Thursday, October 17, 2024

When You Eat an Egg…

You have an 85% increase of getting heart disease by eating eggs.

1 egg per day causes inflammation in the body for up to 30 days.

Also increases heart disease 6-40 %….and Diabetes 239%

There are 8000 holes in an egg shell for bacteria, etc. to get in there and then you eat it when you eat the egg.

1) An egg is for producing a new chick.

2) An egg is a chicken’s period.

3) An egg is highly acidic and toxic to the blood and tissues.

4) An egg when cracked creates over 38 million pathological microorganisms that are harmful to the body.

5) Eating an egg will pollute the blood and tissues with excess bacteria and yeast.

6) The ingestion of an egg will immediately activate the white blood cells.

7) An egg is one of my top ten toxic acidic foods to never eat.


  • The fact that chickens have the bird flu.
  • The recalling of 500 million eggs in August 2010

***Egg hells have over 8,000 microscopic pores, so it is very easy for Salmonella and other bacteria to penetrate the egg through the shell.


  • Egg yolks alone in non-smokers was associated with artery clogging plaque build-up was nearly ⅔ as bad as smoking.
  • Eggs are the #1 source of cholesterol in the diet.
  • Blood cholesterol concentration is clearly increased by adding dietary cholesterol.
  • One year in the life of a study subject showed an increase in cholesterol when eggs were added to the diet.

And cholesterol lowered when eggs were removed from the same person’s diet.

  • Do eggs increase our risk of cardiovascular disease or not?
  • In compilations of all the best studies going back to 1930.  When you put them all together, what do we find?

Those who eat the most eggs have:

A 19% increased risk of cardiovascular disease

A 68% increased risk of diabetes

And once you get diabetes

       An 85% risk of heart disease

  • A single egg a day was associated with a significant increase in heart disease.
  • Just over ½ an egg a day could increase heart disease risk between 6 and 40%.

And the risk of diabetes by 29%

  • Everyone’s best bet is to just LEAVE EGGS ALONE ALTOGETHER.


  • High in saturated fat
  • Responsible for almost as much plaque build-up in the arteries as smoking cigarettes
  • Increases the risk of developing Type II Diabetes
  • The fats in eggs may harm the liver, by causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • High in Toxins
  • High incidence of Salmonella poisoning
  • High in cholesterol
  • They alter your bio-chemical, genetic, and molecular make-up



  • Arthritis
  • Breast cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Fibroid tumors
  • Heart attacks
  • Heart Disease
  • Impotence
  • Infertility
  • Inflammation (1 egg can cause inflammation in the body for up to 30 days)
  • Menstrual Irregularities
  • Migraines
  • Plaque Build up
  • Uterine cysts

So when you eat an egg think about what you are really eating.


If the Holy Spirit so impresses you, PLEASE DONATE TODAY (button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from MMT classes.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

“Dress Reform” Clothing

I want to share some information and quotes as to how we are and are not to dress. Although we are not to look like the world, SOP says we can look like the world if it keeps with God's principles.

If the world introduce a modest, convenient, and healthful mode of dress, which is in accordance with the Bible, it will not change our relation to God or to the world to adopt such a style of dress. Christians...should shun extremes.”  (CG 414.3)

We are told not to go out of our way of not looking like the world. But of course we don't wear make-up, jewelry, high heels, etc.  But if the world comes out with a modest skirt that is popular, there's nothing wrong with wearing it.

#1: We are to be a Peculiar People. Meaning, we are not to dress like the Mormons, Muslims, Hindu women, or Mennonites We are to stand out from them as Jesus did when he spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well.  She knew he was a Jew by His dress.

“Those who claim to know the truth and understand the great work to be done for this time, are to consecrate themselves to God, soul, body, and spirit. In heart, IN DRESSin language, in every respect, they are to be separate from the fashions and practices of the worldThey are to be a peculiar and holy people. It is not their dress that makes them peculiar; but because they are a peculiar and holy people, they cannot carry the marks of likeness to the world.”  {LS 350.3}

#2: We are not to dress like the Pilgrims
We are not to feel it our duty to wear a pilgrim's dress of just such a color, just such a shape, but neat, modest apparel, that the word of inspiration teaches us we should wear...”  {TM 130.2}

#3: We are to dress according to our age and station in life and the times in which we live.  It is not appropriate to dress like we are in the 1800s when we live in 2018.  This is a turn-off to many and GIVES TRUE DRESS REFORM A BAD NAME.

