Monday, July 22, 2024

Natural Remedies from the SOP (Part 1)

Matthew 4:4 – “...It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

Jeremiah 46:11 – “... in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured.”

Ezekiel 47:12 – “...all trees...the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf for medicine.

“If the harmonious working of the system has become unbalanced by overwork, overeating, or other irregularities, DO NOT endeavor to adjust the difficulties by ADDing a burden of POISONOUS MEDICINES.”   {MH 235.1}

By the use of poisonous drugsmany bring upon themselves lifelong illness, and many lives are lost that might be saved by the use of natural methods of healing. The poisons contained in many so-called remedies create habits and appetites that mean ruin to both soul and body. Many of the popular nostrums called patent medicines, and even some of the drugs dispensed by physicians, act a part in laying the foundation of the liquor habit, the opium habit, the morphine habit that are so terrible a curse to society.”  {MH 126.4}

A practice that is laying the foundation of a vast amount of disease and of even more serious evils is the free use of poisonous drugs.
 When attacked by disease, many will not take the trouble to search out the cause of their illness. Their chief anxiety is to rid themselves of pain and inconvenience. So they resort to patent nostrums, of whose real properties they know little, or they apply to a physician for some remedy to counteract the result of their misdoing, but with no thought of making a change in their unhealthful habits. If immediate benefit is not realized, another medicine is tried, and then another. Thus the evil continues.”  {MH 126.2}

“Let physicians teach the people that restorative power is not in drugs, but in nature.”  (MH 127.1)

“People need to be taught that DRUGS DO NOT CURE DISEASE... It is true that they sometimes afford present relief, and the patient appears to recover as the result of their use; this is because nature has sufficient vital force to expel the poison and to correct the conditions that caused the disease. Health is recovered in spite of the drug. But in most cases the drug only changes the form and location of the diseaseOften the effect of the poison seems to be overcome for a time, but the results remain in the system and work great harm at some later period.”  {MH 126.3)

There are many ways of practicing the healing art, but there is only one way that heaven approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature, that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful properties.”  (CD 301.2)

The Lord has given some simple herbs of the field that at times are beneficial; and if every family were educated in how to use these herbs in case of sickness, much suffering might be prevented, and no doctor need be called. These old fashioned simple herbs, used intelligently, would have recovered many sick who have died under drug medication.”  (21MR 290).

“In regard to the book on Christian temperance, that portion that was expressed in reference to drug medication as though it was recommended by me is not according to the light that I have been given to present to the people. I must, if I made this statement, have done so in expressing the idea of working away from the use of all drugs concocted at the apothecary. We have no use for themWe should not vindicate the use of drug medication...”  {20MR 36.2}

“We have been instructed that in our treatment of the sick we should discard the use of drugs. There are simple herbs that can be used for the recovery of the sick, whose effect upon the system is very different from that of those drugs that poison the blood and endanger life.” -- Manuscript 73, 1908 (Manuscript entitled “Counsels Repeated”) {2SM 288.1}

After seeing so much harm done by the administering of drugs, I cannot use them, and cannot testify in their favor. I must be true to the light given me by the Lord.”   {2SM 293.3}

Drug medication should be worked away from as fast as possible, until entirely discarded.”  (CD 406.4)

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