Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Water Treatments (Hydrotherapy)

2 Kings 5:1-14 – The story of Naaman dipping into the River Jordan.

“As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation, those who would stand for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake, THEY SHOULD, while they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, prevention, and CURE...” (CH 506.1)

Simple treatments without drugs.” (PC 31.5)

Curing disease by the application of water, and other hygienic remedies.” (RH, February 20, 1866 par. 20)

There is a work to be done in treating the sick with water and teaching them to make the most of sunshine and physical exercise. Thus in simple language we may teach the people how to preserve health, how to avoid sickness...this is true science.” {SpM 137.2}

“Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, THE USE OF WATER, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them...”  {MH 127.2}

In health and in sickness, PURE WATER is one of heaven's choicest blessings. ITS PROPER USE PROMOTES HEALTH... (MH 237.1)

Our people should become intelligent in the treatment of sickness without the aid of poisonous drugs. Many should seek to obtain the education that will enable them to combat disease in its various forms by the most simple methods...water treatments, wisely and skillfully given, may be the means of saving many lives. Let diligent study be united with careful treatments. Let prayers of faith be offered by the bedside of the sick...”  {MM 57.1}

“The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of regulating the circulation of the blood.”  (MH 237.1)

Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation.”  {HL 178.1}

“The more active the circulation the more free from obstructions and impurities will be the blood...The health of the body depends upon the healthful circulation of the blood.”  {HL 178.2}

“We answer our own prayers by using the remedies within our reach. Water, wisely applied, is a most powerful remedy. As it is used intelligently, favorable results are seen. God...desires us to make the most of His health-giving blessings...we are to use every blessing God has placed within our reach for the deliverance of those in danger.”  {2SM 346.3}

But many have never learned by experience the beneficial effects of the proper use of water, and they are afraid of it. Water treatments are not appreciated as they should be, and to apply them skillfully requires work that many are unwilling to performBut none should feel excused for ignorance or indifference on the subject. There are many ways in which water can be applied to relieve pain and check disease. All should become intelligent in its use in simple home treatments. Mothers, especially, should know how to care for their families in both health and sickness.”  {MH 237.2}

What power there is in water!” {GH, October 1, 1899 par. 6}

“The Lord has taught us that great efficacy for healing lies in a proper use of waterThese treatments should be given skillfully.”  --Manuscript 73, 1908 (Manuscript entitled “Counsels Repeated”) {2SM 288.1}

“The Lord has provided antidotes for diseases in simple plants...He can use water and sunshine and the herbs which He has caused to grow, in healing maladies brought on my indiscretion or accident. We do not manifest a lack of faith when we ask God to bless His remedies. True faith will thank God for the knowledge of how to use these precious blessings in a way which will restore mental and physical vigor.”  {2SM 289.2}

“When Edson and Willie were very sick, we first prayed earnestly to God that He would rebuke the disease and heal them. Then did we feel relieved from doing everything in our power for their recovery? No. We worked most vigorously, using God's own remedies. We applied water in various ways, praying the Lord to accept our efforts and give us strength and wisdom to use (not drug medication) but the simple, natural remedies God had provided. Thus we were cooperating with God.”  {19MR 227.1}

1. Know the diagnosis of your patient/s
2. Keep patients covered at all times when doing these treatments.
3. Be gentle with the elderly because their skin can break very easily.
4. Keep them moderately covered at all times
5. Keep an eye on any reaction they may have
6. Men are to treat men/Women are to treat women
7. Check the temperature of the water for each patient (what is warm for one may be too hot for another)
8. Pray before doing any treatment

  • Basic Things to Know about Hot & Cold Water Treatments: 211-214
  • Special Cautions regarding Hydrotherapy: 214-216, 209
  • Chart for Hot & Cold Water Treatments: 217
  • Water Treatments Terminology: 218
  • Different Water Treatments Explained: 219-221
  • Water Therapy Demonstrations: 222-268
  • Enemas, Irrigations of the Ear, Nose & Throat, Douches: 268-271
  • Water Treatment Temperature Table: 271
  • Disease Index for Water Treatments: 273-275

***To watch 14 demonstrations of water therapy, go to www.youtube.com
Type in 'Hot Foot Bath' and then look to the right of the screen for the video that has the name Maschil listed. You will see a husband and wife team and will be able to recognize them by the way they dress. They have done 19 videos, but only 14 are water treatments.

1. Why need anyone be ignorant of God's remedies—HOT-WATER FOMENTATIONS



4. Experimenting in drugs is a very expensive business. Paralysis of the brain and tongue is often the result, and the victims die an unnatural death, when, if they had been treated perseveringlywith unwearied, unrelaxed diligence with HOT and COLD WATER, HOT COMPRESSES, PACKS...