“...It is always right to be neat and to be clad appropriately in a manner becoming to your age and station in life.” {4T 142.3}

#4: We are not to look frumpy or like something that will scare the crows away (as Sister White puts it)

“...encourage them in neatness of dress, at the same time teaching them that their dress should always be neat and BECOMING (looks nice, not ridiculous). She is to discourage vanity and extravagance in any line.”  {MM 176.1}

“...Sisters when about their work should not put on clothing which would make them look like images to frighten the crows from the corn. It is more gratifying to their husbands and children to see them in a becoming, well-fitting attire...”  (1T 464.2)

#5: We are not to wear large print.

#6: We are not to wear gaudy colors.
“The Bible teaches modesty in dress. “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel.” 1 Timothy 2:9. This forbids display in dress, gaudy colors, profuse ornamentation. Any device designed to attract attention to the wearer or to excite admiration is excluded from the modest apparel which God's Word enjoins.”  {CG 423.2}

Self-denial in dress is a part of our Christian duty. To dress plainly and abstain from display of jewelry and ornaments of every kind is in keeping with our faith. Are we of the number who see the folly of worldlings in indulging in extravagance of dress as well as in love of amusements?  {CG 423.3}

Ever have your dress of good, durable material, and modest colors; let it be made plainly, without adornment. You certainly need to improve in your style of dress.”  {DG 159.1}

#7: We are to wear colors that fit our skin tone.
“Taste should be manifested as to colors. Uniformity in this respect, with those who adopt this style of dress, is desirable so far as convenientComplexion, however, may be taken into the account. Modest colors should be sought for...”  {HR, September 1, 1868 par. 19}

#8: We are not to wear short sleeves.
       “...Satan invented the fashions which leave the limbs exposed...” {2T 531.3}

#9: We do not need to wear a head covering as a piece of cloth is not our head covering, but the hair the Lord meant for women to have. In other words, don't purposely cut it short. (1 Corinthians 11:5-6,14-15)

“...Those who make themselves peculiar by adopting this dress should not think for a moment that it is unnecessary to show order, TASTE, and neatness.

Here is a link with tons of information on dress, why women shouldn't wear pants, and everything else about this subject.  Enjoy!!! There are lots of powerful resources such as articles/videos/sermons.

Length of Dress.
“The length of the fashionable dress is objectionable for several reasons:” -- {HL 125.3}

1. It is extravagant and unnecessary to have a dress of such length that it will sweep the sidewalk and street.  {HL 126.1}

2. A dress thus long gathers dew from the grass and mud from the streets, and is therefore uncleanly.  {HL 126.2}

3. In its bedraggled condition it comes in contact with the sensitive ankles, which are not sufficiently protected, quickly chilling them, and thus endangering health and life. This is one of the greatest causes of catarrh and scrofulous swellings.  {HL 126.3}

4. The unnecessary length is an additional weight upon the hips and bowels {HL 126.4}

5. It hinders the walking...” {HL 126.5}

“...whoever has seen a woman in a trailing skirt, with hands filled with parcels, attempt to go up or down stairs, to enter a streetcar, to walk through a crowd, to walk in the rain, or on a muddy road, needs no other proof of its inconvenience and discomfort.  {CH 91.4}

“...My views were calculated to correct the present fashion, the extreme long dress...and also to correct the extreme short dress, reaching about to the knees, which is worn by a certain class. I was shown that we should shun both extremes. By wearing the dress reaching about to the top of a woman's gaiter boot (right below the calf area) we shall escape the evils of the extreme long dress, and shall also shun the evils and notoriety of the extreme short dress.  {1T 464.1}

The longer skirts are not convenient.  Every try walking up and down the stairs in one with your arms/hands full of packages? It's not easy to do.  Plus, the skirts almost to the ground, and even near the ankles, when it rains or you are in dirt, it's easy to kick up dirt and get them dirty, causing health problems.

