Wednesday, February 12, 2025

We Are Not To Go To The World To Get Our Health Information

The WORLD should be NO CRITERION for us...” {4T 35.3}

“...Concerning subjects on which he has given light?  Why take inferior sources of instruction...? Why present inferior authors to the attention of students...? [Matthew 11:28, 29.] {CE 81.1}

The different parties of professed Advent believers have each a little truth, but GOD HAS GIVEN ALL THESE TRUTHS TO HIS CHILDREN WHO ARE BEING PREPARED FOR THE DAY OF GODif God has any new light to communicate, He will let His chosen and beloved understand it, without their going to have their minds enlightened by hearing those who are in darkness and error.”  {EW 124.2}

In order to obtain an education, many think it essential to study the writings of infidel authors...
whyshould we wade through the mass of error contained in the work of infidels for the sake of a few intellectual truths, when all truth is at our command.”  {MH 440.2} 

“…The Lord has marked out a way in which his people are to carry forward a work of physical healing…” {MM 14.4}   1904


I took the precious Bible and surrounded it with the several testimonies for the church, given for the people of God…the counsel that they desire can be found hereGod has been pleased to give you line upon line and precept upon precept…” {2T 605.1}

NOTE: Everything God’s people need for the treatment of the sick has been given to us in our books.  We need not go to anyone else.  All we need to do is read our own Spirit of Prophecy Health books.

  • How to Live
  • Ministry of Healing
  • Christine Temperance and Bible Hygiene
  • A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education
  • Medical Ministry
  • Counsels on Diet and Foods
  • Counsels on Health
  • Healthful  Living
  • Temperance
  • Loma Linda Messages
  • Mind Character, and Personality, Volumes I & II
  • Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce
  • Health Reformer Articles
  • Paulson Collection

Let our people show that they have a living interest in MEDICAL MISSIONARY workLet them prepare themselves for usefulness by studying the books that have been written for our instruction in these linesThese books deserve much more attention and appreciation than they have received...” {7T 63.2}

In addition to reading the Spirit of Prophecy Health Books, we should also read the best authors on the subject from our own people.

“...Read the best authors on these subjectsand obey religiously that which your reason tells you is truth.”  {CH 566.3}

NOTE:  In every one of these books I will be recommending, there are things that are contrary to our health message given us in the Spirit of Prophecy, but the majority of the information is correct. Eat the Grape and Spit out the Seed” is what I like to tell people. In other words, if you know it’s correct, follow it, but if you know it contradicts the SOP, reject it. No man is infallible.


1. ‘Encyclopedia of Foods and Their Healing Power’ – By: Dr. George D. Pamplona-Roger
  • There are 3 volumes, but the 3rd volume is a recipe book
  • If you can’t afford all 3 volumes, at least get the first 2 volumes
  • The 1st volume covers the dangers of different foods and also has charts in the back listing which plant foods are high in each mineral and vitamin.
  • Volume 2 is listed according to “body systems” and tells you which are the best foods for those Systems. 

2. Health Power – By: Aileen Ludington, MD and Hans Diehl, Dr. HSc, MPH
  • This is a great book covering all the major diseases, giving statistics, etc.
  • This book also covers the dangers of too much sodium, high fat foods, junk food, etc.
  • This book even has a test that you can take to see if you are a candidate for heart disease AND
  • Has the best weight chart on page 169

 3. Understanding the Body Organs and the Eight Laws of Health – By: Celeste Lee
  • This book teaches basic physiology for both the body organs and the Laws of Health

 4. ‘Natural Remedies Encyclopedia’ – By: Vance Farrell from ‘Harvestime Books’
  • This is an excellent resource book for looking up herbs and essential oils
  • Great for learning about the Laws of Health
  • Teaches the Anatomy and Basic Physiology of the Body
  • Has a ton of other pertinent information

NOTE: I don’t agree with the vitamin and mineral supplementation that he recommends; this should be gotten from food sources only!!!

See the document titled “Supplementation: Is it Necessary?”


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Got info from MMT classes.

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