5. and DRIPPING SHEET, they would be alive today.  {MM 228.2}

6. They observed the various forms of water therapy, as the HALF-BATH...Ellen White said:  {WV 106.5}

7. They observed the various forms of water therapy, as...the ―PLUNGE...Ellen White said: {WV 106.5}

8. They observed the various forms of water therapy, as the...COLD SHEET PACK...Ellen White said: {WV 106.5}

9. They observed the various forms of water therapy, as the...FOMENTATIONS. Ellen White said: {WV 106.5}

Persons in health should on no account neglect bathing. They should by all means bathe as often as twice a week. Those who are not in health have impurities in the blood, and the skin is not in a healthy condition. The multitude of pores, or little mouths, through which the body breathes, become clogged and filled with waste matter. The skin needs to be carefully and thoroughly cleansed, that the pores may do their work in freeing the body from impurities; therefore feeble persons who are diseased surely need the advantages and blessings of bathing as often as twice a week, and frequently even more than this is positively necessary.

Whether a person is sick or well, respiration is more free and easy if bathing is practiced. By it, the muscles become more flexible, the mind and body are alike invigorated, the intellect is made brighter, and every faculty becomes livelier. The bath is a soother of the nerves. It promotes general perspiration, quickens the circulation, overcomes obstructions in the system, and acts beneficially on the kidneys and urinary organs.

Bathing helps the bowels, stomach, and liver, giving energy and new life to each. It also promotes digestion, and instead of the system being weakened, it is strengthened. Instead of increasing the liability of cold, a bath, properly taken, fortifies against cold, because the circulation is improved, and the uterine organs, which are more or less congested are relieved; for the blood is brought to the surface, and a more easy and regular flow of the blood through all the blood vessels is obtained. -- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3, pp. 70, 71 (1871).

A: A COLD or COOL BATH is an excellent tonic.

B: WARM BATHS open the pores and thus aid in the elimination of impurities.

C: Both WARM and NEUTRAL BATHS soothe the nerves and equalize the circulation (MH 237.1)

D: “Some weeks ago we rented the building in Hamilton known as the TURKISH BATHS. This building is provided with facilities for giving Turkish baths and hot and cold water baths...” {KC 127.2}

E: Took a SITZ BATH last night. Slept well...” (21MR 207.4)

  • A regular flow of blood through all the vessels is obtained
  • Body is invigorated-intellect is made brighter
  • Bowels are energized and new life IS given to
  • Circulation is improved
  • Circulation quickened
  • Digestion promoted
  • Every faculty becomes livelier
  • Fortifies against colds
  • Kidneys & urinary organs benefited
  • Liver is energized and new life is given to
  • Mind is invigorated
  • Muscles become more flexible
  • Nerves are soothed
  • Obstructions overcome
  • Perspiration is promoted
  • Respiration more freely
  • Stomach is energized and new life is given to
  • Strengthens the system
  • Uterine organs are relieved of any congestion

Use the best remedies...for restoring the sufferer to health…” (LLM 78.5)

“We learned a messenger had come for Sara to see if she could come to see a suffering boy who had stepped in a hole where there was a broken bottle, and had cut his foot fearfully. She went in the house for flannel fomentation cloths, Vaseline, and several necessary articles with which to work, turned her horse, and was away again. She found a very aggravated case. It had been hurt two weeks, was fearfully cut, and proud flesh was revealed.”  {4BIO 329.7}

“Friday, Sept. 3: Sara visited the afflicted sick boy whose foot and ankle were so badly mangled. She found the poor suffering one weary and distressed…She remained with him until noon, ministering to that suffering foot. The blood poisoning must not be allowed to advance. She left him quietly sleeping. . . .”  {4BIO 329.8}

She went again in the evening....we did such kind of work as Christ would have done had He been in our world...Sara went to visit the suffering boy with the cut foot...The boy enjoyed the pure air...Then Sara had the conveniences to dress the afflicted limb.”  {4BIO 330.2}

“She greatly feared at first that he would lose his limb, but by working with it twice a day for hours with hot compresses, the pain was removed…Two days later Ellen White reported that he was recovering....After effectively treating the badly cut foot for ten or twelve days (this prevented tetanus from setting in) Sara allowed the boy to return home, with the understanding that she would go see him once a day as long as it was necessary.”  {4BIO 330.4-.5}

“I arose at four o'clock, and in stooping down for my morning socks I struck my forehad, just above the eye, on the bedpost, which cut a place in the forehead. The blood came forth freely, in large drops. I called Sara and she went to work as soon as possible and kindled a fire, and she and Edna Kilborn fomented the wound with hot water bandages wet in the hot water and applied as hot as I could bear themThe pain was relieved, the blood ceased to flow, and court plaster was applied after having a cold bandage applied to finish the treatment.”  {1888 866.3}

