Saturday, July 27, 2024

What The Bible & SOP Says About Physicians/Doctors

The world has departed far from true principles of restoration and health.” (LLM 72A.5)

“…If there was in the land one physician in the place of thousands, a vast amount of premature mortality would be prevented. Multitudes of physicians, and multitudes of drugs, have cursed the inhabitants of the earth, and have carried thousands and tens of thousands to untimely graves.”  {2SM 450.2}
1: A physician is to know how to recover the health of God's people:
    “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?”  (Jer. 8:22)
***A true physician gets to the root of the medical condition without masking it with medicationthe person would be healed.
2: Many physicians are of no value:
    “But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.” (Job 13:4)
Many physicians in our world are of no benefit to the human family…” (SpM 137.1)
3: We should run to God and not to the physicians first when we get sick:
“And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians.”  (2 Chron. 16:12) (2 Kings 20:1-7)
4: Most people suffer many things by going to physicians:
    “…had suffered many things of many physicians...” (Mark 5:26)
Physicians, by administering their drug-poisons, have done very much to increase the deterioration of the race, physically, mentally, and morally…” {RH, August 15, 1899 par. 7}
5: Most people go to physician after physician, but still with no recovery:
    “Many physicians...was nothing bettered. (Mark 5:26)
6: Most people spend all their money on seeing physicians, but with no recovery:
    “...had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed by any.”  (Luke 8:43)
“To educate the human family that the doctor alone knows all the ills of infants and persons of every age is false teaching...”   M.S. 105, (PH144 13.2) (written Aug. 26, 1898)
“There are simple herbs and roots that every family may use for themselves, and need not call in a physician any sooner than they would call a lawyer (when is the last time you needed a lawyer?”  (2SM 279.1)
“...if every family were educated in how to use these herbs in case of sickness, much suffering might be prevented, and NO DOCTOR NEED BE CALLED...”  1897 (2SM 294.1)
“...TRUE EDUCATION will lead us to teach the sick that they need not call in a doctor any more than they would call in a lawyer. They can themselves administer the simple herbs if necessary.”  (SpM 137.2)
“He would have us understand that it is a mistake to regard as most essential the education given by physicians who reject the authority of Christ...We are not to accept and follow the view of men who refuse to recognize God as their teacher, but who learn of men, and are guided by man-made laws and restrictions.” {PH049 6.4}
It is not safe to trust to physicians who have not the fear of God before them...The physician may claim to possess great wisdom and marvelous skill, while at the same time his practice contrary to the laws of health...the teaching of these physicians is continually leading away from the principles God has given us in regard to health...Brethren, how can the Lord let his blessing rest upon us when we are going right upon the enemy's ground?”   {CTBH 113.1) (5T 194.3) (CH 456.2) (Read Psalms 1:1)
“Angels of God will preserve his people while they walk in the path of duty; but there is no assurance of such protection for those who deliberately venture upon Satan's ground…”   {CTBH 115.3}
Christ will not save from wounds the one who places himself unbidden on the enemy's ground...Then comes suffering...”  (MS 115, 1902) {5BC 1102.7}
(Many parents are having their children taken away or are being reported to Children's Services all because they let their Dr.'s know that they don't vaccinate their children or they only eat 2 meals a day, are 100% plant based, etc. Therefore, parents are SCARED into going against their choices and are being led to go contrary to the laws of health in many aspects).
