Friday, May 31, 2024

Allergic Reaction Remedy

1 Dropperful Lobelia  
2 dropperfuls Mullein  
1 ½ inches of warm water

Place Lobelia and Mullein in water and drink. Thenafter they drink the first concoctionput 1 dropperful cayenne in water and drink.

That will open them up right away. The Lobelia and mullein tincture are for any breathing difficulties.

Person broke out in welts, was in pain, itched, and felt like they were on fire!

That's when you throw them in a bath with 2 cups of charcoal powder.

Make a paste with Aloe Vera Gel, Tea Tree Oil, Witch Hazel, White Oak Bark Tea and Charcoal Powder and rub all over the body, wrap in a large sheet and then have them lie on a large blanket on the floor.


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Got info from another source.

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