How much suffering might be spared if all would become intelligent in regard to these simple remedies! I thank the Lord for intelligence on these things--to know how to treat ourselves without depending on physicians. We need to exercise our own facilities to understand what to do in an emergency, and then we should impart this knowledge to others.”  (1888 866.4)

“―A lady was passing by--one of our highest teachers in Battle Creek, and it was icy and she didn't know how to drive and neither did her husband, and the sleigh slipped and jerked the lines right out of their hands. “Jump, jump," said the husband, and she jumped and was caught right on the side of the sleigh and struck her head on caught right on the side of the sleigh and struck her head on the ice and the blood poured out of her ears and nose and eyes and they thought it would be impossible to save her, but we gathered her up and took her into the house. We said we will take care of her but it is a question of how long she can live. There must be no noise around anywhere. It may be possible we can save her life. The doctor was sent for and when he said, "What are you doing?" We said, giving her a hot foot bath right under the bed clothes. Well, he said, you know better than I, and he turned on his heel and walked off and that was the last we saw of the doctor. Well, we kept her for four weeks and we had all the roosters removed from theneighborhood and every bit of noise excluded. And we succeeded in saving her life. Five years later in passing a woman who looked like this same teacher, when she saw me she grasped me in her arms and said, "You saved my life and the life of this child, the only child I have, and I feel so grateful whenever I hear the name of Ellen White mentioned.”  {LLM 541.4}

“―We also had the privilege of caring for our dear Brother Seneca King, whom we brought to our home with a terrible injury upon the head and face. We took him to our house to die, for we could not think it possible for one with the skull so terribly broken in to recover. But with the blessing of God upon a very gentle use of water, a very spare diet till the danger of fever was past, and well ventilated rooms day and night, in three weeks he was able to return to his home and attend to his farming interests. He did not take one grain of medicine from first to last. Although he was considerably reduced by loss of blood from his wounds and by spare diet, yet when he could take a more liberal amount of food he came up rapidly.”  {LS 185.3}

“...my husband and I had a most serious case on hand, a case in which the least wrong move would prove fatal. A man had become dizzy while crossing a stream of water. He fell from his carriage, and was trampled under the feet of two high-spirited horses. He was brought to our house in a partially unconscious condition. His head and face were badly bruised and his skull was broken. A physician was sent for. He came and said that the man would have some chance for his life if he remained at our house. If he were taken to his own home, he would die; for his wife would indulge him in eating. The physician said that he could trust Elder White and his wife to carry out his orders strictly. For ten days he was to be kept at the point of starvation.” {12MR 170.1}

Just at this point his wife appeared, and concluded that her husband needed nourishing food. Without saying a word to me, she prepared something good, as she thought, and when we had left him to rest and sleep, stole in and gave it to him. In a short time he was in a raging fever, as crazy as a man need to be. All hope for his life seemed to have gone. We found out what was the matter, sent his wife home at once, and for two days worked unremittingly to save the life so heedlessly jeopardized. We watched, and we worked, and we prayed; and the Lord mercifully carried him again in His arms.”  {12MR 170.2}

Water is the best liquid possible to cleanse the tissues...”  (CD 420.1)

“Do not sit in a meeting with cold feet. If the feet are cold, wash them in cold water, and then dry them thoroughly. You will find that the blood will thus be called from the head to the limbs.” {2SAT 142.5}

“When the head is congested, if the feet and limbs are put in a bath with a little mustard, relief will be obtained.”   {2SM 297.7}

COUGH: (relieve considerably):
“Coming home, I have taken quite thorough treatment, but my cough has been coming on mornings, and sometimes at night. Hot baths have relieved me considerably. Still, I am not well. I feel very weary, and have been able to do but little writing.”

You want to know how to use the common methods, the simple remedies of water. It is a simple power. Although my husband and I were not physicians, yet we were. We could go around when the doctors children were cut down, four and five in the families of physicians. WE NEVER LOST A CASE. That is in DIPHTHERIA, and we used only the simple treatments. In doing this, we gained the confidence of the physicians...”  {SW, January 23, 1902 par. 17}

“Before our sanitarium there was established, my husband and I went from house-to-house to give treatment. Under
God's blessing, we saved the lives of many who were suffering from attacks of diphtheria and bloody dysentery. Even physicians were burying their own children. Instruction was given to me by the Lord in regard to the kind of treatment I should give, and we had success.” {13MR 43.1}

They had diphtheria.”  {2BIO 13.4}

Fortunately—in the providence of God, no doubt—there had come into their hands, probably through an ―exchange of papers at the Review office, either the Yates County Chronicle, of Penn Yan, New York, or some journal quoting from it, an extended article entitled ―Diphtheria, Its Causes, Treatment and Cure. It was written by Dr. James C. Jackson, of Dansville, New York.
(You may read this exact treatment in 'How to Live' by Ellen White http://www.present-truth.org/7-Health-Secrets-Sem/SOP/HOW%20TO%20LIVE.pdf

