Saturday, September 14, 2024


James White presiding at least in the beginning over the committee. For he recovered, with strenuous labor on the part of his wife, who gave him daily water treatments and massage, took him with her on ministering trips to churches, schoolhouses, and barn meetings, and finally on a purchased farm at Greenville, forty miles away, returned him to the active life of farmer as well as preacher.” {1947 AWS, FOPI 196.1}

“In August, 1896, a small Health Home was opened in Ashfield, a suburb of Sydney. This home consisted of a cottage of seven roomsThe equipment was modest,--a bath-tubshowerfomentation cloths, gas ring, and MASSAGE TABLE. With these we did much effective work. At this time I became acquainted with a physician who was much interested in rational methods of treatment, and who did much to further our work.” {June 2, 1909 WASe, GCB 284.10}

“The sanitariums themselves were conducted as medical missionary institutions, whose purpose it was to make use of hydrotherapy and massage and diet as the chief methods of therapeutics, and in addition carry forward a strong educational work through parlor lectures, literature, and personal bedside and office ministry...” {1947 LHC, FSG 306.1}

“Recognizing the need and the value of having a treatment equipment where the simple methods ministered in our sanitariums could be given, there was opened in the city of Kingston in August, 1912, what is now known as the “Massage and Hydropathic Treatment-Rooms.”  {June 8, 1913 WASe, GCB 314.15}

“I was lying upon the lounge, my head aching badly. Ella May said, “Shall I rub your head, Grandma? I used to rub Mama's head, and she said it made her feel better and I will rub your head.” She wet her hands in cold water and put them on my hot aching head, and it was a relief, but it amused me to have her ask like an old practitioner, “Will you like the bare stroking or the vibrating motion or trembling motion?” I said, “My, where did you learn these movements?” She said that is the way she was treated once when she was sick.”  {9MR 44.2}

“Then Mabel saw what Ella May was about and she wanted a hand in it. So, she must run to the pump and wet her little hands, and not being so well-versed as Ella, just where the application was essential, she stroked her little hands over my nose and eyes and cheeks, and then with due solemnity would look up in my face—Is your headache better, Grandma?” I could truly answer, “Yes, it is, my darling,” for the influence of the water cooled my head and the stroking of the little hands had a soothing influence.” {9MR 44.3}

The sanitariums themselves were conducted as medical missionary institutions, whose purpose it was to make use of hydrotherapy and MASSAGE and diet as the chief methods of therapeutics, and in addition carry forward a strong educational work through parlor lectures, literature, and personal bedside and office ministry. No treatments were prescribed by outside worldly physiciansThe sanitariums stood forth, and were recognized as entirely distinctive from worldly institutions, where the chief therapy employed was drug therapy. Instead of the popular psychotherapy employed by worldly physicians, stress was laid upon Bible methods of mental healing. Physicians with a spiritual knowledge of their patients' needs were able to carry forward Christ's methods....”  {1947 LHC, FSG 306.1}

The movement cure [massage] is a great advantage to a class of patients who are too feeble to exercise. But for all who are sick to rely upon it, making it their dependence, while they neglect to exercise their muscles themselves, is a great mistake.”
 --3T 76 (1872).  {1MCP 120.1}

“I was instructed that there is great danger of overdoing the lift cure, the, and the MASSAGE testing to see who can excel in expanding their lungs to the utmost capacity. Great caution is needed in this expanding of the lungs, for often injury is done which is never known, but the result is all the same. They lose vital power, and weaken the lungs beyond remedyOther causes are assigned for the feebleness of the vital organs, but in this testing of the lungs there has come to be a strife for supremacy, as a physician guards his point.”  {3MR 366.1}

Some matters have been deeply impressed upon my mind, and one is the necessity for much better facilities in the bathroomsThis is where impressions will be made upon minds. We must have conveniences in these rooms--massage tables, and a cot on which to give packs. All these things make their impression…” {PC 15.5}

For many, such labor is a more effective and profitable “movement cure” than the best inventions of the physicians.”  {CTBH 97.2}

Walking, in all cases where it is possible, is the best remedy for diseased bodies, because in this exercise all the organs of the body are brought into use. Many who depend upon the MOVEMENT CURE could accomplish more for themselves by muscular exercise than the movements can do for them…” {CH 200.2}

The work of Christ in cleansing the leper from his terrible disease is an illustration of His work in cleansing the soul from sin. The man who came to Jesus was “full of leprosy.” Its deadly poison permeated his whole body. The disciples sought to prevent their Master from touching him; for he who touched a leper became himself unclean. But in laying His hand upon the leper, Jesus received no defilement. His touch imparted life-giving power. The leprosy was cleansed...”  DA 266.1}

***In many instances, a touch of someone can be very healing.  Today, we are going to talk about massage, specifically chair massage and how it is very beneficial in the healing process.  If you can't find it in the Bible, it's not God's method of healing.


1. NEVER massage anyone when you yourself are under stress because massage is a relaxation therapy and the stress you are feeling can be passed onto the person you are going to massage.

