Thursday, June 28, 2012

The NotMilkWoman's Ten Rules

I got this article today from the Not Milk Man and he is not even SDA and talks about and promotes E. G. White and her writings. I just had to re-post it, here it is.

Had she lived today, I would have been out of a job and title. Meet the NotMilkwoman, Ellen G. White (1827 - 1915)

I have the advantage of citing scientific studies from peer-reviewed studies to work into my daily columns. Ellen G. White just "knew" milk did not do the body any good. Many believe that her visions were divinely inspired.

I've compiled a list of ten of my favorite Ellen White anti-dairy quotations. Please share them with friends. Print this list and attach it to the side of your refrigerator. Leave a copy of these ten quotes at every inappropriate picnic or buffet-table cheese dish.

Rule #1
Cheese should never be introduced into the stomach. (Ministry of Healing, 1905)

Rule #2
It will not be very long before we shall have to give up any animal food. Even milk will have to be discarded. (Australasian Union Conference Record, July 28, 1899)

Rule #3
When the time comes that it is no longer safe to use milk, cream, butter, and eggs, God will reveal this. (Testimonies, Volume 2, 1868)

Rule #4
Large quantities of milk and sugar eaten together are injurious. They impart impurities to the system. (Testimonies, Volume 2, 1868)

Rule #5
Sugar and the milk combined are liable to cause fermentation in the stomach, and are thus harmful. (Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 1890)

Rule #6
Animals from which milk is obtained are not always healthy. They may be diseased.
(Testimonies, Volume 2, 1870)

Rule #7
As disease in animals increases, the use of milk and eggs will become more and more unsafe.
(Ministry of Healing, 1905)

Rule #8
I would recommend that people eat flesh meats sooner than large quantities of milk and sugar. It would not do the injury that milk and sugar do. (Testimonies, Volume 2, 1870)

Rule #9
The health food business purpose is to supply the people with food which will take the place of flesh meat, and also milk and butter. (Australasian Union Conference Record, January 1, 1900)

Rule #10
Let the people be taught how to prepare food without the use of milk or butter. (Testimonies, Volume 7, 1902)

Through a 70-year writing and speaking career, Ellen White's message was clarity. She argued that cleansing one's body would become the first step in cleansing one's soul. In order to see truth, one needs clarity.

How beautifully we can combine her religious insights with today's scientific evidence. We know that milk protein, casein, triggers the production of histamines. After eating cheese or ice cream, one manufactures mucus, and plenty of it. The kidneys, pancreas, lungs, thymus--all fill with viscous mucus. Collectively, the human body and organs become congested with 3-4 extra quarts of mucus which result in an "internal fog".

Take Ellen White's advice and rid yourself of this fog. Do not eat any dairy product for seven days. Not ice cream. Not pizza. Not yogurt.

That is all that it will take for you to have physical clarity. Without physical clarity, one can never reach true spiritual clarity. There will always be vestiges of fog to cloud your vision. The Notmilkwoman waited for a time in which "God will reveal" when it is no longer safe to use consume milk and dairy.

Through thousands of converging lines of evidence in scientific journal articles, that merger of science and religion has taken 21st century humans to a new potential. Join Ellen G. White and Robert Cohen in the Notmilk movement.

Robert Cohen

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