Friday, September 8, 2023

How To Lose Weight

1. EAT BREAKFAST (Do not skip breakfast) (eat at same time every day...preferably before 9:00 am).

AT BREAKFAST TIME the stomach is in a better condition to take care of more food than at the second or third meal of the day...MAKE YOUR BREAKFAST CORRESPOND MORE NEARLY TO THE HEARTIEST MEAL OF THE DAY.”  {CD 173.2}

Some people skip breakfast in an effort to lose weight, but the practice is more likely to cause weight gain than weight lossSKIPPING BREAKFAST IS STRONGLY LINKED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF OBESITY. Studies show that overweight and obese children, adolescents, and adults are less likely to break the fast each morning than their thinner counterparts.”  (Web MD)

 2. DRINK ½ YOUR WEIGHT IN OUNCES OF WATER EVERY DAY. (Put fresh lemon juice in your morning water).

“But if anything is needed to quench the thirst, pure water is all that nature requires. Never take tea, coffee, beer, wine, or any spirituous liquor.”  {CH 120.1}  

“…I use lemon juice freely…”  {2MR 48.1}  


I noticed one boy, three years of age, who had bowel difficulty. He had considerable fever. The mother seemed to think that food would help his case, and every time he asked for food, she gave him fried chicken, bread and butter, or rich cake. Another child of about ten years was suffering from fever, and was disinclined to eat. Yet the mother urged her to eat this and that. Children, sick, complaining, and feverish, were urged to eat food unfit to be placed in any human stomach, even if in the most healthy condition.”  {7MR 1.3

We do not think fried potatoes are healthful, for there is more or less grease or butter used in preparing them”  {CD 323.1} 


“You should keep grease out of your food. It defiles any preparation of food you may make. Eat largely of fruits and vegetables.” {CD 200.2} 

 5. 50 PERCENT RAW for Breakfast (3 fruit, + nuts or seeds) + Lunch (½ plate salad and veggie).

 6. NO WHITE PRODUCTS (like white rice, white bread, etc.).

 7. PORTION CONTROL (eat 1/2 to 2/3 of what you normally eat).

 Nearly all of the human family eat more than the system requiresEven so-called health reform needs reforming upon this pointRELIEVE IT ONE-HALF TO TWO-THIRDS OF THE LABORIOUS TASK THEY REQUIRE IT TO PERFORM...” {SPM 41.3}

 8. DON'T GO BACK FOR 2nds or 3rds.


Masticate slowly, and allow the saliva to mingle with the food.” {CTBH 51.2}

10. WALK EVERYDAY (minimum of 30 minutes, preferably 60 minutes).

Daily physical exercise is necessary to the enjoyment of health…” {DG 162.2} 

11. BE IN BED BY 9:00 pm.

MAKE IT [A] HABIT NOT TO SIT UP AFTER NINE O'CLOCK. Every light should be extinguished. This turning night into day is a wretched, health-destroying habit, and this reading much by brain workers, up to the sleeping hours, IS VERY INJURIOUS TO HEALTHIt calls the blood to the brain and then there is restlessness and wakefulness, and the precious sleep that should rest the body does not come when desired.”  {DG 177.1} 

12. PRAY.
There is now need of much prayer. Christ commands, “Pray without ceasing;” that is, keep the mind uplifted to God, the source of all power and efficiency.”  —Testimonies to Ministers, 510  {Pr 29.3} 


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Got info from MMT class.

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