Monday, July 24, 2023

Learning the Health Work, Remedies, and Disease Reversal, Correctly and Quickly

We have come to a time when EVERY MEMBER of the church should take hold of medical missionary work…” (7T 62.1)

Gather up all the knowledge possible that will help to combat disease…” (MM 320.2-.3)

“…It is the duty of every person to become intelligent in regard to disease and its causes…” (HL 19.5)

As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nationthose who would stand for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake, they should, while they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to diseaseits causes, prevention, and cure…”  (CH 506.1)


That which is of the most importance is that the students be taught how to represent aright the principles of health reform..."  {9T 177.3}

“…Strange things have been done in the medical missionary work of late…”  (CH 370.3)

“…Many have misinterpreted health reform, and have received perverted ideas of what constitutes right living…”  (CD 200.3)

“…Those who go forth to engage in the work of the ministry must be intelligent upon the subject of health reform…”  (MM 238.3)

“…few can take a course of training in our medical institutionsBut ALL can study our health literature and become intelligent on this important subject…”  {MM 320.3}

#1: SOP:

A. How to Live
    B. Ministry of Healing
      C. Christian Temperance & Bible Hygiene
        D. Counsels on Diet & Foods
          E. Counsels on Health
            F. Healthful Living
              G. Medical Ministry
                H. Temperance
                  J. A Call to Medical Evangelism & Health Education
                    K. Loma Linda Messages
                      L. Selected Messages, Volume 2
                        M. Health Reformer Articles
                          N. Mind, Character, and Personality, Volumes 1&2
                            O. Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce
                              P. Paulson Collection
                              “…The Lord has marked out a way in which his people are to carry forward a work of physical healing…”  (MM 14.3)

                              “…The methods of treating the sick were plainly revealed to me…”  {20MR 373.2}

                              If God has any new light to communicate, he will let his chosen and beloved understand it, without their going to have their minds enlightened by hearing those who are in darkness and error.”  {EW 124.2}

                              Fifty times as much might be accomplished in self-educationeducation of self means more than the colleges can give you…”  {3MR 363.2}

                              “…You cannot afford to spend years in preparation…”  (CH 397.4)

                              “…Ye must step fastnow time is almost finished, and what we have been years learning, they will have to learn in a few months. They will also have much to unlearn and much to learn again…” {EW 67.2}

                              “…There are those who with a few months' instruction would be prepared to go out and do acceptable medical missionary work…”  {PC 38.7}

                              #2: SOME BOOKS WRITTEN BY OUR OWN DOCTORS
                              Mind you, all the information is not perfect, but these are the best books.
                              Follow that which you know is correct, and ignore that which is contrary to the Spirit of Prophecy.

                              A. Health Power by: Aileen Ludington M.D.
                              B. Encyclopedia of Foods and their Healing Power (Volumes 1-3, or at least the first 2 volumes)
                              C. Natural Remedies Encyclopedia by: Vance Farrell
                              D. Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, Volumes 1 and 2
                              E. Understanding the Body Organs and the Eight Laws of Health

                              Keep the work of health reform to the front is the message I am instructed to bear…” (9T 113.1)


                              PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

                              Got info from MMT classes.

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