How eagerly James and Ellen White read it. It made sense, and they immediately put its prescriptions into use, following every detail. The treatment called for was simpleemploying only a washtub, towels, sheets, and blankets—but demanded diligent attention and earnest labor. In great detail Dr. Jackson pointed out the procedures that would bring relief and finally a cure. These were attained by the simple means we today call hydrotherapy—with proper baths, packs, rest, and fresh air, and above all, absence of anxiety.”  {2BIO 13.5}

Jackson reported that over a period of years, while employing these means in hundreds of cases involving young and old, not one patient had been lost.

“Following Dr. James Jackson's guidance, two of the boys had been nursed back to health from diphtheria by an appropriate use of water, fresh air, and rest...Ellen White had been instructed that the rational use of water would be beneficial in the treatment of disease...” {2BIO 70.5}

Reduce the feverish state of the system by a careful and understanding application of water...”  (CD 304.3)
“I have just sent you a telegram. In a letter written to Brother Lacey, the father of Herbert Lacey, Sister Lacey was describingI think, the treatment you were giving Brother Lacey--the ice, etc., used to keep down the fever. I feel that the ice used is a mistake. The light which has been given me in reference to several critical cases has been represented to me as a sick child I had in charge, and in every case the directions given were, DO NOT apply ice to the head (but cool water); apply hot fomentations (to the bowels, stomach, and liver). This will quell the fever much sooner even than cold. The reaction after the cold applications raised the fever, in the place of killing it. This direction has been given me again and again. In some cases the ice applications may be warrantable, but in most cases they are not advisable....use hot water; in nine cases out of ten it will do a more successful work than the cold ice would doI cannot now write out all the cases I have handled under the light given me of God, but EVERY CASE HAS WORKED FAVORABLY. I have given these directions to physicians of repute, those not of our faith and those of our faith, and in every case, even in fevers, they have reported success in treating with hot water in the place of cold water or applications of ice.”  {20MR 278.1-.4}

“September 9, when the train had passed the highest altitude, and was just finishing its run through forty miles of tunnels and snowsheds, Miss McEnterfer, whose berth was nearly opposite, and some others nearby, heard agonized groans from Mrs. White. When asked what was the matter, she said she must have air, she could not breathe. But her window was open, and the berth was filled with smoky air from the snow-shed.”  {RH, January 20, 1910 par. 13}

Knowing that we were then seven thousand feet above sea-level, and that we had been several hours in this high altitude, we recognized the difficulty as heart failure, and trembled for the outcome. Miss McEnterfer attempted to count her pulse, but found that impossible, as there was only a little quiver instead of a regular beat. This grew more and more faint. She asked her several questions, but there was no answer. Her hearing and her speech had gone. Her limbs were cold, and she seemed powerless.”  {RH, January 20, 1910 par. 14} 

“The porter brought some hot water. Into this Miss McEnterfer put a little peppermint, and with much difficulty got Mrs. White to swallow a few spoonfuls. Then she vigorously rubbed her hands and arms and feet. After much delay bottles of hot water were secured and placed over her heart and at her feet. In the course of an hour her pulse began to grow stronger, and as we dropped into the lower altitude, her heart action increasedAn hour later as we neared Colfax, she had so far recovered as to be able to speak and to hear what we said to herDuring the day she was able to take a little liquid food, and at Oakland Pier and Vallejo Junction made the transfers with the aid of the wheelchairs furnished by the railway company. Arriving at St. Helena at 7 p.m., she walked from the train to her carriage, and was soon in her own home, from which she had been absent five months.”  {RH, January 20, 1910 par. 15}

HUNGER PAINS: (curb appetite at night):
If you feel that you must eat at night, take a drink of cold water, and in the morning you will feel much better for not having eaten.”  {TSDF 123.5}

“I have had inflammation to the eyes...hot applications were used (may mix with salt), and with good success.” {20MR 280.3}

“In the winter of 1864, my Willie was suddenly and violently brought down with LUNG FEVER. We had just buried our oldest son with this disease, and were very anxious in regard to Willie, fearing that he, too, might die. We decided that we would not send for a physician, but do the best we could with him ourselves by the use of water, and entreat the lord in behalf of the child. We called in a few who had faith to unite their prayers with ours. We had a sweet assurance of God's presence and blessing. The next day Willie was very sick. He was wandering. He did not seem to see or hear me when I spoke to him. His heart had no regular beat, but was in a constant agitated flutter. We continued to look to God in his behalf, and to use water freely upon his head, and a compress constantly upon his lungs, and soon he seemed rational as ever.”  (2SM 304.1-2)

