Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dairy-Free Diet Can Help Cut Risk of Breast Disease

Women who eat TOO MUCH cottage cheese and other dairy products increase their risk of breast disease and breast cancersay doctors. But a dairy free diet can actually help reverse breast disease that could lead to cancer.

“The cottage cheese lunch can be a precursor to breast cancer” because cheese contains the hormone estradiol, said Dr. L.B. Fratkin, who conducted a long-term study involving 1,500 women with benign breast lumps.  Estradiol, a form of estrogen, is a powerful hormone cows produce in their milk to help calves grow.  In excess amounts, it can be harmful.
Estradiol causes breast disease in women,” said Dr. John Spratt, professor of both surgery and community health at the University of Louisville.

“Since estradiol concentrates particularly in cheese, we find that women who have chronic cystic disease are often heavy cheese eaters. Both doctors recommend women with benign (non-cancerous) breast disease go on a dairy-free diet.  “Of 1,500 patients with benign breast lumps, I’ve had in the past 15 years, 85 percent became clinically clear of cystic disease of the breast after going on a dairy free diet,” said Dr. Fratkin, clinical associate professor of surgery at the University of British Colombia.

When my patients go on the dairy-free diet, their breast lumps disappear and their breast size decreases, and they lose body fat

Concluded Dr. Spratt: “There’s some evidence that these breast diseases are precursors to breast cancer.  Dr. Fratkin’s idea of limiting the intake of dairy products to decrease the incidence of breast cancer and breast disease merits support.

Too little attention is generally given to the preservation of healthIt is far better to prevent disease than to know how to treat it when contracted…” (MH 128.1)
What are we counseled about cheese?
“...Flesh-meats, butter, CHEESE, rich pastry, spiced foods, and condiments are freely partaken of by both old and youngThese things do their work in deranging the stomach, exciting the nerves, and enfeebling the intellectThe blood-making organs cannot convert such things into good bloodThe effect of cheese is deleterious…”  (CTBH 46-47)
Cheese should never be introduced into the stomach.” {CD 368.4}
“…Cheese is still more objectionableit is wholly unfit for food.” (CD 368.5)
“…the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, MILK, CREAM, or BUTTER, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among menThe time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen race, the whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth.”  {CD 460.4} 
This was written in 1902. Notice she says “the time will soon com:" ***We are now in 2023, 121 years later.
 “…As disease in animals increases, the use of milk and eggs will become more and more unsafeAn effort should be made to supply their place with other things that are healthful and inexpensiveThe people everywhere should be taught how to cook WITHOUT MILK and eggs, so far as possible, and yet have their food wholesome and palatable.”  {CD 365.2} 
This was written in 1905, 118 years ago.
As we learned today, Dairy Products are related to Cysts in the Breasts and Breast Cancer.
They are also responsible for:
  • Mad Cow’s Disease
  • AIDS
  • Bovine Leukemia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Tumors
  • Cancer
  • Acne
  • Allergies
By the way, the article shared here today is very old and cannot be found online. So, in order to prove this article to be true, a sister in the Church did some research and found Dr. L.B. Fratkin’s contact number online.  His listing was a Canada listing. This is the doctor who did the study with 1,500 women.
Anyways, when the sister called, she got to speak with the wife of Dr. L.B. Fratkin. The wife’s name is Priscilla Fratkin and she said her husband’s name was Leonard Fratkin. They were married in 1944 and he died in 2002. When Mrs. Fratkin was asked if the studies that have been read about were true, she said, “Oh yes, my husband has done many studies. She also said he was a General Surgeon.
As for Dr. Spratt, His information may be found online:
  • He was the Medical Director @the Cancer Hospital from 1961-1976.
  • He Conceived and raised funds and built the non-profit cancer research center, serving as director from 1964-1976
  • He then became the professor of Surgical Oncology at Louisville, School of Medicine.  Meaning any tumors or cysts dealing with cancer, he removed surgically. 
  • He worked there from 1976-2003, retiring at that time.
  • He died in 2005


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Got info from MMT classes.

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