““Your question is, . . . “IN URGENT CASES, should we call in a worldly physician, because the sanitarium doctors are all so busy that they have no time to devote to outside practice?”...If the physicians are so busy that they cannot treat the sick outside of the institution, would it not be WISER for all to educate themselves in the use of simple remedies, than to venture to use drugs that are given a long name to hide their real qualities...”  (2SM 289.4)
Appealing to worldly physicians is dishonoring to God. Those who come to God in faith must co-operate with Him in accepting and using His heaven-sent remedies,--water, sunlight, and plenty of air.”  {PC 48.4}
“Our people are now being tested as to whether they will obtain their wisdom from the greatest Teacher the world ever knew, or seek to the god of Ekron. Let us determine that we will not be tied by so much as a thread to the educational policies of those who do not discern the voice of God and who will not hearken to His commandments.”  {CT 255.4}
“I have heard a mother pleading with an infidel physician to save the life of her child; but when I entreated her to seek help from the Great Physician, who is able to save to the uttermost all who come to him in faith, she turned away with impatience.”  (CH 454.4)
“It is the right of every daughter of Eve to have a thorough knowledge of household duties, to receive training in every department of domestic labor...It is her right to understand the mechanism of the human body and the principles of hygiene, the matters of diet and dresslabor and recreation, and countless others that intimately concern the wellbeing of her household. It is her right to obtain such a knowledge of the best methods of treating disease that she can care for her children in sickness, instead of leaving her precious treasures in the hands of strange nurses and physicians.”  {AH 87.3}
“While you fear to trust yourself in the hands of the physicians, and think that you understand your case better than they do, you cannot be benefited, but only harmed, by their treatment of your case. Unless physicians can obtain the confidence of their patients, they can never help them. If you prescribe for yourself, and think you know what treatment you should have, better than the physicians do, you cannot be benefited. You must yield your will and ideas, and not rein yourself up to resist their judgment and advice in your case.” {3T 78.3}
“Again, there may be somebody sick there. You want to know how to use the common methods, the simple remedies of water. It is a simple power. Although my husband and I were not physicians, yet we were. We could go around when the doctors children were cut down, four and five in the families of physicians. We never lost a case. That is in diphtheria, and we used only the simple treatments. In doing this, we gained the confidence of the physicians. When persons would go to the physicians for help, they would say, "If anybody can help you, it is up there at Elder White's. He and his wife go around and help people, I don't know how they do it...”  {SW, January 23, 1902 par. 17}
“For her COUGH...eucalyptus and honey...If you will use this prescription, you may be your own physician.”  (2SM300.2) {14MR 339.1}
By practicing temperance in eating, in drinking, in dressing, in labor, and in all things, we can do for ourselves what no physician can do for us.”  {CG 397.1}
“…intelligent men and women can be their own physicians…” {2SM 442.4}
“There is no treatment which can relieve you of your present difficulties while you eat and drink as you do. You can do that for yourselves which the most experienced physician can never do. REGULATE YOUR DIET...”  (CD 124.1)
“If there was in the land one physician in the place of thousands, a vast amount of premature mortality would be prevented. Multitudes of physicians, and multitudes of drugs, have cursed the inhabitants of the earth, and have carried thousands and tens of thousands to untimely graves.”  {2SM 450.2}
“Many are unwilling to put forth the needed effort to obtain a knowledge of the laws of life and the simple means to be employed for the restoration of health. They do not place themselves in right relation to life. When sickness is the result of their transgression of natural law, they do not seek to correct their errors, and then ask the blessing of God, but they resort to the physicians. If they recover health, they give to drugs and doctors all the honor. They are ever ready to idolize human power and wisdom, seeming to know no other God than the creature, — dust and ashes.”  {CTBH 112.3}
“The sick, the bereaved, the curious, are communicating with evil spirits. All who venture here are on dangerous ground. The word of truth declares how God regards them. In ancient times he pronounced judgments upon one who sent for counsel to a heathen oracle: “Is it not because there is not a God in Israel that thou sendest to inquire to Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron? Therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.”  {3SP 426.3}
Our people are now being tested as to whether they will obtain their wisdom from the greatest Teacher the world ever knew, or seek to the god of Ekron. Let us determine that we will not be tied by so much as a thread to the educational policies of those who do not discern the voice of God and who will not hearken to His commandments.”  (MM 61.5)
CTBH 113.1-114.1 – “Who among us are seeking help from the gods of Ekron? Look on this picture — a picture not drawn from imagination. In how many, even among Seventh-day Adventists, may its leading characteristics be seen! An invalid, apparently very conscientious, yet bigoted and self-sufficient, freely avows his contempt for the laws of life and health, which divine mercy has led us as a people to accept. His food must be prepared in a manner to satisfy his morbid cravings. Rather than sit at a table where wholesome food is provided, he will patronize restaurants, because he can there indulge appetite without restraint. A fluent advocate of temperance, he disregards its foundation principles. He wants relief, but refuses to obtain it at the price of self-denial. That man is worshiping at the shrine of perverted appetite. He is an idolater. The powers, which, sanctified and ennobled, might be employed to honor God, are weakened, and rendered of little service. An irritable temper, a confused brain, and unstrung nerves are among the results of his disregard of nature's laws. He is inefficient and unreliable. Whoever has the courage and honesty to warn him of danger, thereby incurs his displeasure. The slightest remonstrance or opposition is sufficient to rouse his combative spirit. But now an opportunity is presented to seek help from one whose power comes through the medium of witchcraft. To this source he applies with eagerness, freely expending time and money in the hope of securing the proffered boon. He is deceived, infatuated. The sorcerer's power is made the theme of praise, and others are influenced to seek his aid. Thus the God of Israel is dishonored, while Satan's power is revered and exalted.”