“I had for four weeks suffered much with my lungs, and it was with difficulty that I spoke to the people. Sabbath evening a fomentation was applied over my throat and lungs; but the head cap was forgotten, and the difficulty of the lungs was driven to the brain...”  (1T 604.3)

“We inquired the reason of her prostration. They said it was hemorrhage from the lungs. My husband inquired, “What are you doing?” Dr. Lay responded, Putting on cold compresses.”  {20MR 278.5}

“We then told the doctors that they were doing the worst thing for the woman that they could do. They should keep hot water bags to her feet, and hot water bags to her lungs and stomach. The cold water or ice water to the lungs was diverting the blood from limbs and body to meet the cold application, and another hemorrhage would certainly appear soon...”  {20MR 278.6}

The cold was immediately replaced by hot, and she was much more comfortable. She had been lying [in bed] for three days. They had not dared to move her for fear of hemorrhage. Her clothing was removed the next day, and she began to feel natural. Dr. Lay said, "You have, by your counsel, saved the life of my wife.” He was the most grateful man I ever saw. She lived for about twenty years after that sickness.” {20MR 279.1}

“Sara and May White went as soon as they could gather up articles to take with them to help the sick man. They found him with his eyes glazed; he was unconsciousThe room was full of his parents and brothers and sisters. There were no windows open—not a crack of air for ventilating the room.”  {4BIO 327.5}

“Sara took charge at once, told them that they were killing him, that the lungs must have foodgood, pure air. All must leave the room but those required to wait on him. She examined the house and told them he must be moved into the sitting room. First, she directed that his bowels, which were burning hot, be relieved by an enema, administered by two brethren who were present. Then a cot was brought in, and Sara made it up. Then, all unconscious of everything, he was moved by four men onto the cot, and plenty of air was given him. He fell asleep for the first time since Monday. After remaining until the afternoon was nearly gone, Sara and May returned.” —MS 174, 1897. {4BIO 328.1}

“There was another woman, greatly respected in Allegan, who was full of malaria. She came to the sanitarium for treatment. She had been under treatment two weeks, but received no benefit. One night I dreamed that Dr. Lay came to me with much perplexity expressed in his countenance. I said, “What is it, Doctor?” He said, “I am put to my wits' end to know what to do in the case of Sister G. She does not improve at all.” Said I, “Dr. Lay, what influence would it have on cold tallow to put it in cold or tepid water?” “None at all,” he said. “I have no more to say,” I said; a word to the wise is sufficient.”  {20MR 279.2}

The next day Dr. Lay came to our house, and desired an interview with me. He repeated the words in my dream, and I gave the same answer. I said, Give her as hot treatment as she can bear.” “Why did I not think of this myself?” he said. He acted upon the light given, with perfect success.”  {20MR 279.3}

“…I am in PERSPIRATION and HAVE TO go where my home is and take a cold bath to keep from nervous exhaustion…”  {SW, January 23, 1902 par. 15}

There are many ways in which water can be applied to relieve pain and check disease. All should become intelligent in its use in simple home treatments. Mothers, especially, should know how to care for their families in both health and sickness.” {MH 237.2)

“I am so thankful to my God for the blessing of freedom from pain. I TOOK A BATH IN COLD WATER and rubbed myself thoroughly and felt no chill. I am seated on the cot lounge writing by lamplight. I have not had freedom from pain in many months before this morning, and my heart is thankful to God...” {16MR 129.2-3}

“The next day Willie was very sick. He was wandering. He did not seem to see or hear me when I spoke to him. His heart had no regular beat, but was in a constant agitated flutter. We continued to look to God in his behalf, and to use water freely upon his head, and a compress constantly upon his lungs, and soon he seemed rational as ever. He suffered severe pain in his right side, and could not lie upon it for a moment. This pain was subdued with cold water compresses, varying the temperature of the water according to the degree of the fever. We were very careful to keep his hands and feet warm.” {2SM 304.2}

Water can be used in many ways to relieve suffering. Drafts of clear, hot water taken before eating (half a quart, more or less), will never do any harm, but will rather be productive of good.” {CD 303.1}

SCALDING: (a burn from hot liquid or hot steam):
“At one place a little lad was badly scalded. His sufferings were great. His family knew not what to do for him. They could not sleep because of his agonizing cries. Miss McEnterfer could not tell how the case would turn, but she worked tenderly and carefully, dressing the wounds. She made her applications of hot water compresses. What a wonderful restorer this is. After the first work that was essential to be done was finished, the little fellow slept, and the family slept. Day after day she treated this case.” {16MR 41.3-.4}