“I would say that in our part of the State of Michigan we have adopted the uniform length of about nine inches from the floorI take this opportunity to answer these inquiries in order to save the time required to answer so many letters. I should have spoken before, but have waited to see something definite on this point in the Health Reformer. I would earnestly recommend uniformity in length, and would say that nine inches as nearly accords with my views of the matter as I am able to express it in inches.  {1T 521.1}

It should reach to within eight or nine inches from the floor... ” {RH, April 14, 1868 par. 36}

“...a rule was brought and it was found that the length of our dresses ranged from eight to ten inches from the floor. Some of these were a little longer than the sample shown me (the sample shown her was 9 inches, a little longer is the dress 8 inches from the floor), while others were a little shorter (this is the 10 inches from the ground...this is the dress she said should be worn when doing yard work, etc., so it's easy to get around)...”  {3SM 279.1}


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Got info from another source.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dairy-Free Diet Can Help Cut Risk of Breast Disease

Women who eat TOO MUCH cottage cheese and other dairy products increase their risk of breast disease and breast cancersay doctors. But a dairy free diet can actually help reverse breast disease that could lead to cancer.

“The cottage cheese lunch can be a precursor to breast cancer” because cheese contains the hormone estradiol, said Dr. L.B. Fratkin, who conducted a long-term study involving 1,500 women with benign breast lumps.  Estradiol, a form of estrogen, is a powerful hormone cows produce in their milk to help calves grow.  In excess amounts, it can be harmful.
Estradiol causes breast disease in women,” said Dr. John Spratt, professor of both surgery and community health at the University of Louisville.

“Since estradiol concentrates particularly in cheese, we find that women who have chronic cystic disease are often heavy cheese eaters. Both doctors recommend women with benign (non-cancerous) breast disease go on a dairy-free diet.  “Of 1,500 patients with benign breast lumps, I’ve had in the past 15 years, 85 percent became clinically clear of cystic disease of the breast after going on a dairy free diet,” said Dr. Fratkin, clinical associate professor of surgery at the University of British Colombia.

When my patients go on the dairy-free diet, their breast lumps disappear and their breast size decreases, and they lose body fat

Concluded Dr. Spratt: “There’s some evidence that these breast diseases are precursors to breast cancer.  Dr. Fratkin’s idea of limiting the intake of dairy products to decrease the incidence of breast cancer and breast disease merits support.

Too little attention is generally given to the preservation of healthIt is far better to prevent disease than to know how to treat it when contracted…” (MH 128.1)
What are we counseled about cheese?
“...Flesh-meats, butter, CHEESE, rich pastry, spiced foods, and condiments are freely partaken of by both old and youngThese things do their work in deranging the stomach, exciting the nerves, and enfeebling the intellectThe blood-making organs cannot convert such things into good bloodThe effect of cheese is deleterious…”  (CTBH 46-47)
Cheese should never be introduced into the stomach.” {CD 368.4}
“…Cheese is still more objectionableit is wholly unfit for food.” (CD 368.5)
“…the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs, MILK, CREAM, or BUTTER, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of wickedness among menThe time is near when, because of the iniquity of the fallen race, the whole animal creation will groan under the diseases that curse our earth.”  {CD 460.4} 
This was written in 1902. Notice she says “the time will soon com:" ***We are now in 2023, 121 years later.
 “…As disease in animals increases, the use of milk and eggs will become more and more unsafeAn effort should be made to supply their place with other things that are healthful and inexpensiveThe people everywhere should be taught how to cook WITHOUT MILK and eggs, so far as possible, and yet have their food wholesome and palatable.”  {CD 365.2} 
This was written in 1905, 118 years ago.
As we learned today, Dairy Products are related to Cysts in the Breasts and Breast Cancer.
They are also responsible for:
  • Mad Cow’s Disease
  • AIDS
  • Bovine Leukemia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Tumors
  • Cancer
  • Acne
  • Allergies
By the way, the article shared here today is very old and cannot be found online. So, in order to prove this article to be true, a sister in the Church did some research and found Dr. L.B. Fratkin’s contact number online.  His listing was a Canada listing. This is the doctor who did the study with 1,500 women.
Anyways, when the sister called, she got to speak with the wife of Dr. L.B. Fratkin. The wife’s name is Priscilla Fratkin and she said her husband’s name was Leonard Fratkin. They were married in 1944 and he died in 2002. When Mrs. Fratkin was asked if the studies that have been read about were true, she said, “Oh yes, my husband has done many studies. She also said he was a General Surgeon.
As for Dr. Spratt, His information may be found online:
  • He was the Medical Director @the Cancer Hospital from 1961-1976.
  • He Conceived and raised funds and built the non-profit cancer research center, serving as director from 1964-1976
  • He then became the professor of Surgical Oncology at Louisville, School of Medicine.  Meaning any tumors or cysts dealing with cancer, he removed surgically. 
  • He worked there from 1976-2003, retiring at that time.
  • He died in 2005


