Sunday, June 10, 2012

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, although saturated, is good when used in moderation. The fatty acids in coconut oil are shorter chains of carbon atoms, which make a difference in the way our body handles them. Saturated fatty acids with 18 carbons (long chains) appear to be the ones that have the negative effect in our body. This type of saturated fat is more abundant in products of animal origin. In fact, some studies seem to show that the real culprit may not be the saturated fat itself but the animal protein that comes along with it. Many authorities in nutrition are proposing that the real culprit and most powerful blood cholesterol elevator is the animal protein.

Who are the people with the highest rates of hypercholesterolemia? The ones who eat the typical western diet, high in animal food and refined vegetable oils? Or the inhabitants of the developing countries who eat diets low in animal product and high in coconut and coconut products and oils?

Another point in favor of coconut oil is that because it is saturated and made of medium and short chains of fatty acids it is more stable (resistant to oxidation). It can resist higher temperatures (cooking) and more exposure to light; therefore, it has a longer shelf-life. Whereas vegetable oils, which are long chains of polyunsaturated fatty acids are less stable and more prone to oxidation.

According to many authorities in nutrition, the best oils to use are the monounsaturated ones, like olive oil and avocado oil, and the short chain, saturated coconut oil. The more unsaturated oils (the polyunsaturated vegetable oils) need to be used freshly extracted because they are easily oxidized. Also, the vegetable oils like corn oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, etc., are very high in the linoleic fatty acid, which is used by the body to make prostaglandins that favor inflammation, thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases like coronary heart disease, arthritis, cancer, etc.

Coconut oil has gotten bad publicity over the years, but only because of a propaganda smear campaign by the soybean industry. The public has been lied to for many years regarding the benefits of coconut oil. The Asian countries of the world have used this as a staple for hundreds of years with no bad effects. And, they have one of the lowest incidences of heart disease.

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