Saturday, March 1, 2025

Why The Health Message Is Not Helpful To Many Of Our Own People

“...The foundation of that which keeps people in health is the medical missionary work of good cooking.”  {CD 263.1}

Often health reform is made health deform by the unpalatable preparation of foodThe lack of knowledge regarding healthful cookery must be remedied before health reform is a success.” {CD 263.2}

“During the last seven months we have been at home but about four weeks. In our travels we have sat at many different tables, from Iowa to Maine. Some whom we have visited live up to the best light they have. Others, who have the same opportunities of learning to live healthfully and well, have hardly taken the first steps in reform. They will tell you that they do not know how to cook in this new way. But they are without excuse in this matter of cooking; for in the work, HOW TO LIVE, are many excellent recipes, and this work is within the reach of all. I do not say that the system of cookery taught in that book is perfect. I may soon furnish a small work more to my mind in some respects. But HOW TO LIVE teaches cookery almost infinitely in advance of what the traveler will often meet, even among some Seventh-day Adventists.” (1T 680.2)

Grains used for porridge or “mush’ should have several hours’ cooking. But soft or liquid foods are less wholesome than dry foods, which require thorough mastication.” {CD 314.4}

“...Your stomach was not receiving that vigor that it should from your food. Taken in a liquid state, your food would not give healthful vigor or tone to the system. But when you change this habit, and eat more solids and less liquids, your stomach will feel disturbed. Notwithstanding this, you should not yield the point; you should educate your stomach to bear a more solid diet.”  {CD 105.1}

“...The dishes of soft foods, the soups and liquid foods...are not the best to give healthful muscles, sound digestive organs, or clear brains. O how slow we are to learn!" {FE 225.2}

“In the study of hygiene, students should be taught the nutrient value of different foods. The effect of a concentrated and stimulating diet, also of foods deficient in the elements of nutrition, should be made plainTea and coffee, fine-flour bread, pickles, COARSE VEGETABLES, candies, condiments, and pastries fail of supplying proper nutriment. Many a student has broken down as the result of using such foods. Many a puny child, incapable of vigorous effort of mind or body, is the victim of an impoverished diet. Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, in proper combination, contain all the elements of nutrition; and when properly prepared, they constitute the diet that best promotes both physical and mental strength.” {Ed 204.3}

“There are men who make a specialty of treating the rectum, and some feel that they have been greatly benefited. But I have been instructed that this treatment, as well as many surgical operations, leaves with many a serious weakness.”  {LLM 178.2}

“The different parties of professed Advent believers have each a little truth, but God has given all these truths to His children who are being prepared for the day of God...If God has any new light to communicate, He will let His chosen and beloved understand it, without their going to have their minds enlightened by hearing those who are in darkness and error.” {EW 124.2}

WRITTEN BY WAGGONER IN 1894 – A Scotchman is launching a new form of vegetarianism in Paris. Its members eat and drink nothing but uncooked vegetable foods and natural liquids.” {June 21, 1894 EJW, PTUK 398.13}
“It was at the house of Brother A. Hilliard, at Otsego, Michigan, June 6, 1863, That the great subject of health Reform was opened before me in vision.” {CD 481.5}

“...The medical missionary work must be recognized. Those who go forth to engage in the work of the ministry must be intelligent upon the subject of health reform...”  (MM 238.3)

“...The foundation of that which keeps people in health is the medical missionary work of good cooking.”
 {CD 263.1}

“...the Lord has marked out a way in which His people are to carry forward a work of physical healing...”
{MM 14.3}

The world should be no criterion for us...” {CD 65.1}

“I told them that the preparation of their food was wrong, and that living principally on soups and coffee and bread was not health reform; that so much liquid taken into the stomach was not healthful, and that all who subsisted on such a diet placed a great tax upon the kidneys, and so much watery substance debilitated the stomach.” {CD 105.2}