1. STRETCH YOUR HANDS by fanning them outward and inward.  Do this 3 times.

2. ROTATE YOUR THUMB. This is because sometimes we do strenuous activities and we get what's called knots.  We need the thumbs to help get those knots out.

3. PRACTICE COORDINATION WITH THE PALM slapping the fist on the right hand into the palm of the left hand and vice versa.

4. MASSAGE your fingers starting with the thumb on the right hand going to the pinky finger, then switch to the left hand doing the same thing.


Natural means, used in accordance with God's will, bring about supernatural results. We ask for a miracle, and the Lord directs the mind to some simple remedy.” (2SM 346)

We should neglect nothing that would serve to benefit a human being.”  (MH 48)

“The movement cure is a great advantage to a class of patients too feeble to exercise.”  (3T 76)

Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them.” (MH 127)

“The use of natural remedies require an amount of care and effort that many are not willing to give.” (MH 127)
Magnesium = Nature's #1 Muscle Relaxant
***If a person is having muscle problems, twitching, etc., chances are they are low in Magnesium. 

  • Almonds    
  • Artichokes  
  • Bran 
  • Buckwheat   
  • Cashews
  • Cilantro    
  • Dates   
  • Hazelnuts   
  • Kale   
  • Kiwi    
  • Molasses  
  • Potatoes
  • Pumpkin Seeds     
  • Sesame Seeds    
  • Spinach
  • Squash Seeds      
  • Tofu  
  • Wheat Germ    
  • White Beans
  • Whole Wheat Flour   


Take a bath in warm water.

-Deep Tissue Heating Salve
-Deep Tissue Oil - (This salve is great for pulled muscles, torn ligaments, broken areas, etc.)
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Coconut Oil

***Olive Oil tends to dry out too fast and can cause a dry rub.

MASSAGE CHAIRS MAY BE PURCHASED from many places - just google it:


Among the first things to be aimed at should be a correct position, both in sitting and in standing. God made man upright, and He desires him to possess not only the physical but the mental and moral benefit, the grace and dignity and self-possession, the courage and self-reliance, which an erect bearing so greatly tends to promote. Let the teacher give instruction on this point by example and by precept. Show what a correct position is, and insist that it shall be maintained.”  {CG 364.3}

Many times people go to a massage therapist or a chiropractor when all they really need to do is increase their magnesium, drink plenty of water, and make sure their Vitamin D levels are what they should be.

  • Bathing makes for flexible (MH 276)
  • Do not give up the use of certain muscles because pain is felt when they are exercised (3T 78)
  • Eat enough food to give strength to the muscles (MM 284)
  • Exercise your Muscles as well as your mind (Te 167)
  • God designed the muscles to be used (4T 411)
  • Healthful foods needed for the muscles (CD 409)
  • Inaction Causes muscles to decrease in size and strength (3T 76)
  • It's an Erroneous idea to think that flesh food is needed for muscles (MH 316)
  • Lack of Exercise causes elasticity of muscles (FE 426)
  • Lack of Exercise causes soft muscles (FE 426)
  • Make the best use of the muscles (SD 171)
  • Moderate Exercise EVERY DAY strengthens the muscles (2T 533)
  • Muscles need exercise for good health (6T 180)
  • People should know how to treat and use (2SM 289)
  • Soft and Liquid foods are not best for the muscles (FE 226)
  • Students should be trained in the use of (2SM 323-324)
  • Tilling the soil develops the muscles (FE 323)
  • Walking exercises the muscles (MH 240)

We take movements a portion of each day, that we may regain and enjoy healthIn order to strengthen the arms and chest, we have taken excellent movements in scrubbing woodwork, sweeping floors, washing dishes, and washing clothing upon the old-fashioned rubbing board, which we would recommend as a far better instrument to strengthen the arms and chest than the backbreaking washing machines.”  {HR, August 1, 1873 par. 13}

We take movements to strengthen the ankles and muscles of the limbs in climbing the mountains, prospecting, and gathering flowersAnd frequently we descend with our arms loaded with broken wood, which is scattered plentifully upon the mountains. We are becoming strong by healthful exercise. We enjoy physical exercise after close application to writing several hours each day. We sometimes become weary, but we rest and sleep well through the night, and in the morning feel fresh and ready for our day's duty. I have learned by experience that if we would have health, we must take a proper amount of active exercise. If we get into a perspiration, this will not injure us, if we are careful not to expose ourselves to a current of air.”  {HR, August 1, 1873 par. 14}

Proper exercise, daily, strengthens the muscles, aids digestion, and induces sleep. This, with taking full inspirations of good air, combined with plain, nourishing diet, free from grease and spices, avoiding pastry and unhealthy condiments, will do much to restore health to the invalidThose who would enjoy the blessings of health and strength must have a proper amount of exercise daily. We should never be ashamed of labor. God has shown us that employment is ennobling, in that he gave the sinless representatives of the race something to do. They were to labor, to dress and keep the garden.”  {HR, August 1, 1873 par. 15}

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Got info from MMT classes.

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