilets, so God told them when they had to use the restroom, take a paddle, go out and dig a hole, then cover it up. That was a principle there was nothing done inside the camp. When we look back in recent history when there were infectious diseases like diphtheria and typhoid fever and other diseases hit this country, it was due to poor sanitation.


The laws of Moses, containing the specific laws in sanitation procedures, if faithfully followed, would eliminate the dreadful diseases that afflicted the Egyptians in the days of Moses and still afflict most of mankind in the 3rd world today. How many have heard of Bubonic plague? It's from rats.  It almost wiped out millions. Medical science could not find a cure.  Who do you think they consulted to get the answer? The Christians!!!  THEY WENT BACK TO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE BIBLE.  Millions of lives were saved as doctors went to the church leaders for the answers.  The first 5 books of the Bible.


In the great medical book, there are a list of diseases in Deuteronomy 28, starting in verse 22, listing diseases like lung problems, arthritis, etc.

By the grace of God, I pray that you want to hear more and more what this wonderful medical book (the Bible) has to say about health and healing.


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Got info from MMT classes.

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