“When I have taken treatment at the sanitarium, Dr. Kellogg has always told the head nurses to allow Sister White to prescribe her own treatment. They used to give me cold (ice) applications to my head, but it was always an injury to me, and I changed them to warm applications to the spine and head, and to the eyes hot salt water fomentations, but seldom ever cold...” (20MR 280.3)

“Brother Wilson, father of the Brother Wilson now in Tasmania, had been sick, and a telegram was sent for Dr. Lay to come immediately. His father was in a terrible state of ERYSIPELAS. .. I said, “Brother Wilson, I had a dream last night. I was taking care of a sick child. Its head was swollen enormously, and the child was unconscious. Some were saying, “Put cold water on its head.” One came in and stood by the bed, and said: “This is a critical case. Cold water is not the right prescription. Take two flannel sheets, wet them as hot as you can handle them, and wrap him up in the pack, and put a flannel wet in warm water round his head. Keep this in operation until he manifests sensibility to heat. Work quickly and thoroughly, for you will have no time to lose....”Now,” said I to Brother Wilson, “call at your sister's, get the blankets, and follow directions precisely.” He did this, and when he put on the third application, he began to shrink, for he was revealing sensibility. Oh, what rejoicing was in that house. The battle was fought and the victory gained before Dr. Lay arrived...”  {20MR 279.5-280.1}

“On one occasion a brother was taken sick with erysipelas of the head. His head was very much swollen. A message was sent for Dr. Lay to come at once...The night before I dreamed that I was caring for a child whose life was despaired of. Its head was swollen, and the whole body inflamed. A skillful physician gave orders to take woolen sheets, dip them in hot water, and wrap them round the child. Up to this time the child had been without sense of feeling. But as we worked over him with persevering diligence, wrapping him in hot blankets, we saw that he began to cringe. This process was kept up until the child's life was saved.”  {12MR 171.1}

“It was the brother of the sick man who came to me with the message, and when I told him my dream about the child, he said that I had described his brother's case exactly. He said he would follow the directions given, for the dream was of the Lord. He said, My brother has no sense of feeling. His body is apparently dead, just as you described the body of the child to be.” {12MR 171.2}

“He went home and carried out the treatment as given in my dream. Two or three times they wrapped the sick man in hot blankets, until he began to wince and finally asked them what they were doing. In a short time the swelling left his head, and he was fully conscious. When the physician arrived, he said that it was nothing less than a miracle.” {12MR 171.3}

“One of the boys who came with the father was a cripple, using crutches, and he cooked while the others worked. This boy is thirteen years old, and had been troubled with a knee-swelling for five years. For eleven months he was confined to his bed under the care of a physician. Sister McEnterfer had treated him with WATER COMPRESSES and pulverized charcoaluntil the inflammation had been relieved. He was so much better that he laid aside his crutches, and attended to the cooking, as has been mentioned. But this was too much, and the knee troubled him again. It was necessary to give him a thorough course of treatment, so we took him into my own house and gave him constant care. There was a large swelling under the knee, which he called his 'egg.' This swelling was opened and discharged freely, and from it were taken pieces of bone. WHAT POWER THERE IS IN WATER!!!”  {GH, October 1, 1899 par. 4-5}

“We took with us fomentation flannels. My husband gave treatment to Mr. Parker, which seemed to work favorably. He is certainly in a very bad way. His throat is distressingly inflamed, making it very painful for him to swallow even liquid. We are trying to improve his condition...” 20MR 207.3}

“She had a ―painful operation on her teeth Friday morning. The pain lasted over the Sabbath, October 3, and by Sunday morning she was suffering severely but hot fomentations brought some relief.”  {EGWE 87.2}

Take a cold bath to keep from nervous exhaustion...”  (SW, January 23, 1902 par. 15}

“Thursday night. We met Brother Hicks at the depot and he had us as his guests at his home. It was raining all day, and here in this place the ground was covered with snow--the first we had seen this year. All were in bed and Brother Hicks provided hot water for me to drink before retiring. --Ms. 44, 1890, pp. 1-2 (Diary 16, pp. 283-284). {MR1033 18.2}

This morning I am weak, because of an attack of influenza that came upon me during our visit to southern California. While at the Paradise Valley Sanitarium I drove to San Diego to speak in the church there; and then, AFTER TAKING A COLD BATH, I DROVE BACK TO THE SANITARIUM, NEARLY SEVEN MILES. This did not seem to weary me but afterward I was traveling from place to place, and bearing heavy burdens, and in some way I contracted a cold that it has been difficult for me to throw off.”  {21MR 85.2}


“The question with us is how these women can keep their hands in ice-cold water for hours at a time without injury to their health. Indeed, we are quite inclined to the opinion that this practice is one cause of the enlarged necks which we saw everywhere. This is, however, most commonly attributed to the water which they drink.”  {HS 245.1}

