Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Truth About Kiwi

Everybody tells us that we need to eat more green foods but sometimes our children give us some resistance when it comes to the green stuff. However one green thing most children love are kiwis, even though they are green and are packed full of nutrients and antioxidants. You can feed kiwis to them every day and won't get a complaint. They are yummy plain but can be cut up in cereal, put in smoothies, and used in fruit salad.

You don't have to tell them all of the nutrition they are getting, but if you are a little curious...continue reading and find the truth about kiwis!

Kiwis are one of nature's perfect foods: low in calories, high in energy and an excellent source of antioxidants. Each one delivers a world of nutrition benefits, including:

Vitamin C: Each serving of kiwifruit has nearly two-and-a-half times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, proven to boost the immune system and fight the effects of stress and aging.

No fat: Kiwifruit is fat-free, an important consideration in today's healthy diets and a rarity among foods containing so many other nutritional benefits.

Fiber: Two kiwifruit contain more fiber than a bowl of bran cereal, the tasty way to maintain heart health, regular digestion and lower cholesterol.

Potassium: A serving of California Kiwifruit has more potassium than a banana, ideal for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance and for releasing energy during exercise.

Antioxidants: Kiwifruit is an excellent source of antioxidants which are important in reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Low glycemic index: With a glycemic index of 52, kiwifruit is a fat-free, low-carb fruit that's safe for diabetics and a smart part of any weight-loss diet.

Magnesium: Two kiwifruit deliver 30 mg of magnesium, which improves nerve and muscle function while boosting your energy level.

Lutein: Kiwifruit contains the phytochemical lutein, which works to prevent age-related blindness and protect eyes from various kinds of damage.

Folate: With nearly 10% of the recommended daily value of folate, kiwifruit is a good way to protect the health of mother and baby during pregnancy while helping prevent birth defects.

Zinc: Men will appreciate kiwifruit's zinc content, which helps produce testosterone, while everyone can enjoy its other benefits like healthy hair, skin, teeth and nails.

Vitamin E: Kiwifruit is one just a handful of fat-free sources of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps lower cholesterol and boost immunity.

Have you seen how kiwis grow?

What is your favorite way to eat a kiwi?

1 comment:

  1. I love to eat kiwi! :) Thank you Jesus for Kiwi and every other fruit! AMEN!!!