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from MMT classes.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Cayenne Pepper

CAYENNE PEPPER is spoken of in a negative light by our pioneers and the prophet says not to eat hot and spicy things. Cayenne Pepper should NOT be used on a regular basis in your diet.

It is great for EMERGENCY situations though like chest pains, heart attacks, bleeding internally, and stroke.


I would never use it for digestive disorders. The prophet tells us over and over all the things to do for digestive problems and she never recommends cayenne. She says for digestive problems to fast a day or two and then regulate the diet and be abstemious (see CD 102.1)

I would look at Cayenne as the prophet looked at coffee. She called it a poison but said for emergency situations, like nausea and vomiting on a ship and you don't have anything else, you may use it if it's weak.

Same thing with Cayenne. It should only be used for emergency situations and not every day.  Let's believe the prophet and prosper regardless of what medical science may say.  If it contradicts the SOP, then it's not science we want to go by.


1. A Heart Attack 
2. Stroke 
3. Pulled Muscle 
4. Sprains and Strains and More

If you would like to order your own 90,000 heat units of Cayenne go to

You may order Dr. Christopher's cayenne tincture 1 oz. @

The tincture is great to carry around for those who outside your home may have a heart attack.

The powder is great for keeping in your home and car.


·       1. Bed 

·       2. Car

1. Your nightstand.
2. Your glove box in every vehicle.
3. If you ride with someone else, be sure to carry some with you.

A good practice for those with high blood pressure is to be sure to drink 2 cups of water about 30 minutes before bed with 1 pinch of cayenne in the water. This hydrates the blood, thinning it out so the heart doesn't have to pump so hard and the cayenne opens the veins/vessels.

REMEMBER!!! God wants us to be in health. (3 John 2)


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from MMT classes.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Are Vegetables Necessary In Our Diet?

The following statements seem to be saying that we are to be striving to get back to the very first, the original, diet before sin entered the world, which would exclude vegetables, in order for us to obtain perfection.

“We are coming to the time when recipes for cooking will not be needed, for God’s people will learn that the food God gave Adam in his sinless state is the best for keeping the body in a sinless state.” {21MR 286.3}

“By precept and example make it plain that the food which God gave Adam in his sinless state is the best for man’s use as he seeks to regain that sinless state.”  (CD 460.5)

“In Egypt their taste had become perverted. God designed to restore their appetite to a pure, healthy state, in order that they might enjoy the simple fruits that were given to Adam and Eve in Eden. He was about to establish them in a second Eden, a goodly land, where they might enjoy the fruits and grains that He would provide for them. He purposed to remove the feverish diet upon which they had subsisted in Egypt; for He wished them to be in perfect health and soundness when they entered the goodly land to which He was leading them, so that the surrounding heathen nations might be constrained to glorify the God of Israel, the God who had done so wonderful a work for His people. Unless the people who acknowledged Him as the God of heaven were in perfect soundness of health, His name could not be glorified.” (Manuscript 69, 1912) {1BC 1102.3}


I'm going to give you some rules that were given to us that will help make this very clear.

First of all, we have to keep in context what is being said. If you read the previous paragraphs, you will see that she was talking about getting off of a meat diet.