“In the name of Christ I would address his professed followers: Abide in the faith which you have received from the beginning. Shun profane and vain babblings.” [2 Timothy 2:16.] Instead of putting your trust in witchcraft, have faith in the living God. Cursed is the path that leads to Endor or to Ekron. The feet will stumble and fall that venture upon this forbidden ground. There is a God in Israel, with whom is deliverance for all who are oppressed. Righteousness is the foundation of his throne.”  {CTBH 115.1}
“When the great question of health reform was opened before me, the methods of treating the sick were plainly revealed to me. The old-school cruel practice and the sure results, where one claimed to be benefited, thousands were made lifelong invalids who, had they never seen a physician, would have recovered of themselves without implanting in their system diseases of a most distressing character…”  {20MR 373.2}
A few of these orders give control to doctors, allowing them to ask their patients if they own a gun and something to do with Mental Screening.
“The world is a theater; the actors, its inhabitants, are preparing to act their part in the last great drama...God is permitting the elements of confusion and disorder to bear sway for a season.  A power from beneath is working to bring about the last great scenes in the drama--Satan coming as Christ, and working with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in those who are binding themselves together in secret societies. Those who are yielding to the passion for confederation are working out the plans of the enemy...”  {8T 27.4}
“The medical fraternity, represented to me as Freemasonry, with their long, unintelligible names which common people cannot understand, would call the Lord's prescription for Hezekiah quackery...”  {16MR 289.1}
“God has permitted the light of health reform to shine upon us in these last days, that by walking in the light we may escape many dangers to which we will be exposed.”  (3T 561.1)
“As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation, those who would stand for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake, they should, while they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, prevention, and cure…”  {CH 506.1}
JESUS TELLS US: “I send ye forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: therefore, be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
Drug medication must be left out of the question if the human physician would receive the diploma written and issued in heaven. There are many physicians who will never receive this diploma unless they learn in the school of the great physician. This means they must unlearn and cast away the supposed wonderful knowledge of how to treat disease with poisonous drugs. They must go to God’s laboratory of nature, and there learn the simplest methods of using the remedies which the Lord had furnishedwhen GOD’S REMEDIES --sunshine, pure air, water, and good food--are used, there will be far fewer deaths and a far greater number of cures.”  {16MR 247.1}
“…The education in drug medication…have brought forth a class of PRACTITIONERS WHO NEED TO UNLEARN MUCH THEY HAVE LEARNED. They need to obtain an altogether different experience before they can say in word and in deed, we are medical missionaries. Till they obtain such an experience, the Great Physician does not acknowledge them as medical missionaries…”  {17MR 91.2}
“…let physicians teach the people that RESTORATIVE POWER IS NOT IN DRUGS, but in nature…” (MH 127.1)
“Instruction has been given me that physicians who use flesh meat and prescribe it for their patients, should not be employed in our institutions, because they fail decidedly in educating the patients who discard that which makes them sick. The physician who uses and prescribes meat does not reason from cause to effect, and instead of acting as a restorer, he leads the patient by his own example to indulge perverted appetite. The physicians in our institutions should be reformers in this respect and in every other. Many of the patients are suffering because of errors in diet. They need to be shown a better way, but how can a meat-eating physician do this? By his wrong habits he trammels his work and cripples his usefulness.” {CD 290.5-291.1}
LLM = Loma Linda Messages
PH = Pamphlet
CTBH = Christian Temperance & Bible Hygiene
5T = Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5
2SM = Selected Messages, Volume 2
SpM = Spalding & Magan
5BC = Bible Commentary, Volume 5
CH = Counsels on Health
MM = Medical Ministry
3SP = Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 3


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