“She has tried to vindicate cold and ice water treatment, but I differ with her. There is not strength in that frail body now to bear any such heroic treatment…”  {20MR 280.6}

“The use of water can accomplish but little, if the patient does not feel the necessity of also strictly attending to his diet.”  {CD 304.4}

To watch a wonderful series on 19 different treatments (14 dealing with water) go to the following link and then look for all the videos to the right of the screen.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz78pX2l9_g

'Hydrotherapy' simple Treatments for Common Ailments BY: Clarence Dail, M.D./Charles Thomas, Ph.D


  • Chest Congestion
  • Common cold (prevention/relief)
  • Congestive headaches
  • Decrease a rapid pulse rate
  • Hypertension Relief (for BP) >160/90
  • Pain in feet or loss of feeling
  • Pelvic congestion (to start menstruation)
  • Relaxation/comfort
  • Stop a nosebleed/earbleed/eyebleed

1. 5 gallon bucket – half full of hot water (103º)
2. Water thermometer
3. Sheet or blanket (blanket for a sweating procedure)
4. Washcloth
5. Medium sized bowl with cold water (55-70º)
6. Pitcher to add very hot water
7. Glass of water and a straw

1. Carefully put feet into water (start @103º, can be up to 110º), warm water after a few minutes (check temp periodically & add hot water as the temp decreases)
2. Put sheet over patient
3. Put cold compress on the head
4. Continually ask the person how the temp is and how they feel
5. Keep the head cool
6. Keep the patient hydrated
7. Do treatment for 30 minutes
8. Finish treatment by lifting feet up out of basin, pour cold water over the feet, then dry feet (have towel
     under basin, when basin is removed)
9. Have pt. Rest for about a half an hour

(3 minutes hot/30 seconds cold...3 rotations)

1. Sprains 1-2 Dish Basins (1 is 100-110º / 2 is 70º water – add ice)
2. Strains 2. Boiling water
3. Trauma 3. Ice
4. Fractures 4. Thermometer
5. Arthritis 5. Towels
6. Edema 6. May use ¼ c. mustard powder or 1 T. cayenne to add
7. Infections to hot bath for painful conditions or sluggish
8. Ulcers circulation.....2 c. of table or Epsom salt may be
9. Impaired Venous Circulation used to relieve edema
10. Pain
11. Frostbite
12. Cold Feet
 ***Do #'s 1-4 after 24 hours.

(See MH 237.1): May do several times a day – do x 10-30 minutes each time (depends on the strength of the individual).

1. Sprained ankle
2. Acute inflammation
3. Acute arthritis
4. Too slow of a pulse & respiration

1. Container large enough to cover the area being treated (60º water)
2. Thermometer
3. Pitcher to add ice or cold water
4. Ice
5. Two towels

1. Persons with diabetes or vascular disease
2. Care should be taken to prevent chilling

*Anesthesia to a painful area to reduce pain in order to be able to massage, stretch, etc.

1. Painful joints
2. Bursitis
3. Pain between, bone, and muscle & tendons
4. Painful muscles
5. Strains, trauma, inflammation
6. Acute neck, shoulder, and lower back pain

1. One or Two Styrofoam cups with ice frozen in them
2. Two hand towels

1. Pour water into cups & freeze in freezer
2. Peel back top part of cup so ice is exposed
3. Rub ice in area x 7 minutes or until the area is numb. It will be very uncomfortable at first.
(Keep moving around. Don't stay in same spot when applying the ice, then exercise the joint area)
4. Dry area off (this brings fresh blood to the area

1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
2. Stroke
3. When a person is cold

(Do x 10 minutes every hour, break in between each treatment (tx)

Relief of nasal & lung congestion
Sore Throat
Breaking up mucous in the lungs

Tea kettle to boil water
Towel (or newspaper cone) for concentrating vapor for inhalation
Eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, etc. for helping airway

Because this treatment involves steam, special care must be taken to avoid scalding/burns.
Treatment may have to be shortened for small children & the elderly.
Those with chronic respiratory disease or chronic heart disease may find it difficult to breathe.

(Truly relaxes the nerves 30 minutes to 5 hours)

  • Acute Hypertension -Dry Skin (do bath for a long time)
  • Agitation
  • Insomnia - Depression
  • Itchy Skin - Mental Illness
  • Relax Nerves

  • Air pillow or towels for head
  • Bath thermometer
  • Bath towels
  • Bath tub filled with water (over torso) (94-97º)

  • In case of acute anxiety, cleansing, or insomnia, the bath should be prolonged.
  • When used for insomnia, treatment should be done right before bedtime.
  • The temperature may be increased to 98-99º (depending on the temp of the room & person)

  • Some cases of Eczema
  • Persons with great cardiac weakness


Assists the body in elimination of toxins and doubles the white blood cell count.