“I was thoroughly convinced that many in the establishment were suffering with indigestion because of eating this kind of food. The digestive organs were enfeebled and the blood impoverished. Their breakfast consisted of coffee and bread with the addition of prune sauce. This was not healthful. The stomach, after rest and sleep, was better able to take care of a substantial meal than when wearied with work. Then the noon meal was generally soup, sometimes meat. The stomach is small, but the appetite, unsatisfied, partakes largely of this liquid food; so it is burdened.” (CD 105.3)

“...We asked for breakfast at six, but were told that it would be impossible to furnish anything so early. By previous experience we had learned that usually at this hour the fires were not built, nor were the doors unlocked. So, to carry out our plan, we purchased bread, fruit, and milk in the evening, and asked for dishes to be brought to our rooms that we might prepare our own breakfast. The porter was [told] to get up early and have the door unlocked at half past six; but this he failed to do until wakened by us in the morning..." {HS 167.1}

“...Instead of your mother getting up and getting breakfast in the morning while you lie in bed, you should be the one to say, 'Mother, don't you get up in the morning. We will take hold of these burdens and perform these duties.' You should let those whose hairs are growing gray take their rest in the morning.” {CG 125.3}

“Brought a basket of FRUIT—of TOMATOES, peaches, and apples. They were very nice. We ate the fruit with our bread taken from home.” {AY 77.3}

“... I have vermicelli-tomato soup one meal and greens the next. I have begun again to eat potato meal. My food all tastes good. I am like a fever patient who has been half-starved, and I am in danger of overeating.” {CD 324.1}

Do not have too great a variety at a meal; three or four dishes are a plenty...” {CD 109.5}

“...The grains, with fruits, nuts, and vegetables, contain all the nutritive properties necessary to make good blood.”  {CG 384.1}

4 FOOD GROUPS - Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts, Grains

“...Encourage the eating of fruit and vegetables and bread.”  {CD 314.5}
“...Have fruit at one meal and vegetables at the next…”  {CD 394.3}

“...If we plan wisely, that which is most conducive to health can be secured in almost every land. The various preparations of rice, wheat, corn, and oats are sent abroad everywhere, also beans, peas, and lentils. These, with native or imported fruits, and the variety of vegetables that grow in each locality, give an opportunity to select a dietary that is complete without the use of flesh meats....” {CD 94.4}

FROM ELLA KELLOGG'S BOOK 'Science in the Kitchen' Vegetables should be cooked until they are perfectly tender but not overdone. Many cooks spoil their vegetables by cooking them too long, while quite as many more serve them in an underdone state to preserve their form. Either plan makes them less palatable, and likely to be indigestible.

Often health reform is made health deform by the unpalatable preparation of food. The lack of knowledge regarding healthful cookery must be remedied before health reform is a success.” {CD 263.2}

“...Vegetables prepared with only water, and everything else in like manner. This kind of cookery is health deform, and there are some minds so constituted that they will accept anything that bears the features of rigorous diet or reform of any kind.” {CD 212.1}

“...Vegetables should be made palatable with a little milk or cream, or something equivalent.” {CD 207.3}
     (See ‘Science in the Kitchen’ pg. 394.4 re: Coconut Milk in the place of milk)

“During the last seven months we have been at home but about four weeks. In our travels we have sat at many different tables, from Iowa to Maine. Some whom we have visited live up to the best light they have. Others, who have the same opportunities of learning to live healthfully and well, have hardly taken the first steps in reform. They will tell you that they do not know how to cook in this new way. But they are without excuse in this matter of cooking; for in the work, HOW TO LIVE, are many excellent recipes, and this work is within the reach of all. I do not say that the system of cookery taught in that book is perfect. I may soon furnish a small work more to my mind in some respects. But HOW TO LIVE teaches cookery almost infinitely in advance of what the traveler will often meet, even among some Seventh-day Adventists.” (1T 680.2)

“...At least five or six hours should intervene between the meals, and most persons who give the plan a trial will find that two meals a day are better than three.”  394 {CCh 224.2}

“The practice of eating but two meals a day is generally found a benefit to health; yet under some circumstances persons may require a third meal. This should, however, if taken at all, be very light, and of food most easily digested.” 395 {CCh 224.3}

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Got info from MMT classes.

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