Sunday, February 9, 2025

Are You A Vegan Or Health Reformer?


About 5% -

9.7 million Americans follow a vegetarian diet, with about one million of those being vegan. 59% of plant-based eaters in the United States are female, with 41% being male.

The term vegan was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson when he co-founded the Vegan Society in England, at first to mean "non-dairy vegetarian" and later to refer to “the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals.” Interest in veganism increased in the 2000s; vegan food became increasingly available in supermarkets and restaurants in many countries, and several top athletes in endurance sports, such as the Ironman triathlon and the ultramarathon, began to practice veganism and raw veganism.

We have been given the work of advancing health reform. The Lord desires His people to be in harmony with one another…” (CD 38.2)

The question of health reform is not agitated as it must and will be....”  {CD 304.1}

The light God has given on health reform is for our salvation and the salvation of the world…These grand truths must be given to the world...“ {CH 446.1}

Let those who are teachers and leaders in our cause take their stand firmly on Bible ground in regard to health reform, and give a straight testimony to those who believe we are living in the last days of this earth's historyA line of distinction must be drawn between those who serve God and those who serve themselves.”  {9T 158.2}

 “God's blessing will rest upon every effort made to awaken an interest in health reform; for it is needed everywhere. There must be a revival on this subject; for God purposes to accomplish much through this agency…” {MM 259.3} 

He who cherishes the light which God has given him upon health reform has an important aid in the work of becoming sanctified through the truth, and fitted for immortalityBUT if he disregards that light and lives in violation of natural law, he must pay the penalty…”     {CH 22.2} 

God has given us great light upon the health reform, which HE REQURIES US ALL TO RESPECT. He does not send light to be rejected or disregarded by His people without their suffering the consequences.”  {3T 311.2}

 “The light which God has given upon health reform cannot be trifled with without injurythe Lord will not be trifled with upon these subjects. He who disregards the light which God has given in regard to the preservation of health, revolts against his own good and refuses to obey the One who is working for his best good.”  {CH 562.2}

I am sorry that there are many of our people who DO NOT STRICTLY FOLLOW THE LIGHT ON HEALTH REFORM…” {CD 493.1}

“…Even while you fail to bring into your life and into your family the blessing that comes from following the principles of health reform, do not harm others by opposing the light God has given on this subject.”
{CD 38.2} 

His disregard of health reform unfits him to stand as the Lord's messenger. The light that the Lord has given on this subject in His word is plain, and men will be tested and tried in many ways to see if they will heed itEvery church, every family, needs to be instructed in regard to Christian temperance. All should know how to eat and drink in order to preserve health. We are amid the closing scenes of this world's history, and there should be harmonious action in the ranks of SabbathkeepersThose who stand aloof from the great work of instructing the people upon this question do not follow where the Great Physician leads the way.” {6T 378.2} 

At the time the light of health reform dawned upon us, and since that time, the questions have come home every day, “Am I practicing true temperance in all things?” “Is my diet such as will bring me in a position where I can accomplish the greatest amount of good?” If we cannot answer these questions in the affirmative, we stand condemned before God, for He will hold us all responsible for the light which has shone upon our pathhe requires us to change our health destroying habits, and place ourselves in a right relation to physical laws. {CD 19.3}

“…I consider it a privilege as well as a duty to be a health reformer.” {CD 492.5}

God wants them to be health reformers. He wants them to live up to the light that has been given on this subject...” {CCh 238.3}

Are we willing to be true health reformers?”  {CD 35.4}

  • Don’t eat at regular times
  • Drink alcohol or eat food with alcohol in it
  • Drink coffee, energy drinks, and tea (not herbal)
  • Drink soda & diet soda
  • Drink with their meals
  • Eat between meals
  • Eat chocolate
  • Eat mints, candies, and gum
  • Eat more than 2-3 kinds of food at a meal
  • Eat more than 3-4 dishes at a meal
  • Eat potato chips, fried corn chips, and fries
  • Eat right before bed
  • Fry their food or cook grease/oils
  • Mix fruit & vegetables at a meal
  • Snack
  • Use Agave Nectar
  • Use baking soda & baking powder
  • Use black & white pepper, and cayenne in their food
  • Use chili peppers, jalapenos, hot peppers, hot sauce
  • Use condiments
  • Use fermented items such as miso, tempeh, and yogurt
  • Use food coloring
  • Use hot sauce, tobacco, etc.
  • Use nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, and other spices
  • Use vinegar or anything with vinegar in it

  • DON’T mix fruit & vegetables at a meal because it causes fermentation in the stomach
  • DON’T eat more than 3-4 dishes at a meal because it causes fermentation in the stomach
  • DON’T eat more than 2-3 kinds of food at a meal because it causes fermentation in the stomach
  • DON’T drink with their meals because it makes digestion difficult. Causes food to rot in the stomach
  • DON’T use condiments because it poisons the blood, causes anemia, messes with the platelets, etc.
  • DON’T use vinegar b/c it poisons the blood, causes anemia, messes with the platelets, etc.
  • DON’T use fermented items like miso, tempeh, yogurt, etc. because it poisons the blood
  • DON’T use chili peppers, jalapenos, and hot peppers b/c it tears the lining of the stomach, poisons blood
  • DON’T use hot sauce, tobacco, etc. b/c it tears the lining of the stomach, poisons blood
  • DON’T use black & white pepper, & cayenne in their food b/c tears the ling of the stomach, poisons blood
  • DON’T use nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice b/c it tears the lining of the stomach, poisons blood
  • DON’T use food coloring because it causes cancer, tumors, and messes with neuro-transmitters in the brain ADD, ADHD
  • DON’T use baking soda & baking powder because it poisons the blood, disturbs PH of the stomach
  • DON’T drink coffee, energy drinks, and tea b/c they mess with the nervous system; causes anemia
  • DON’T drink soda & diet soda b/c they mess with the nervous system; causes anemia
  • DON’T drink alcohol or eat food with alcohol in it destroys brain cells; damages the Liver, poisons the blood
  • DON’T eat chocolate
  • DON’T fry their food or cook with any grease poisons the blood, causes heart disease, etc.
  • DON’T eat potato chips, fried corn chips, fried fries, raises cholesterol, causes diabetes, etc.
  • DON’T eat mints, candies, and gum because they are full of harmful ingredients that poison the blood
  • DON’T snack b/c it messes with proper digestion time…causes fermentation
  • DON’T eat between meals b/c it messes with proper digestion time, causes fermentation, etc.
  • DON’T eat at irregular times so proper digestion is not hindered and the brain is not fogged
  • DON’T eat right before bed so their sleep is undisturbed
  • DON’T use Agave Nectar because it is chemically processed and acts on the body as does HFCS or Corn Syrup….Health Reforms do Use Honey in Moderation

The health reform is just what the name indicates it to beThere is too great a mixture of foods provided... Soda and saleratus, rich gravies and desserts are used far too freelyWe have certainly departed from the simplicity of diet.”  {8MR 172.1}

We shall soon reach a time when we must understand the meaning of a simple diet. The time is not far hence, when we shall be obliged to adopt a diet very different from our present diet.”  {8MR 172.2} 

We need to study the art of preparing in a simple manner the fruits, grains, and vegetablesWe do not need these complex combinations that are providedAs the matter now stands we are in danger of making dyspeptics. I would ask, How many are standing by the old principles of health reform, as they were given to us years ago?” {8MR 172.3}   

“…All who believe and proclaim the truth should not only practice health reform, but teach it diligently to others…”   (Colporteur Ministry, pg.133.2) 

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Got info from MMT classes.

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