Now, please read the following rules we are counseled to follow in order to know we are following the voice of the true shepherd and not the false.  (RH, November 25, 1884 par. 22-25)


EVERY WORD must have its proper bearing on the subject presented in the Bible. {1842 WiM, MWV1 20.2} 


All scripture is necessary, and may be understood by a diligent application and study. {1842 WiM, MWV1 20.4} 


To understand doctrine, bring all the scriptures together on the subject you wish to know; then let every word have its proper influence, and if you can form your theory without a contradiction, you cannot be in an error. {1842 WiM, MWV1 20.8} 

Seeing that the Holy Spirit is the Author of the SOP and the Scriptures, then we need to study the SOP the same way as the above.

So, let's bring everything together on this subject.

When she mentions the diet given in his “sinless state”, she is referring to not giving him flesh.  This is what the whole context is about.

Now look at this other quote, and you will see that she is not saying not to eat vegetables in the quotes you gave, but that God saw fit not to give flesh in their sinless state; this is what the focus is.

Just like when Jesus says it's not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles a man.  Now we know that what we eat can defile a person according to Daniel 1:8. The topic in these verses of Jesus was not referring to what they ate but that not washing one's hands after dealing with gentiles was defilement, according to the pharisees. Christ was trying to clarify that it was not defilement. But once again, the focus was not about what they were eating, but who they were dealing with.  

Same with the quote above. 


“...A diet lacking in the proper elements of nutrition brings reproach upon the cause of health reform. WE ARE MORTAL and must supply ourselves with food that will give proper nourishment to the body.  {9T 161.3} 

According to the above quote, we are mortal and must supply ourselves with the proper elements of nutrition.


IT WAS THE “Green Herb of the Field”.  (Genesis 3:17-19)

Now let's see the proof of this. Does Jesus, through the prophet, include vegetables as containing “proper elements of nutrition”?

Meat is not essential for health or strength, else the Lord made a mistake when He provided food for Adam and Eve before their fall. All the ELEMENTS OF NUTRITION ARE CONTAINED IN THE fruits, VEGETABLES, and grains.” {HL 96.1}

Notice how she referred to Adam before the fall and then says vegetables are part of the foods that contain the elements of nutrition?


...Encourage the eating of fruit, vegetables and bread.” (CD 315 - top of page) (1894)


MS 13, 1911

All should be acquainted with the special value of fruits and vegetables fresh from the orchard and garden. [ENCOURAGE THE EATING OF VEGETABLES--490]

So, you see, when we bring all the quotes together, we can see the harmonious balance.

As long as we are mortal, WE NEED VEGETABLES.


PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from MMT classes.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

All We Need To Learn Our Health Message

1. SOP (Spirit of Prophecy) health books (approx. 17 of them)

2Books from our Pioneers such as Dr. Merritt Kellogg, Dr. J.H. Kellogg, and Loughborough
  • 'Hygienic Family Physician' by: Dr. Merritt G. Kellogg

  • 'First Book in Physiology and Hygiene' 

3. 'The Home Hand Book of Domestic Hygiene and Rational Medicine' by: John H. Kellogg

  • Volume 1 (Mostly on Anatomy & Physiology)

  • Volume 2 (Mostly how to Treat Disease)

4. 'Hand Book of Health Or a Brief Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene’ by: J.N. Loughborough:


3. Health Power
You can find it inexpensively here:

4. Encyclopedia of Foods and their Healing Power
You can get them used here:
5. Celeste Lee's book 'Understanding the Body Organs and the Eight Laws of Health'
6. Natural Remedies Encyclopedia (I use only for herbs and water treatments)
7Documents (Phases 1-4)
8. All the SDA Health videos
    Email for these if you don't have them.

9. Anatomy & Physiology videos from past Harvard/Berkeley Professor on YouTube
Here's where you can start watching
There are about 40-42 videos.

10. Nature's Healing Practices / Thrash, Agatha / Paperback / LSI

With ALL the above, we have all we need. We need not go to the world.

PLEASE DONATE TODAY, IF the Holy Spirit impresses you, (donate button below and on the side) so I can continue to help others. Thank you! If you can't see the donate button or want quick access – use this link: PayPal.Me/ReneeB

Got info from another source.