  • Anxiety
  • Building the Immune System
  • Cancer
  • Colds/Flus
  • Depression
  • Detoxifying the body
  • Fighting Infection
  • Hypertension (short duration)-Diabetes (short duration, no foot bath)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Increasing blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Lupus
  • Menopausal Symptoms
  • Muscle & Joint Pain
  • Relaxation
  • Rheumatoid arthritis/Arthritis
  • Shingles
  • Stimulate body functions
  • Tension

  • 2 Towels (not including the towels that are to be placed on the chairs)
  • Cold compress (small container with cold water & medium sized towels)
  • Drinking water & Straws
  • Hot Foot Bath (5 gallon bucket or container (Half fill with 103º water to start then warm up to 106-110 º
  • depending on tolerance to heat)
  • Plastic or Wooden Chair (Cover with towels very well)
  • Plastic sheeting or Shower curtain
  • Tea Kettle & Hot Plate

  • Place chair on plastic sheet.
  • Cover chair thoroughly with towels.
  • Place foot buckets (103 degrees) on floor on plastic in front of chair.
  • Put person in chair…place feet in water then place tea kettle underneath chair with spout pointing outward lace towel over shoulders to prevent plastic from irritating shoulders.
  • Wrap plastic around person…Make sure steam is not too hot, draping over hot foot bath and around steam  
  • Kettle.
  • Wrap wet cold compress (1 around head, 1 around neck) to protect the brain and thyroid gland – it cools the  blood.
  • Check temperature to prevent inducing fever (keep around 102º).
  • Check temp of hot foot bath water (104-112º).
  • As person starts sweating, give them water to keep hydrated.
  • Check with person continually to make sure steam is not burning them.
  • Change cold compresses to the head as going through the treatment.
  • FOR DISEASE PROCESS: Do x 15 minutes.
  • End with wrapping person in sheet & blanket. Let them sweat it out.

*Greatly enhances immune system activity

  • Depression -Immune Booster
  • Diabetes
  • Fatigue
  • General heat application
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity -To stimulate metabolism of the body
  • Refresher after local

  • Shower
  • Towels

  • Start with warm water working up to 102 -105º (as hot as they can handle without burning/scalding skin)
  • Do Hot x 1 minute; Cold x 30 seconds
  • Repeat this process 3 times
  • Rest x 30 minutes – 1 hr. if possible

  • Make sure person’s feet are warm before entering the shower
  • Have a stool on hand just in case a person becomes faint.

(Strengthens the bath)

MUSTARD POWDER BATH: Produces sweating & rids the body of toxins. Put ½ c. into warm to hot water (no more than 102º…Keep cool rag over forehead and give water to drink during whole process. Rest x 1 hour after process if possible.

Note: Put Vaseline in private areas and underarms to keep from burning.

OATMEAL BATH: Blend 4 cups into powder. Add to warm bath & soak x 30 minutes to 1 hour.
 ***Great for skin irritations/rashes.

CHARCOAL BATH: - Put 1 cup in 100-101 degrees water. Mix well. Soak for 20-30 min. Keep will hydrated. Keep cold rag over forehead during whole process. To adsorb toxic waste, help with rashes, pain, cold or flu,

***Note: Awesome from the 99cents Only Store or Dollar Tree is wonderful for cleaning the black from charcoal from any surface.

(The most effective means for relieving pain)   ***This is MOIST HEAT to a body part.

  • Acne - Spasms
  • Arthritis pain -Suppression of Urine
  • Bell’s Palsy - Meniere’s
  • Cerebral Congestion
  • Colon Pain (colic)
  • Constipation
  • Edema
  • Heat Stroke - Diabetes
  • Hernia
  • Indigestion
  • Inflammation & Toxicity of Kidneys (use charcoal as well)
  • Menstrual Pain
  • Muscular contractions -Alcoholism
  • Nervous Disorders - Delirium
  • Numbness & Tingling
  • Sluggish Liver
  • Spasmodic muscular condition
  • Stress
  • Tetany - Drug Addiction
  • Tic
  • Torticollis - Collapse or shock to the spine

  • Microwave or Pot of Boiling water
  • Oven Mitts
  • Tongues
  • Towels (Large, small, medium)
  • Wash cloths
  • Water
  • Woolen or Cotton pads (may use instead of towels)

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis -Viral Infections
  • Inflammation -Laryngitis
  • Nasal Congestion -Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Pain -Tonsillitis

  • Cotton material to cover the area (an old sheet is good) 1 of 2 thickness dipped in cold water and wrung out (may use a T-shirt)
  • Wool of many layers or flannel to cover the cotton
  • Plastic to cover everything
  • Safety Pins

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Got info from MMT classes.

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