Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sunshine/Vitamin D

3 John 2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

Precious, precious truths have been given to GOD'S last day church regarding health, and when adhered to, it truly saves lives.

“Pure air, SUNLIGHTabstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies AND HOW TO APPLY THEM. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge.”  {Ministry of Healing, 127.2}

Not only are we to know what the remedies are for sickness and disease, but we are to know how to properly apply each one...All it takes is for one misapplication of any of these remedies and the whole body can suffer.

Also, one thing to keep in mind whenever teaching HEALTH REFORM IS IF THE POOR PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD THE REMEDY, IT'S NOT GOD'S HEALTH PLAN/REFORM.  “ cannot teach health reform unless you present the most inexpensive methods of living...” {Medical Ministry, 266.3}

Today we will be touching on the subject of SUNSHINE/VITAMIN D and how to properly apply it...

Ecclesiastes 7:11 – “...there is profit to them that see the sun.”

Ecclesiastes 11:7 – “Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.”

There are benefits in seeing the sun (the rays of the sunshine penetrating the eye). Medical Science has proven that those who wear sunglasses do not get the proper levels of Vitamin D because the rays of the sun are not penetrating the eye...What happens is the rays of the sunshine enter the eye, which then goes to the retina of the eye which then triggers the pineal gland (located in the brain) to release hormones in the body. These functions will not take place unless the sunshine enters the eye.

Matthew 6:22 – The light of the body is the eye...”


Wearing face make-up as well as sun-screen can also be a contributor of preventing one from getting proper levels through the skin. Vitamin D was discovered back in 1930's and was improperly named. It's not a Vitamin at all.

It's actually a hormonal is responsible for approx.. 2000+ functions in the body. In just about every disease known to man, lab tests show a marked deficiency in Vitamin D levels. Proper levels should be 50 and above.

In Autistic Children, research/ studies found that those with levels at 80 and above showed a 180ยบ turnabout in many patients ... The correct test to check for Vitamin D levels is called 25 Hydroxy...30% of Doctors have the wrong levels (125 Hydroxy) checked.

During Winter months, especially in states where there is a lack of sunshine, supplementation may be necessary...95% of the world's population do well with 5,000 IU's a day for just a couple of months...the other 5% do better with 10,000 IU's....D2 is known to be the most common form and is plant based...Word of mouth has it that there is now a plant based D3.


For everything God has, Satan has a counterfeit. The very hours we have been told to avoid are the very hours most beneficial to our health. Improper times can have an effect on the units of Vitamin D our bodies can make. The earlier hours of the sunshine are found to be more beneficial than the later hours...If your shadow is shorter than you are, you're getting the wonderful levels needed...If your shadow is taller, you are going to get a great tan, but not the best levels. When your shadow is shorter than you are (this usually takes place when the sun is mid high in the sky), for every one minute in the sun, you get 1000 IU’s of this vitamin.


“I must become acquainted with myself, I must be a learner always as to how to take care of this building, the body God has given me, that I may preserve it in the very best condition of health... I must get all the sunlight that it is possible for me to obtain. I must have wisdom to be a faithful guardian of my body. {CD 302.3}

Medical Science is proving that sunshine actually helps get rid of cancer instead of causing cancer. If one is eating a plant based diet and following the laws of health, they need not worry about getting cancer from the sun.


Sitting indoors in front of a window is not going to give you the proper levels of Vitamin D needed to maintain good health. To learn more about Vitamin D and how it works in the body, please go to the following links and listen to Dr. Scott Grivas of Wildwood Lifestyle Center.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

To learn the diseases that research areas have been done on, go to the Vitamin D Research website.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from MMT classes.

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